File talk:Foden William.jpg

Strongly suggest deleting this image unless a reason can be given why it is fair-use (especially, fair-use in all domains in which it can be seen, including especially EU?)- may do so myself within a week if reason cannot be given. text on the page from which it was taken, , is copyrighted; image might be considered so also for aught I know. Eric 23:50, 29 April 2012 (EDT)

Extremely unlikely image is copyrighted, Eric – and Google images turned up the photo in other locations besides your source. In all likelihood, only the text on the page is subject to the 2009 copyright claim. Date of the photo is circa 1910. Philip @ © talk 01:52, 1 May 2012 (EDT)

Good then, thanks much. Eric 02:59, 1 May 2012 (EDT)