If you have any trouble purchasing an IMSLP membership or run into any technical issues related to your account, please send an e-mail to membership@imslp.org describing the problem, and our team will be in contact shortly. Please include in your e-mail:
- Your IMSLP username or account name.
- The email address used to set up that account.
- The nature of the problem or request.
If your problem involves a financial transaction, we will also need:
- Which online payment method you used, either Stripe or PayPal.
- The name and email address used for Stripe or PayPal.
Login problems: Most login problems are caused by a mismatch between your email and username. Please try another of your email addresses to see if that works. If it doesn’t, try clearing your browser cache and login again. You can search the web for how to do that for your particular browser.