The list below includes all pages in the category "Scores featuring the pedal piano ". These include both original works and arrangements where the pedal piano is either a solo instrument or plays as part of a small instrumental ensemble.→ See also : Scores featuring keyboard soloists — Scores featuring the organ — Scores featuring the piano .
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Pages in category "Scores featuring the pedal piano"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
❉ – All (25) 🔊 – Recordings (3) 𝐍 – Naxos (14) S – Scores (22) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (8) 🔀 📻
B D E F G I M O O cont. P 6 Pedaletuden, Op.14 (Fährmann, Hans) 10 Pieces for Organ (Capocci, Filippo) 12 Pièces nouvelles pour orgue (Dubois, Théodore) 12 Pièces nouvelles pour orgue, Op.59 (Salomé, Théodore) 15 Pièces pour orgue ou piano-pédalier (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre) 12 Pièces pour orgue (Dubois, Théodore) 12 Pièces pour orgue, Op.18 (Boëly, Alexandre-Pierre-François) 12 Pièces, Op.16 (Boëllmann, Léon) 3 Praeludien und Fugen, Op.21 (Richter, Ernst Friedrich) 13 Prières, Op.64 (Alkan, Charles-Valentin)S V