(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Campion, Thomas.)
Thomas Campion
(12 February 1567 — 1 March 1620)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Thomas Campian, Thomas Campianus
Name in Other Languages: Thomas Campian, トマス・キャンピオン, 托马斯·坎皮恩, Томас Кэмпион, תומאס קמפיון, توماس كامپيون, Thomas Campianus, Τόμας Κάμπιον, توماس كامبيون
Aliases: Campian, トマス・カンピオン, トーマス・カンピオン, トーマス・キャンピオン, Campion, Кэмпион, Томас
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 41886212, LCCN: n50081095, ISNI: 0000000110255478, GND: 118668161, SELIBR: 207755, SUDOC: 029231574, BNF: 12196480h, BIBSYS: 90373390, MusicBrainz: b3b8940c-8490-4554-b248-28e9641ec8db, NLA: 35025266, NDL: 01071237, NKC: ola2002158364, BNE: XX874294, CiNii: DA02152600, IATH: w6br8skp
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Pages in category "Campion, Thomas/Books"
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