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Sviatoslav Knushevitsky
(6 January 1908 — 19 February 1963)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Sviatoslav Nikolayevich Knushevitsky
Name in Other Languages: スヴャトスラフ・クヌシェヴィツキー, Кнушевицкий, Святослав Николаевич, Кнушевицький Святослав Миколайович, Sviatoslav Knouchevitski, Swiatosław Knuszewicki, [4 more...]스뱌토슬라프 크누셰비츠키, Svjatoslav Nikolajevič Knuševickij, Sv'atoslav Nikolajevic Knuševitskij, Svjatoslav Knuševitski
Aliases: Кнушевицкий, Святослав, Святослав Николаевич Кнушевицкий, Святослав Кнушевицкий, Кнушевицкий Святослав Николаевич, Sviatoslav Nikolayevich Knushevitsky, Svjatoslav Knuševickij
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 79168467, LCCN: n85072666, ISNI: 0000000116782981, [9 more...]GND: 119080753, SUDOC: 171807200, BNF: 13927076g, BIBSYS: 8009102, MusicBrainz: 7a82e3bf-defd-43f5-80e7-f8de7118f573, NLA: 35808144, NKC: mzk2003182432, BNE: XX1603027, IATH: w67x8q1g
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A Soviet-Russian cellist, born in Petrovsk, Saratov Oblast, Russia, died in Moscow.
Pages in category "Knushevitsky, Sviatoslav/Dedicatee"
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