(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Paladilhe, Émile.)
Émile Paladilhe
(3 June 1844 — 8 January 1926)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Emile Paladilhe
Name in Other Languages: Эмиль Паладиль, エミール・パラディール, Emile Paladilhe, اميل پالاديله
Aliases: Paladilhe Emile, Паладиль Эмиль, Paladilhe, Emile Paladihle
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 34644165, LCCN: n84093562, ISNI: 0000000083714439, GND: 116018259, SUDOC: 027648079, BNF: 13898195j, BIBSYS: 2105169, MusicBrainz: 99ad7acf-42c5-45d9-817a-8b69c9e4e9ef, NKC: mzk2007394900, Léonore: LH//2038/37, ICCU: CFIV164272, BNE: XX1366441, IATH: w6m90r7r
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Pages in category "Paladilhe, Émile/Collections"
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