(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Stanley, John .)
John Stanley (17 January 1712 — 19 May 1786)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Charles John Stanley
Name in Other Languages: ジョン・スタンリー , ג'ון סטנלי , Стэнли, Чарльз Джон , جان استنلی , A. John Stanley , [3 more... ] جون ستانلى (ملحن) , জন স্ট্যানলি , Τζον Στάνλεϊ
Aliases: チャールズ・ジョン・スタンリー , Stanley , Чарльз Джон Стэнли , Charles John Stanley
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 22328881 , LCCN : n80089680 , ISNI : 0000000081014930 , [10 more... ] GND : 119161923 , SELIBR : 209978 , SUDOC : 080785433 , BNF : 139000155 , MusicBrainz : e9dd9aac-8d3b-4ee3-81b2-2bf8a58976f8 , NKC : xx0019836 , ICCU : MILV154470 , BNE : XX1101974 , CiNii : DA10081687 , IATH : w6v98vx5
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Pages in category "Stanley, John/Collections"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
❉ – All (26) 🔊 – Recordings (1) 𝐍 – Naxos (4) S – Scores (24) P – Parts (4) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (7) 🔀 📻
A B C Calliope, or English Harmony (Roberts, Henry) 3 Cantatas and 3 Songs, Op.9 (Stanley, John) 6 Cantatas, Op.3 (Stanley, John) Choice Ayres and Courtly Dances (Moffat, Alfred) Clio and Euterpe (Roberts, Henry) The Compleat Tutor for Harpsichord or Spinnet (Various) 6 Concertos in 7 Parts, Op.2 (Stanley, John) 6 Concertos, Op.10 (Stanley, John)D M M cont. O P S U V