Category talk:Dohnányi, Ernő

This is really, really weird, what goes on?

It's obvious why everything (well, should be) is blocked here- since Dohnányi's music is non-PD-CA until next year- but why not extend that to other composers who died in 1960 and allow preëmptive uploading of music by eg

  • (Cecil) Armstrong Gibbs (1889-1960) (2 works at Sibley)
  • Leo Weiner (1885-1960) (3 works at Sibley)
  • Matyas Seiber (1905-1960. at Sibley a contribution to a memorial to Mahler)
  • Günter Raphael (1903-1960), nothing at Sibley or LoC
  • Hugo Alfvén (1872-1960) (violin sonata at Sibley)
  • Rutland Boughton (1878-1960) (couple of books at Google- need "cleaning", will work on if I can, I may know how now, not sure - couple of things at Sibley also)
  • Alfred Hill (1869-1960) (2 string quartets at Sibley, in one volume- split up, have uploaded one)
  • Walter Goehr (1903-1960)
  • Dimitri Mitropoulos (1896-1960)
  • Joseph Haas (1879-1960) (several works at Sibley

-under block for now (edit: January 2011 now, so nope - maybe I should be looking for composers q.m.1961...), but with the opportunity to fill in the details now, and things changing as soon as Canadian law allows just as with ED? that's the inconsistency I don't follow :) Eric 06:46, 30 September 2010 (UTC)

There is no reason why those composers could not also be on the site (blocked until next year) - it's just that no one has uploaded anything by them yet. There's really no inconsistency, as it's now written into policy that for reasons of convenience, we allow works to 'chill' on the site, inaccessible, if they fall into the PD in Canada next year. Cheers, KGill talk email 22:29, 30 September 2010 (UTC)

Really :) I should get cracking then, the better to set up the work pages soon for some of them. :):) Thank you very much indeed!Eric 22:32, 30 September 2010 (UTC)

Other available scores

To start- the second quartet, op.15 in D major is at HathiTrust (Google/U Michigan) (downloadable page by page). Will have to figure out how to Google-clean before I can upload that... Eric 15:25, 5 January 2011 (UTC)