List of works by Nicolas Joseph Hüllmandel

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Category:Hüllmandel, Nicolas Joseph.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.



Original Works

Opus Title Instrumentation Date Notes
01 6 Sonatas hpd/pf, vn ad lib 1773 ca. 1. F major, 2. E major, 3. B major, 4. C major, 5. F major, 6. G major
02 6 Divertimentos hpd/pf 1776 1er Recueil de petits airs. 1. D major, 2. F major, 3. E major, 4. B major, 5. D minor, 6. G major
03 3 Sonatas hpd/pf, vn ad lib 1777 1. B major, 2. A minor, 3. F major
04 3 Keyboard Sonatas hpd/pf 1778 1. G major, 2. F major, 3. G minor
05 Petits airs d'une difficulté graduelle hpd/pf 1780
06 3 Sonatas pf/hpd, vn ad lib (nos.1–2); pf/hpd, vn oblig. (no.3) 1782 1. E major, 2. G major, 3. B major
07 6 Divertissements pf/hpd 1783 2e Suite de petits airs. 1. G minor, 2. B major, 3. D minor, 4. C minor, 5. A major, 6. F major
08 3 Sonatas pf/hpd (nos.1–2); pf/hpd, vn oblig. (no.3) 1783 1. D major, 2. G major, 3. C minor
Sonata in C major hpd/pf, vn oblig. 1785 In Journal de pièces de clavecin par différens auteurs. Separately published as Op.10 in London (1787). Not in IMSLP
09 3 Sonatas pf, vn ad lib (nos.1–2); pf, vn oblig. (no.3) 1787 1. D major, 2. G major, 3. D minor
10 3 Sonatas pf/hpd, vn ad lib 1788 Published as Op.11 in London (1790?). 1. C major, 2. D major, 3. G minor
11 Sonata in G major pf, vn ad lib 1788
12 Principles of Music pf/hpd 1796 ca. Chiefly Calculated for the Piano Forte or Harpsichord with Progressive Lessons. Not in IMSLP
Sextuor in C minor 2 vn, 2 va, 2 vc Arr. Hüllmandel from Op.8 No.3, Op.10 No.3. Not in IMSLP
