Orchestrations and Arrangements of Mussorgsky's 'Pictures at an Exhibition'

This is an ongoing project to make the well-known chart of Pictures at an Exhibition orchestrations prepared by Clinton F. Nieweg available in a sortable wikitable format.

Orchestra, String Orchestra and Wind Band

  • The spelling of the names of the composers or arrangers, the forms of the titles, and the terms arranged, transcribed, and orchestrated are often given differently by the arranger or publisher than at IMSLP. The average duration of a complete performance of the work is around 35 minutes.

Orchestra and String Orchestra arrangements

Arranger Mvts Year Premiere Ensemble Instrumentation Publisher Notes
Allen, Michael (1962-2010) 16 2007 2007-10-13
Boulder Philharmonic,
Michael Butterman, conductor
Orchestra 2d1afl+pic, 2+eh, 2+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 3d1flüg, 3, 1
timpani, 3 percussion [more...]snare drum, cymbals, bass drum, tenor drum, tam-tam, 2 triangles, xylophone, chimes, glockenspiel
harp, strings
Boulder Brass Publications
Arad, Atar
16 ? 2010-3-22
Indiana University string orchestra
Str. Orch. strings Self-published
Arp, Klaus Michael (b.1950) 16 ? ? Sm. Orch. 1, 1, 1, 1
1, 0, 0, 0
strings (1-1-1-1-1)
Peermusic Classical
Ashkenazy, Vladimir (b.1937) 16 1982 1982 Orchestra 3d1pic, 3d1ob. d'am, 2+E+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, 5 percussion [more...]1. Xylophone, 2 triangles; 2. glockenspiel, bass drum; 3. snare drum, chimes; 4. 2 tam-tams, triangle, whip; 5. cymbals
2 harps, celesta, strings
Boosey & Hawkes
Published 1985
Assad, Clarice (b.1979) 14 2009 2009-09-10
New Century Chamber Orchestra
Sm. Orch. percussion [more...]crotales, hi hat, suspend cymbal, sizzle cymbal, crash cymbals, high, medium and low tom-toms, snare drum, chimes, tam-tam, vibraslap, glockenspiel, glass chimes, metal chimes, tar (Arabic frame drum), sleigh bells, flexatone, triangle, medium and large bass drum, woodblocks, brake drum, ceramic tile, medium metal pipe
piano, strings
Virtual Artists Collective
Bantock, Granville (1868-1946) 3? 1925-45 ? Orchestra ? Paxton Music, Ltd.
Becce, Giuseppe (1877-1973) 8 1922 ? Sm. Orch. 2, 1dEH, 2, 2
2, 2, 2, 0
timpani, percussion
piano, strings
Originally published 1922. Plate 11045.
Brandenburg, Helmut
? ? ? Orchestra ? Sonoton For preservation non commercially
Breiner, Peter
16 ? ? Orchestra 4+afl d pic, 4+eh, 4+bcl, 4+cbn
4, 4, 3, 1
timpani, 3 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, anvil, temple blocks, cabasa, tambourine, chimes, glockenspiel, xylophone, marimba, vibraphone
harp, piano, celesta, strings
Naxos Rights International
Buchner-Fritsch, G.B.
16 ? ? Orchestra 2 C, 2 (or 3) B, 2 E - and 2 C-bass-wind parts.
Guitar, harp, timpani, percussion [more...] cymbals, temple blocks, tambourine, glockenspiel
Wiegand Andrea Musikverlag Flexible scoreing
Cailliet, Lucien
? ? ? Orchestra 3d1pic, 2+eh, 3+bcl(+cbcl), 2+cbn
4, 4, 3, 1
timpani, 8 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, woodblock, chimes, glockenspiel, xylophone
2 harps, strings
The Philadelphia Orchestra Library
Score and parts do not match and many sections are not in playable condition
Casella, Alfredo
? ? ? Orchestra ? No orchestra version found on the publisher’s websites unverifiable arrangement
Chao, Ching-Wen (Zhao, Jingwen)
? ? ? Orchestra ? chingwen
Cohen, Jacques
? 2009 ?
Isis Ensemble
Jacques Cohen, conductor
Str. Orch. strings Norsk Musikforlag
Del Borgo, Elliot A.
4 ? ? Str. Orch. strings Kendor Promenade
Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
The Hut of the Baba Yaga
The Great Gate of Kiev
Dolan, James
? 1983 ? Orchestra ? New Music West
Ellison, Byrwec
16 1995 2004-9-1
BBC London
Leonard Slatkin, conductor
Orchestra 3d2pic, 2+eh, 3, 3
4, 3(+crt), 3+euph, 1
timpani, 5 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, side drums, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, tambourine, woodblock, temple blocks, whip, guiro, rattle, wind machine, Native American tom tom, chimes, glockenspiel, xylophone, crotales
2 harps, piano, (celesta), ondes Martenot, strings
‘in the style of’ other composers
Funtek, Leo
16 1922 1922-12-14
Helsinki, Finland
Orchestra 3d1pic+pic, 3d1eh, 3b1bcl+E, 2+cbn
6, 4, 4, 1
timpani, 5 percussion [more...] 1. glockenspiel, xylophone; 2. snare drum, triangle; 3. tambourine, timpani; 4. cymbals; 5. bass drum, tam-tam
2 harps, piano, celesta, strings
Boosey & Hawkes
First complete orchestration of the work
Galanis, George
? ? ? Orchestra piano, orchestra, organ, choir Self-published
contact George
Gmur, Hanspeter (b.1936) 16 ? ? Orchestra 2+pic, 2+eh, 2+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, 6 percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, ratchet, glockenspiel, xylophone, chimes
harp, piano, strings
C. F. Peters Corp.
Written for youth orchestra
Goehr, Walter, G.
13 ? ? Orchestra 2d1pic, 2d1eh, 2d1bcl/alto sax, 2
4, 2, 3, 0
timpani, 3 percussion [more...]1. glockenspiel, snare drum, tom-tom, woodblock, temple blocks; 2. xylophone, vibraphone, chimes, gong; 3. bass drum, triangle, cymbals
harp, piano, organ, strings
Boosey & Hawkes
Cross-cued for smaller combinations
Golovanov, Nikolai
? ? ? Orchestra ? ? Re-orchestration of Ravel
Gorchakov, Sergeĭ Petrovich
15 1954 ? Orchestra 3d1pic, 3d1eh, 3dsop sax+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 3, 3, 2
timpani, 5 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, woodblock, chimes, glockenspiel, xylophone
harp, celesta, strings
Sikorski 1955
rental North America
Gottfried, Yaron
12 ? 2012-10-31
Netanya-Kibbutz Orchestra,
Yaron Gottfried, conductor
Jazz trio and
bass, drums, piano,
2, 2, 2, 2
2, 2, 0, 0
timpani, 3 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, tambourine, gong, chimes, vibraphone
Sikorski 2011
rental U.S. agent Schirmer
Gottfried, Yaron
12 ? 2011-11-9
Beijing Uno Ensemble,
Yaron Gottfried, conductor
Jazz trio and
Sm. Orch
bass, drums, piano,
2, 1,1, 1
0, 0, 0, 0
vibraphone, organ,
strings (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
Sikorski 2011
rental U.S. agent Schirmer
Gout, Alan Malcolm
? 1990 ? Sm. Orch. 2d1pic, 2d1eh, 2(d1ten sax), 2
2, 2, 0, 0
2 percussion [more...] timpani, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, tambourine, glockenspiel, xylophone
Gruselle, Carrie Lane 7 ? ? Str. Orch. strings FJH Music Company Inc. Promenade, The Gnome, The Old
Castle, The Tuileries Gardens
The Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
The Hut of Baba-Yaga
The Great Gate of Kiev
Kabiljo, Alfons
? ? ? Str. Orch. strings Ludwig Doblinger
Karim, Elmahmoudi
? ? ? Orchestra 3d1pic, 3d1eh, 3dbcl, 3d1cbn
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, 3 percussion, harp, (organ), strings
? Re-orchestration of Tushmalov
Kashif, Tolga
(b.1962) &
Kershaw, Julian
3 ? ? Piano &
Solo Piano, Orchestra Ixion Publishing Ltd.
rental AU/NZ
Konoye, Hidemaro
? ? ? Orcherstra ? ?
Leonard, Lawrence
? 1974-75 ? Piano &
Solo Piano, 3d1pic, 2d1eh, 2d1bcl, 2d1cbn
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, 3 percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, claves, whip, wind machine, xylophone, chimes
Boosey & Hawkes
Leonardi, Leonidas
? 1924ca 1924-6-15
Paris, Lamoureux Orchestra
Leonidas Leonardi, conductor
Orchestra 3d1pic, 3d1eh, 2+bcl, 2+cbn, sop sax, alto sax, ten sax
8, 6, 3, 2
timpani, 6 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, chimes, glockenspiel
2 harps, piano, celesta, strings
W. Bessel & Co., Paris
rental US/CA
Lerman, Igor 16 ? ? Sm. Orch ? Self published
McAlister, Clark
2 ? ? Str. Orch. strings LudwigMasters Publications Promenade
The Old Castle
Mekong Delta 16 1997 ? Rock Band &
Guitars, Bass & Concert Guitar, Drums &
? orchestration by Ralph Hubert & Uwe Baltrusch of Mekong Delta
Mishra, Jennifer
4 ? ? Str. Orch. strings Alfred Music Publishing Promenade, Bydło
Ballet of the Unhatched Chick
The Great Gate of Kiev
Naoumoff, Emile
16 1974ca 1974-4-7
Washington, DC National Symphony Orchestra
Mstislav Rostropovich, conductor
Piano &
Solo Piano, 3d1alto1dpic, 2+eh, 2d1E+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 3, 3, 0
timpani, 3 percussion [more...]field drum, 2 tam-tams, low bell, glockenspiel, chimes
B. Schotts Söhne 1991
Nishimura, Akira
? ? ? Str. Orch. strings Zen-On
No. 900021
Pander, Oskar von
12 ? ? Orchestra ? ? unverifiable arrangement
Patterson, Robert G.
16 2006 rev. 2010-1-29
Eroica Ensemble
Michael Gilbert, conductor
Str. Quintet strings (1-1-1-1-1)
also string orchestra, especially under 20 players
Great River Music
downloadable music under arrangements
Vilnius String Quartet (5 players)
Sinfonia Toronto (14 players, excerpt)
Pedini, Carlo
? ? ? Str. Orch. strings Casa Musicale Sonzogno
Peterschmitt, Bruno 16 ? ? Chamber Ensemble 1dpic, 1deh, 1, 1
1, 0, 0, 0
percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, floor tom-tom, 2 woodblocks chimes, glockenspiel, vibraphone, xylophone
harp, strings (1-1-1-1-1)
BP Music, self-published
Ravel, Maurice
15 1922 1922-10-19
Pairs, Opéra Paris
Orchestra 3d2pic, 3d1eh, 2d1alto sax+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, 5 percussion [more...]1. xylophone, glockenspiel, triangle; 2. snare drum, whip, chimes; 3. ratchet, triangle, tam-tam; 4. cymbals; 5. bass drum
celesta, 2 harps, strings
Boosey & Hawkes
The ‘most recorded and performed’ orchestra edition
Sevitzky, Fabien
? ? ? Orchestra 3d1pic, 2+eh, 2+E+bcl, 2+cbn
4, 4, 3, 1
timpani, 3 percussion, celesta, piano, strings
unpublished unverifiable arrangement
Simpson, Carl
16 1995 ? Orchestra 2+pic, 2, 2(+bcl), 2
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, percussion, strings
Serenissima Music
To listen click on the icons at Kalmus
Sheynkman, Emanuil
? ? ? Sm. Orch. 0, 0, 0, 0
2, 1, 1, 1
percussion, strings
Doctor Brass Music
Smetáček, Václav
? ? ? Orchestra 2d2pic, 2d1eh, 2d1bcl, 2
4, 3, 3, 1
timpani, percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, tam-tam, xylophone, glockenspiel, chimes
Český rozhlas
Stangel, Peter
11 ? ? Chamber
? Self Published
13 players
Stokowski, Leopold
12 1938 1931-11-17
Philadelphia Orchestra
Leopold Stokowski, conductor
Orchestra 4d1altod2pic, 3+eh, 3d1E+bcl(dalto sax), 3+cbn
8, 4, 4, 1(deuph)
timpani, 4 percussion [more...]1. xylophone, vibraphone; 2. snare drum, cymbals, chimes; 3. tam-tam; 4. bass drum, triangle, tambourine
celesta, (organ), 2 harps, strings
Henmar Press, N.Y.
Stone, David E.
(b.1922) &
Bloodworth, Denis &
Carter, Anthony
9 ? ? Orchestra 3, 2, 3, 2
2, 3, 2, 1
timpani, 4 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, chimes, glockenspiel
(piano), strings
Goodmusic Publishing
re-issue Oxford University Press, London
arrangement for student orchestra, each movement different orchestration, some movements transposed.
Taneyev, Sergei Ivanovich
? ? ? Orchestra ? ? unverifiable arrangement
Tang, Jordan Cho Tung
12 ? ? Orchestra ? ?
Tsurusaki, Naoki
? ? ? Str. Orch. strings Zen-on Music
Tushmalov, Mikhail
9 1886ca 1891-12-12
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov, Conductor
Orchestra 2+pic, 2+eh, 2+bcl, 2
4, 2, 3, 1
timpani, 5 percussion [more...] 1. glockenspiel, chimes; 2. triangle; 3. cymbals; 4. bass drum; 5. tam-tam
harp, piano, strings
W. Bessel & Co.
Reprinted by Kalmus
Though the Bessel score mentions Rimsky-Korsakov on the cover, it seems unlikely that Rimsky had much of a hand in Tushmalov's suite orchestration wise.
Vereshagin, Alexander ? ? 2001-5-6 Piano &
Sm. Orch.
Solo Piano, percussion, stings Russian Chamber Orchestra Society rental
Walter, Daniel 2 ? ? Orchestra 2, 1, 2, 1, alto sax
2, 2, 3, 1
timpani, percussion, strings
Berkeley Pub. Co.
Wilbrandt, Thomas
22 1992 ? ? acoustic instruments and electronic delays Self-published
Wingate, Jason Wright
16 2003 ? Orchestra
& Chorus
mixed chorus (SSATB)
3d3pic1dalto, 2+eh, 2+1E+bcl, 1+cbn
4, 2d2flug, 3+cbtrb, euph, 1
timpani, 5 percussion [more...] snare drum, tenor drum, bass drum, triangle, cymbals, tam-tam, whip, tambourine, chimes, glockenspiel
2 harps, celesta, piano, organ, strings
δαíμων Éditions Daimôn, New York
Wood, Sir Henry J. Sr.
12 1915 ? Orchestra 3d1pic, 3d1eh, 3d1bcl, 3d1cbn
4, 3, 3, euph, 1
2 timpanis, 5 percussion [more...] snare drum, bass drum, 2 tenor drums, piccolo snare, cymbals, triangle, tambourine, tam-tam, large clapper, small rattle, small 'Indian' drum, 2 camel bells, xylophone, glockenspiel, 2 large mushroom bells offstage
(organ), 2 harps, strings (offstage solo for trumpet and euphonium)
privately published
Wood originally used the pseudonym 'Klenovsky' instead of his own name.
Wood withdrew his version upon acquainting himself with Ravel's.
Yu, Djong Victorin
2 1993 ? Orchestra ? Self-published Corrections and additional orchestration to Ravel's version, including Promenade V and Yu's arrangement of Catacombae.
Yu, Julian Jung-Jun
16 2001 ? Sm. Orch. 1d1pic/alto, 1d1eh, 1d1bcl, 1d1cbn
1, 1, 1, 0
timpani, 3 percussion [more...]bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, 4 woodblocks, xylophone, glockenspiel, marimba, vibraphone, chimes,
harp, piano/celesta, strings 1-1-1-1-1 (or string orch.)
Zen-On Music Company Limited
Contains a number of liberties and changes from Mussorgsky’s original.
2007 new version of The Great Gate of Kiev.

Wind Band arrangements

Arranger Mvts Ensemble Instrumentation Publisher Notes
Agopov, Vladimir
? Band 3d1pic, 2d1eh, 131100, 2, 0211
6, 4, 3, 2, 2
timpani, 2 percussion [more...]bass drum, tambourine, hammer, tam-tam, 4 tom toms, xylophone, glockenspiel, vibraphone, chimes
Ruslania Edition
Amiot, Jean-Claude
3 Band ? Robert Martin Promenade and The Old Castle,
Great Gate of Kiev
Appler, Diana, L. 15 Band 2+pic, 2, 131111, 2+cbn, 0211
3, 4, 4, 1, 4
2 percussion [more...]snare drum, cymbals, triangle, glockenspiel, marimba double bass
Agent J.W. Pepper
Published in 4 sets,
1-7, 8-10, 12-14, 15-16
Arend, Arie den
? Band 1+Dpic, 1, 130100, 1, 011d1bar1
3 2flg, 4, 3, 1, 2
timpani, percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, cymbals double bass
Tierolff Muziekcentrale
Barnett, Steven, R. ? Marching Band ? Jalen Publishing
Bernard, Jean
? Band 3d1pic, 1, 030133, 1, 0211
3, 3, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 4 percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, tam-tam, ratchet, glockenspiel, chimes double bass
Score and Parts available from Free-scores.com
Based on Ravel's orchestration
Blatti, Enrico
15 Band 3d1pic, 3d1eh, 130100, 2, 1211
3, 4, 3, 2, 1
timpani, 4 percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, tambourine, cymbals, triangle, tam-tam, militare drum, ratchet, xylophone, glockenspiel, chimes
Edizioni Musicali Wicky Published in 3 parts
1-4; 5-7,11,9-10; 12-16
Bocook, Jay A. 3 Marching Band 1, 0, 010000, 0, 0111
3 1flug, 1, 2, 1, 1
percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, triple toms, cymbals, xylophone, glockenspiel electric bass
Jenson Publications Inc. Promenade, The Hut of Baba Yaga, Great Gate of Kiev
Boutry, Roger
? Band ? unpublished recordings but no other information
Boyd, John
16 Band 3d1pic+alto, 3d1eh, 131110 2+cbn, 1211
4d1flug, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 8 percussion [more...]snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, tam-tam, xylophone, marimba, glockenspiel, vibraphone, chimes harp, celesta, mandolin, double bass
parts also sold in 7 sections
mandolin section 2 only; celesta section 4 only
Curnow, James
6 Band 1+pic, 1, 031100, 1, 0211
3, 2, 2, 1,
timpani, 5 percussion [more...]1. snare drum, triangle; 2. bass drum, tam-tam; 3. crash cymbals; 4. suspended cymbals; 5. xylophone, glockenspiel, chimes double bass
Jenson Publications Inc. Young Band Series
Promenade, The Old Castle, The Ox Cart, Ballet of the Unhatched Chickens, The Hut of Baba Yaga, The Great Gate of Kiev
De Stefano, Chip
3 Marching Band 1, 0, 010000, 0, 0110
3, 1, 2, 1, 1
destafanomusic.com drumline and pit-percussion parts not included
Ellington, Kennedy (Duke)
? Jazz Band ? unpublished unverifiable arrangement
Emerson, Keith
Lake, Greg
Palmer, Carl
11 Rock Band ? bmg.com
Score and Parts may not be available
7 movements are by Mussorgsky, 3 are ELP, lyrics by ELP
1. Promenade, 2. The Gnome, 3. Promenade, 4. The Sage,
5. The Old Castle, 6. Blues Variation, 7. Promenade,
8. The Hut Of Baba Yaga, 9. The Curse Of Baba Yaga,
10. The Hut Of Baba Yaga, 11. The Great Gates Of Kiev
van Grevenbroek, Ton
16 Band 2+pic, 3, 130100, 2+cbn, 0221
4, 4, 4, 2, 1
timpani, 5 percussion, harp, double bass
[Molenaar Editions Molenaar Editions] Promenade 1, Baba-Yagá and The Great Gate of Kiev sold separately.
Güdel-Tanner, Evi
10 Band 3d1pic, 2, 030100, 2, 0211
4, 4, 3, 1, 2
timpani, 4 percussion, double bass
Tandel Verlag
Günzel, Christoph
16 Band 2+pic, 2, 030100, 2, 0211
5, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 6 percussion, harp, celesta, double bass
CJG Music Publishing Oxcart, The Old Castle and The Great Gate of Kiev sold separately.
Hindsley, Mark
16 Band 3d1pic, 2d1eh, 030110, 2+cbn, 0211
5, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 6 percussion [more...]1. snare drum, cymbals, tam-tam, whip; 2. cymbals, triangle; 3. xylophone, chimes; 4. bass drum, ratchet, glockenspiel; 5. cymbals; 6. cymbals, glockenspiel harp, celesta, double bass
The Hindsley Transcriptions, Ltd.
Hiroshi, Hoshina
13 Band ? Hoshina Music Office Premiered 2001-4-15, Hoshina Hiroshi Director's Band
Akashi Shimin Kaikan, conductor
Howgill, John Stephen
? Band ? unpublished per the Heritage Encyclopedia of Band Music
Hume, Rob J.
5 Band 2+pic, 1, 131100, 1, 0211
3, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 3 percussion, double bass
Obrasso Verlag Promenade and Gnomus, The Old Castle, Ballet Of The Unhatched Chicks, The Great Gate Of Kiev
score scan
Kreines, Joseph
16 Band ? Aeolus Music Publications
Keulen, Geert Van
? Band 3d2picd1alto, 4d1eh d1heckelphone, 13d1basset horn 0101, 2+cbn, 0000
3+Ebass, 4, 3, 0, 1
Donemus Premiered 1992-5-10, Wind Ensemble of the Netherlands
Eri Klas, conductor
Lavender, Paul ? Band 3d1pic, 3d1eh, 131100, 3d1cbn, 02211
3, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 4 percussion, harp piano/celesta, double bass
Boosey & Hawkes Band arrangement of the Ravel orchestration
Leidzén, Erik W. G.
? Band 3+pic, 2, 131100, 2, 0211+bass
4, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, percussion, harp, double bass
Carl Fischer LLC This item has been discontinued and is permanently out of print.
Patterson, Merlin
16 Band 4d1pic, 2+eh, 040101, 2+cbn, 0211
5d1flug, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 6 percussion, harp, celesta, organ, double bass
Merlin Patterson Music Premiered 2011-5-4, University of Texas Wind Ensemble
Jerry Junkin, conductor
Prime, Jim
(b. 1948)
? Band ? Band Music Press

Percussion arranged by Thom P. Hannum

Schyns, José
? Band 3+pic, 3+eh, 150100, 2+cbn, 0211
3, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 4 percussion[more...] snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, tam-tam, triangle, tam-tam, ratchet, whip, xylophone, glockenspiel, chimes harp, celesta, cello, double bass
Baton Music Band arrangement of the Ravel orchestration
Schwarzmann, Albert
16 Band 3+pic, 3, 131101, 2+cbn, 0211
3, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 6 percussion, double bass
Simpson, Carl
16 Band 2+pic, 2+eh, 131110, 2+cbn, 1111
3, 4, 3, 1, 2
timpani, 4 percussion, double bass
LudwigMasters Music Publications Written in 2003 this is the first one for winds based upon the composer's manuscript instead of the flawed 1886 edition of the piano original.
Edited by the eminent American composer of wind music, Alfred Reed.
Stauffer, Donald W.
5 Band ? Stauffer Press
Story, Mike 1 Band ? Belwin/Alfred The Great Gate of Kiev
Beginning Band
Studnitzky, Norbert
8 Band ? Musikverlag Wilhelm Halter GmbH Score preview
Suppan, Armin
? Band ? Molenaar Editions No longer available
Sweeney, Michael
3 Band or
1, 1, 031100, 2, 0211
2, 2, 2, 2, 1
timpani, 3 percussion, 3 violins, viola, cello, string bass, electric bass
Hal Leonard 5 flex wind/string parts which can be covered by several different instruments.
Promenade, The Hut of Baba Yaga and The Great Gate of Kiev
Sweeney, Michael
3 Band 1, 1, 031100, 1, 0211
2, 1, 1, 1, 1
timpani, 3 percussion
Hal Leonard Promenade, The Hut of Baba Yaga and The Great Gate of Kiev
Takahashi, Tohru
16 Band 2+pic, 2d1eh, (1)3(1)1(1)(1), 2+(cbn), 1dA111
3, 4, 3, 1, 1
timpani, 4 percussion[more...] snare drum, bass drum, field drum, tom-tom, cymbals, tam-tam, tambourine, temple blocks, ratchet, whip, xylophone, glockenspiel, vibraphone, crotales, chimes(harp), (piano/celesta), (double bass)
De Haske Music Publishers Ltd.
Tatzer, Willibald
? Band ? MVT Musikverlag Tatzer