Talk:Orphée (Clérambault, Louis-Nicolas)

Many thanks for this excellent and quite accurate edition, rem! I'm using it for a performance of ORPHÉE this week, in St. Paul, MN (USA).

I did find a couple of minor typos, but more important is something you may wish to fix: on your p11, the vocal line in m 46-47 is a third high. I only noticed it because I'd previously been reading from a combination of Tunley's (highly-edited) '70's edition and the facsimile, and when I discovered yours (via the great Youtube contribution which runs this score along as a recording plays), I immediately switched-- and kept wondering how I'd managed to learn that phrase incorrectly!

I've finally compared THIS score with the facsimile, and discovered the problem.

from REM - thanks: fixed that transposition. please let me know of other typos!