Talk:Symphony No.2, Op.19 (Nielsen, Ludolf)

This symphony is a real gem! Late-romantic in style, beautiful melodies, especially the last movement with its catchy tune. Indeed it's one of my favourite symphonies. Hopefully we see more of this neglected great composer. Hobbypianist 17:56, 17 January 2011 (UTC)

I think I've heard a couple of works of his on internet radio - Hjortholm from the dacapo recording and possibly symphony 3 also - but not yet - I believe - symphony 2. Still, Radio Stephansdom broadcasts it from time to time and still has a webstream (unfortunately, while they have a week-and-two-days of single-digit symphonies every month, this month their first symphony night has Bischoff's (and three nights later, Draeseke, Herbeck, Langgaard, Schmidt and Sinding 4ths) but their 2nd symphony night has Goldmark's but not Ludolf Nielsen's. Maybe next month's... Concertzender doesn't seem to have broadcast the symphony since 1998, though they've broadcast some of his chamber works in that time. Hrm. Will get to hear it though.) Eric 18:34, 17 January 2011 (UTC)