Template talk:CBNPolona

Does this link still work? It doesn't if you fail to enter a #### field, so the "main page" is either gone, or no allowance has been made in the template for a default, or the default page on the site has moved, or... or... Eric 17:39, 13 August 2014 (EDT)

as already mentioned the default link www.polona.pl/dlibra/ leads to an error message. Is there a possibility to chanche the template code in a way that the default search page is displayed in case of missing id ? I'm not a template expert so I can't change it... Hobbypianist 08:44, 8 January 2017 (CET)

I've changed the template so that when no variables are input it will open the main page for Polona. However, I can't see a way to link to pages using Polona's new url structure while also maintaining backward compatibility with pages on IMSLP that link to a score's page on Polona using the old url structure. If we want to link to pages using the new url structure we should deprecate this template and create a new one like we had to do with the LOC/LOCitem template.--Cypressdome 04:21, 22 February 2018 (CET)