
Dionysios Kyropoulos is a stage director, acting coach, and researcher. He is a Professor of Historical Stagecraft at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, teaching period acting, rhetorical delivery and Baroque gesture at the Vocal Studies and Historical Performance Departments. He started his training as an actor in Greece before studying music and opera singing in London. In 2011 he started his research on historical acting, which he further developed during his graduate studies at the University of Cambridge, his visiting research fellowship at Harvard University, and currently his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. Dionysios has directed Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, Purcell’s The Indian Queen, Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas and Cavalli’s Gli amori d’Apollo e di Dafne at the Teatro Principal de Burgos in Spain. He directed Blow’s Venus and Adonis, Pergolesi’s Livetta e Tracollo, Partenope and Rodelinda by Handel, and two dramatic operas by Purcell, The Prophetess at the Keble O’Reilly Theatre, and The Fairy Queen at the Oxford Playhouse. Other directing work includes the première of David Earl’s opera Strange Ghost at the Cambridge Festival Theatre, Timothy Kraemer’s children’s opera Ulysses and the Wooden Horse, and Casanova’s Conquest, a pasticcio devised by Julian Perkins and Stephen Pettit for Kings Place London. He has also directed two plays in Oxford, Coward’s Hay Fever, and Molière’s The Doctor in Spite of Himself at the Burton Taylor Studio. Dionysios has worked as a historical acting coach for Benslow Music, Dowland Works, Schola Cantorum of Oxford, the International Rameau Summer School, the University of Burgos and the University of Newcastle. For more information visit: