User talk:Alphanikonrex

Copyright Violation: Fritz Kreisler (d.1962)
Red copyright.png

Please DO NOT add works by Fritz Kreisler (d.1962).
Reason: Not PD in Canada. Please don't try to upload anything as it will be deleted at once. Thanks, Carolus 04:33, 22 April 2011 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)

Please visit this page to familiarise yourself with the restrictions on uploads to this website.

{{Template:CopyVio | composer name | reason}}

Please do not blank pages where we have left a copyright warning. They are useful reminders for both users and admins. By the way, the arrangement by Richard Klugescheid (who lived all the way until 1968) will unfortunately have to go as is not OK for Canada either! (That one surprised even me - ugh.) I will leave your composer page for Kreisler up so that some of the admins who have access to the USA-only server can add some titles which are over at the Sibley collection there. Thanks, Carolus 04:49, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

I have a question: one copyright/contribution page says "It is essential that all music scores that are submitted to IMSLP be in the public domain at least either in Canada or the US", whereas another states that "For a work to be allowed on IMSLP, it must be in the public domain in Canada." These are contradictory, as the first one states that the work CAN be in public domain in the US but not Canada. The works I wished to upload were all published before 1923, making them public domain in the US. Even when I started uploading the Kreisler piece it said that it would be hosted on US-servers for US visitors to the site only. So I would appreciate a clarification. Thanks--Alphanikonrex 05:08, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

Answered over at my talk page. Thanks for bringing up the error on the copyright/contribution page. I can see where this would be confusing. Carolus 05:16, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

works allowed in the US only

there is a US-only server on which works and files that don't satisfy the Canadian copyright conditions, but do satisfy US copyright laws, can be uploaded. only a few people have rights to upload to it (I am one of those people as are several others. (and most works by Kreisler will be uncopyrighted in Canada in 2013, if my sleep-befuddled mind if not fooling me, in any case. however, if you do want to talk about uploading something now to the US-only server- or rather, later today- can talk about that... depends on some contextual matters of course...) Eric 05:17, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

Alphanikonrex already created a nice composer page for Kreisler, so you can add things from the Sibley archive (they have quite a few items as I recall) any time you wish. Carolus 05:20, 22 April 2011 (UTC)
I had a piece as well that I was going to upload, a Rondino based on a Beethoven theme if Sibley doesn't have that. --Alphanikonrex 05:22, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

By the way, what is the story with the Frey piece? I'm assuming that as with the Kreisler it is public domain in the US, but not until 2018 in Canada, correct? Eric, is it possible you can upload that as well? --Alphanikonrex 05:26, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

If the Frey is what I think, it's hosted on the NLA (National Library of Australia) server, was published in 1904, we have no better death date for him than "composed no later than 1910 or so", and if NLA can host it we probably can too most of the time, as a heuristic rule, I gather- I may be wrong about that. So I will grab it from there... Eric 05:50, 22 April 2011 (UTC)... oh, wait. erm- no, it doesn't help that the NLA doesn't have it scanned in. hrm. ... backtracking ... :)
The issue with the Frey was Klugescheid's arrangement. Frey all by himself is probably fine. As I mentioned on my talk page, I was somewhat taken aback to discover that Klugescheid lived until 1968, which means that arrangement is tied up in Canada until 1/1/2019. Carolus 05:56, 22 April 2011 (UTC)
Going to have to find the Frey/Klugescheid to upload later today... the song Among the Lilies- a Swedish folksong also known as "and the knight, he spake to young Hillevi?" (among the lilies, iirc, the regular verse refrain of the poem...) The lovely folktune that Wilhelm Stenhammar wrote a set of variations on, to conclude his String Quartet No.4, Op.25? (My favorite piece...) I may have the folktune... somewhere anyway (in F minor rather than the A of the quartet) though that is not quite what you are looking for. Eric 06:37, 22 April 2011 (UTC)
I can restore the deletion if you like and tag for USA only. Carolus 06:54, 22 April 2011 (UTC)

thought it had to be uploaded on the pd-us server - well, maybe I'm guessing optimally?... Eric 06:57, 22 April 2011 (UTC)