User talk:Aza

Aza, Please do not create pages for works we already have. There is already a page for Devienne's Op.71. Please add files to that page instead of creating a page we'll have to delete. Thanks, Carolus 20:13, 1 May 2010 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)


Hi Aza, and thanks for contributing! A few things: please do not upload the piano score to the Devienne, as it is a continuo realization by Ledet that is under copyright almost worldwide. Also, if you wish to upload further oboe parts for the sonatas of Op.71, please upload them to this page. Thanks! KGill talk email 20:14, 1 May 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, Carolus beat me to it :-) KGill talk email 20:15, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
And actually anything edited by David Ledet (still living) will have to be removed. Much oboe music like Devienne was only published fairly recently and will therefore be under copyright. Daphnis 02:24, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
Since we're discussing a composer dead over 100 years, this is one of those cases where the question arises about whether the piece in question was performed or not in the composer's lifetime. As I understand it, Canada's 50 year rule is intended to apply to authors who have been dead less than 50 years, in order to encourage publication and commercial benefits for the author's heirs. Works of authors dead this long only qualify for the 50 year term If the piece was never performed (which seems unlikely in this case), in which case the only factor we have to consider with respect to Canada would be the nature of editorial contributions made David Ledet. The realizations I expect are protected for Ledet's lifetime plus 50 years, the oboe parts could be an either/or case. Carolus 04:08, 2 May 2010 (UTC)

True, although since Mr. Ledet is a practicing oboist and author, his contributions of this nature are probably significant, although without a source edition for comparison, it makes this difficult. Daphnis 04:11, 2 May 2010 (UTC)

I am fairly confident that this Musica Rara edition is not the first publication. From WorldCat, I found this, which would imply the publication around the same time of additional opera. J. André also seems to have published it. KGill talk email 14:04, 2 May 2010 (UTC)