User talk:Krynskl

Dear Krynski, Are you the composer Gizik Lifram, or the typesetter if this is a composer dead over 50 years? If you fail to respond in 24 hours, the item you posted will be deleted. Please do attempt to provide us with some information about a work before simply uploading here. Thanks, Carolus 05:41, 18 August 2009 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)

I see you uploaded this again. As I stated before, please let us know if you are the composer. Otherwise, we have no choice but to delete this as a copyright violation. Thanks, Carolus 05:49, 2 September 2009 (UTC)

Sorry. Yes I am the composer. There is no copyright on this work. Thank you. I hope I've done this right. I'm finding this site a little tricky to use.