User talk:Nightjar


Peter Warlock

Dear Nightjar, We normally use only a single page for a cycle like "Seven Songs of Summer." Please add any additional items from that collection to the page for it instead of creating separate pages for the individual songs. Thanks, Carolus 03:49, 24 June 2011 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)

AFAIK the Songs of Summer have never been published as the cycle the composer intended: they were split and published separately by the publisher at the time. The songs I've uploaded so far come from my personal library which includes only those "Summer" songs which made it into Galliard's later anthology. I'm working on other projects for the time being, but I may at some time process and upload more Warlock from other sources.
Warlock, despite being years ahead of his time as a scholar and musicologist, and an acclaimed composer in his own right, had very fractious relationships with publishers. His conflicts with the British musical "establishment" certainly led to his adoption of a nom de plume, and possibly to his eventual (probable) suicide.
The more I learn of the difficulties faced by composers in Britain, the more I wonder that there's any British music at all. Much as I love Vaughan Williams' music (Ursula was inspiring and enchanting), he had a relatively easy time compared even with Elgar, Parry, Stanford, and Warlock.

High resolution scores from ThULB

Hi Nightjar! Nice work on the Lassen score from ThULB. Since I've recently devised a method of grabbing ThULB's image tiles with cURL and re-assembling them with Photoshop I'm very curious as to your own method. Mine certainly wouldn't allow me to go do the evening shopping and then come home to find the images of a 160 page score ready for posting. I have to create a blank image then run a couple of actions to place the tiles on it and assemble them in order. The longest score I've had the patience to do was Chopin's Piano Sonata No.3 (31 pages). Have you managed to modify DeZoomify to work with ThULB? Thanks! --Cypressdome 11:07, 5 October 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the insight. Some time ago I tried to figure out how DeZoomify worked but it quickly became Greek to me. In case a technological challenge might interest you Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe has a smaller collection of music (mostly manuscripts) displayed in a similar fashion to ThULB except that their tiles (300 by 300 pixels) are grouped in sub-directories by column (with 0 at the far left) instead of rows so that each row has tiles with the same file name (0.jpg being at the bottom left). Also, with scores from ThULB you can use the ThULB template in the scanner field to link back to the item. The Moscheles piece would be {{ThULB|00011637}} - the number being at the end of ThULB's URL for the page. This also allows IMSLP to track ThULB items in the category page Category:Scores from Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena. Thanks again! --Cypressdome 05:03, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

Moscheles op.35

[Comment from Bernd.annaberg moved here by Nightjar]
Dear Nightjar, I dont know, if here is the right place to mention: the flute part of your scan of the Sextett from Moscheles is incomplete. Perhaps you could add the missing pages. Thank you!

Two pages are missing from each of the piano and flute parts, these errors originate from ThULB. I've added a note on this to the work's discussion page. Nightjar 10:05, 24 October 2011 (UTC)

Images from

Hi Nightjar! Thanks for adding some more Stanford and Parry! I'm not sure if you are aware of this or if this may or may not interest you but for most works found on there is a link in the "view the book" window labeled "All files: HTTP." Follow that link and you'll find among the list of links one that contains the text "orig" and "jp2." That file will contain the unedited, color jpeg2000 images that the university or library submitted to Once converted to black and white tif files these can generate some high quality pdf files. --Cypressdome 03:58, 2 December 2011 (UTC)

Internet Archive 2

it's often preferred, I think, to remove some of the Internet Archive-specific images - which requires converting jp2 images to jpgs if one then wants to reduce the file size to something reasonable again (which is as well, since Internet Archive files aren't always readable as is, when downloadable as pdf, but downloading them as the jp2 zips, converting these to jpgs and removing the ones you don't want helps fix that too...) Eric 06:44, 2 December 2011 (UTC) (I prefer this to creating tif files, which hate being cropped and edited and tend to explode, but that has its points too.)