User talk:SkyGuarder101

Crusell: Introduction et air suedois, Op.12

Dear Contributor,

You recently submitted a file to Introduction et air suedois, Op.12 (Crusell, Bernhard Henrik). The file you submitted was a recent arrangement, edition, engraving or typeset, in which there is possible copyright although the original composer might be in the public domain. This file will not be accessible and will be deleted in 24 hours or less as a possible copyright violation unless you declare yourself to be the typesetter, provide written permission by the copyright owner to distribute this file on IMSLP, or proof that the file was released under one of the Creative Commons or similar licenses. Please read this page for more information about copyright on IMSLP. You can provide an answer here in the textbox at the bottom of this page, making sure to click on 'save reply' when you are finished.

If the uploaded file was improperly submitted as a "Normal Scan" and/or categorized as public domain, we reserve the right to delete it immediately if there is no evidence provided that you are the typesetter, or that the file was released under a free license as described above. If the file is actually your own work, you can re-upload it as a "(Re)Typeset" and list your own name as "Editor" and as "Publisher" when uploading again. Due to the moral rights provisions of many countries' copyright laws, it is not really possible for you to designate any new work - even your own typeset - as public domain. The simple "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0" is functionally the equivalent of public domain but meets the minimal requirements (attribution) or the moral rights aspect of various copyright statutes. See our Composer Portal page for a detailed explanation of this issue. Despite what detractors of this site say, IMSLP is very serious about obeying copyright laws.

Thank you.
Best regards,
Carolus 23:27, 24 September 2011 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)

I am sorry IMSLP admin. I do not have the permission to redistribute this file, nor is it created by me. I did not realise that a recent typeset is not allowed to be posted onto IMSLP, and I apologise for not reading the guidelines carefully enough. I was on the impression that as long as the piece was under public domain that i could post the score onto IMSLP. How may I delete the file from the site?