User talk:Travelsbypiano

Dear Roberto, I note you've been uploading new files of works already uploaded. I have deleted the earlier versions. In the future when you need to update a file, simply click on the file number, which will take you to a page where there is a link to "upload a new version of this file" - which allows to to replace the file. The new file is replaced, but you will not be able to see it until the page-cache is updated in a couple of days. Also, it is always assumed that the composer is the editor of any new work, so it is quite unnecessary to list yourself as "editor." You can put in the little template {{FE}} (for First edition) in the editor field if you like. Best Wishes, Carolus 19:52, 25 June 2011 (UTC)

General comment!

just listened to the 1st solo violin sonata and the sonatina (16th piano sonata). Good stuff (sorry if this is not where you'd rather have this sort of feedback...)! Eric 13:32, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

Hello Roberto, Visitors might find it helpful if you put in the playing time (MM:SS) for your recordings - which are nicely done, btw. Carolus 01:57, 25 August 2011 (UTC)