(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ahle, Johann Georg.)
Johann Georg Ahle
(12 June 1651 — 2 December 1706)
Name in Other Languages: ヨハン・ゲオルク・アーレ, Γιόχαν Γκέοργκ Άλε, چوهان چورچ اهل
Aliases: Ahle, Johann Georg
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 39768077, LCCN: no2001075639, ISNI: 0000000082227401, GND: 10244921X, SELIBR: 299637, BNF: 163070900, BIBSYS: 8036816, MusicBrainz: 2f3cbcd3-c88d-4d75-8e5d-cf62bcc87953, NKC: mzk2003199420
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Pages in category "Ahle, Johann Georg/Books"
The following 1 pages are in this category, out of 1 total.