(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Bassani, Giovanni Battista .)
Giovanni Battista Bassani (ca.1650 — 1 October 1716)
Name in Other Languages: ジョヴァンニ・バッティスタ・バッサーニ , جيوفاني باتيستا باساني , جيوفانى باتيستا باسانى , Джованни Бассани
Aliases: Giovanni Bassani , ジョバンニ・バッティスタ・バッサーニ , Bassani, Giovanni Battista , Joannes B. Bassani , Seignior Bassani , G. B.(Giovanni Battista) Bassani
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 59274832 , LCCN : n85388268 , ISNI : 0000000083439836 , [12 more... ] GND : 118653393 , SELIBR : 210438 , SUDOC : 079962491 , BNF : 13949420v , BIBSYS : 1062544 , MusicBrainz : c5f74801-3ed2-47d5-89fd-3151581104bd , NLA : 35722978 , NKC : jn19990000495 , ICCU : MUSV005029 , BNE : XX1741654 , CiNii : DA06806196 , IATH : w6rx9nc5
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HasB (as sometimes noted @ RISM) refers to the Bassani worklist of Haselbach (Haselbach, Richard, 1955, Zürich dissertation, Giovanni Battista Bassani. Werkkatalog, Biographie und künstlerische Würdigung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der konzertierenden kirchlichen Vokalmusik .)
Pages in category "Bassani, Giovanni Battista/Collections"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
❉ – All (25) 🔊 – Recordings (1) 𝐍 – Naxos (5) S – Scores (20) P – Parts (6) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (5) 🔀 📻
A Acroama missale (Bassani, Giovanni Battista) Affetti canori, cantate et ariette, Op.6 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista) Antifone Sacre, Op.26 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista) Arie Antiche (Parisotti, Alessandro) Armoniche fantasie di cantate amorose, Op.15 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista) Armonici entusiasmi di Davide, Op.9 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista) Armonie Festive Mottetti, Op.13 (Bassani, Giovanni Battista)B C E K M R S Z