The list below includes all pages in the category "For voice, organ (arr) ". This includes works arranged for voice and organ. See also For voice, organ .
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Pages in category "For voice, organ (arr)"
The following 94 pages are in this category, out of 94 total.
❉ – All (94) 🔊 – Recordings (27) 𝐍 – Naxos (54) S – Scores (73) P – Parts (33) V – Vocal Scores (23) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (92) L – Libretti (2) D – Sketches and Drafts (2) B – Books (1) O – Other (7) 🔀 📻
A À Chloris (Hahn, Reynaldo) Ach, dass ich Wassers gnug hätte (Bach, Johann Christoph) Agnus Dei, ITB 62 (Bedetti, Tiziano) Auf, laßt uns den Herren loben (Bach, Johann Michael) Ave Maria II, S.38 (Liszt, Franz) Ave Maria No.3 (Donella, Valentino) Ave Maria, CG 89 (Gounod, Charles) Ave Maria, D.839 (Schubert, Franz) Ave Maria, Op.80 (Luzzi, Luigi) Ave Maria (Grinholc, Piotr Fryderyk) Ave Maria (Schiavone, Mauro) Ave maris stella (Paisiello, Giovanni) Ave verum (Adam, Adolphe) Ave verum (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista)B C D E G H I J L M Maddalena ai piedi di Cristo (Caldara, Antonio) Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Mass in C major, K.317 (Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus) Matthäuspassion, BWV 244 (Bach, Johann Sebastian) Messa a quattro voci con orchestra, SC 6 (Puccini, Giacomo) Missa Simplex (Gregorian Chant) Mörike-Lieder (Wolf, Hugo)N O P Peer Gynt, Op.23 (Grieg, Edvard) Petite messe solennelle (Rossini, Gioacchino) Pianto della Madonna, SV 288 (Monteverdi, Claudio) Pie Jesu (Boulanger, Lili) Pietà, Signore (Anonymous) 2 Poems for Soprano and Piano (Alexandra, Liana) Primo Libro delle Musiche (Caccini, Francesca) Psalm 23, D.706 (Schubert, Franz) Psalm 129, S.16 (Liszt, Franz) Psalm Cycle (Wallace II, Robert Stephen) 2 Psalmen, Op.32 (Becker, Albert) 4 Psalms, Op.74 (Grieg, Edvard)Q R S Salve Regina, Op.18 (Stenov, Michael) Salve Regina, SC 39 (Puccini, Giacomo) Schlichte Weisen, Op.76 (Reger, Max) 4 Serious Songs, Op.121 (Brahms, Johannes) Siehe, es erschien der Engel des Herren, SWV 403 (Schütz, Heinrich) Solomon, HWV 67 (Handel, George Frideric) 3 Songs, Op.23 (Fauré, Gabriel) 2 Songs, Op.67 (Fauré, Gabriel) Spanisches Liederbuch (Wolf, Hugo) Stabat Mater, Hob.XXa:1 (Haydn, Joseph) Stabat Mater, P.77 (Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista) Stabat Mater (Rossini, Gioacchino) Summer Memories (Nichifor, Serban)T U W Z Ś