(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Gorzanis, Giacomo.)
Giacomo Gorzanis
(ca.1520 — ca.1579)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jacomo de Gorzanis
Aliases: Gorzanis
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 79170460, LCCN: n82044770, ISNI: 0000000080164371, GND: 118540866, SELIBR: 170754, SUDOC: 168431084, BNF: 13957832p, BIBSYS: 8033208, MusicBrainz: b72c78bc-1bde-44e2-be92-432ed7ab371c, NKC: xx0021364, ICCU: LO1V152694, BNE: XX4607005
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Blind ("cieco", Intabolatura di liuto 1,3) lutenist and composer from Apulia (Pugliese).
Pages in category "Gorzanis, Giacomo/Collections"
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