(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hopkins, Edward John.)
Edward John Hopkins
(30 June 1818 — 4 February 1901)
Name in Other Languages: Edward Hopkins, エドワード・ジョン・ホプキンズ, Edward J. Hopkins
Aliases: E. J. Hopkins
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 107599500, LCCN: no93013126, ISNI: 0000000117792073, GND: 116981725, SUDOC: 087452081, BNF: 139617147, BIBSYS: 4097717, MusicBrainz: 4b320e1c-861f-4bd7-9041-e0c765da6cb5, NLA: 35599761, NKC: mzk2006355831, ICCU: MUSV076235, BNE: XX5306800, IATH: w6hm645v
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Pages in category "Hopkins, Edward John/Collections"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.