(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lier, Jacques van.)
Jacques van Lier
(24 April 1875 — 25 February 1951)
Name in Other Languages: Лир, Жак ван
Aliases: Жак ван Лир
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 52456176, LCCN: no98117232, ISNI: 0000000109719167, [6 more...]GND: 116998946, BIBSYS: 6036983, MusicBrainz: 52bd2738-a285-46bd-bbdf-4fe0c769856f, NLA: 54321892, NKC: mzk2011621847, BNE: XX5828162
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- Cellist of the Dutch Trio (1899—1910).
- From 1910 cellist of the "Heermann-Van Lier" quartet with Hugo Heermann (violin), Maxim Ronis (viola), and Ernst Breest (2nd violin) - a photo is available at Goethe-Institut.
- Resident of England from 1914, and took British nationality in 1937.