The list below includes all pages in the category "Pieces based on Ernani by Verdi".
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Pages in category "Pieces based on Verdi's 'Ernani'"
The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total.
1236BCDEF- Fantaisie brillante sur 'Ernani', Op.172 (Leybach, Ignace Xavier Joseph)
- Fantaisie brillante sur 'Ernani', Op.92 (Burgmüller, Friedrich)
- Fantaisie brillante sur Ernani, Op.158 (Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel)
- Fantaisie No.1 on 'Ernani', Op.15 No.29 (Fahrbach, Josef)
- Fantaisie sur 'Ernani', Op.112 (Voss, Charles)
- Fantaisie sur 'Ernani', Op.54 (Alard, Jean Delphin)
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