(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Pizzetti, Ildebrando.)
Works by this person are generally in the public domain in Canada. Works by this person are not in the public domain in countries with a life+70 copyright term (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. In the United States, all works first published before 1929 are in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright. See public domain for more information.
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Ildebrando Pizzetti
(20 September 1880 — 13 February 1968)
Name in Other Languages: 伊尔代布兰多·皮泽蒂, 伊爾代布蘭多·皮澤蒂, Ильдебрандо Пиццетти, אילדבראנדו פיצטי, 일데브란도 피체티, Ільдебрандо Піцетті, イルデブランド・ピツェッティ, Ιλντεμπράντο Πιτσέτι, ایلدبراندو پیتستی, ايلديبراندو پيزيتى
Aliases: 皮泽蒂, 埃尔德布兰多·皮泽蒂, Пиццетти Ильдебрандо, Пиццетти, Ильдебрандо, 피체티, Піцетті, イルデブランド・ピッツェッティ, ピツェッティ, ピッツェッティ, イルデブランド・ピッゼッティ, Pizzetti
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 90280696, LCCN: n80117010, ISNI: 0000000107856512, GND: 119389533, SELIBR: 296213, SUDOC: 111582113, BNF: 13898534f, BIBSYS: 3056340, MusicBrainz: 0ea32d88-f302-44e6-bd75-d73e4ad135a1, NLA: 36501331, NDL: 00525194, NKC: xx0001790, ICCU: RAVV019700, BNE: XX1072454, CiNii: DA08724230, IATH: w6q81zhs
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Pages in category "Pizzetti, Ildebrando/Editor"
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