Songs from My Experience of Life or God (Li, Cheng-Shiun)

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小豬 (2014/12/30)

87 more: 2. 深哉、深哉 (Deep holy, Holy deep) • 3. 是祢帶來春天的訊息 (You bring a message of spring) • 4. 神樂意住在聖民中間 (God is willing to live with the Saints) • 5. 祈願世界和平 (May the World have Peace) • 6. 人生不過轉眼之間 (Life is passed by quickly) • 7. 主啊,我要來到你面前 (Lord, I Come to Thee) • 8. 信靠 (Trust in You) • 9. 別再迷失,回到父家 (Don't Be Lost and Return Father's Home) • 10. 深夜工作並不孤獨 (Working at Night is Not Alone) • 11. 世上的一切是為了你 (All Things in the World are for You) • 12. 深處的呼求,主必不輕看 (Calling in Deep, Lord Shall Listen) • 13. 向神鼓掌 (Clap Your Hands) • 14. 百年國慶歌 (To Celebrate Republic of China's Centennial) • 15. 小黃鴨 (Little Yellow Duck) • 16. 別了青青校園 (Goodbye, My Mother School) • 17. 家庭的和樂繫於你 (A Family's Happiness Depends on You) • 18. 孩子快來到父親這裡 (Child, Come to Your Father Quickly) • 19. 美麗的想望-你我相遇 (A Wonderful Thought-You Come to Me) • 20. 吸引的愛 (Atractive Love) • 21. 請來一同主觀的經歷 (Come to Experience with God Subjectively) • 22. 天父仍在那裏 (Heavenly Father is Still There) • 23. 引我更親近你 (Drawing Me Close to You More) • 24. 世間愛情不能滿足你 當來尋求神 (Love from God can Satisfy You Truly) • 25. 人生風景 (Life's View) • 26. 耶穌平靜內心波濤 (Jesus Calm You Down) • 27. 凱道前,有你我的身影 (You and Me are on the street "Ketagalan Blvd.") • 28. 主啊,我不願... (Lord, I don't want to...) • 29. 主,你記念愛你服 (Lord, Remember a Servant) • 30. 惟有耶穌是人拯救 (Only the name of Jesus is the salvation of people) • 31. 朋友 (A friend) • 32. 親愛弟兄們,我們今日聚集 (Dear brothers, we meet together) • 33. 如果我不像從前的我 (If I don't like as before) • 34. 生命需要方向 (Life needs a direction) • 35. 向你獻上感謝 (Thanks to You) • 36. 今生有你,是我最大福氣 (You are My Great Blessing!) • 37. 感謝你將我罪債清除 (Thanks for You Clear all My Debts of Sins) • 38. 感恩歌 (A song "Thanks") • 39. 愛你的心 永不更移 (A heart of loving You will never change) • 40. 我是一隻快樂的小鳥 (I am a Happy Bird) • 41. 我們的神,他是美善 (Our God is Good) • 42. 接觸主自己,吸取主自己 (Touching and Breathing the Lord Himself) • 43. 甜蜜的愛戀 (In Love sweetly) • 44. 轉向他並同聚集 (Turn to Him and gather together) • 45. 神啊!我向你生發感謝的心 (Oh God! I have a thankful heart to you) • 46. 狂風起 驟雨行 (Wind was Violent and Rain was Tremendous) • 47. 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮 (Jingle Bells, Rings are Loud) • 48. 小朋友,我們一同走過 (Children, we had gone together) • 49. 奇妙的愛 (Wonder Love) • 50. 耶穌住我裡 (Jesus Lives Inside of Me) • 51. 愛,不僅是... (Love is not only...) • 52. 讓耶穌的愛融化你的心 (Jesus warms your heart up) • 53. 求你賜下新心新靈 (May You give us new heart and spirit) • 54. 我相信在這有你 (I believe You are here) • 55. 神願意與人同住 (God would like dwelling with us) • 56. 孩子 (Child) • 57. 天天親近你,天天都開心 (Close to You, feel happy everyday) • 58. 因為有你主耶穌 (Because of You, Jesus.) • 59. 天父愛我,細心照料我 (Heavenly Father loves, takes cares of me) • 60. 失去了妳 (Losing You) • 61. 努力過人生 (To Live Hardly) • 62. 吸引我 (Attracting Me) • 63. 別忘了,心中感恩 (Don't forget to thank in the heart) • 64. 是怎樣的愛 (What's kind of love) • 65. 心中思念我主我王 (Memory my Lord in the heart) • 66. 與主交通親密 (Talk with my Lord closely) • 67. 給自己空間,讓心自由飛翔 (Stop, and let your heart free) • 68. 人生短暫 (Life is Short) • 69. 我只是個大男孩 (I am just a big boy) • 70. 親愛弟兄們,應當喜樂歡騰 (Dear brothers, be joyful) • 71. 人的靈 (The spirit of human) • 72. 想念 (Missing) • 73. 期待你來臨 (I eager your coming) • 74. 我願停留 (I would stay) • 75. 奔跑屬天賽程 (Run the Heavenly game) • 76. 我的思念 (My memory) • 77. 神定的次序 (God's order) • 78. 跟隨榜樣,行走你路 (Follow the model, and go Your way) • 79. 祢的預備,使我穩妥 (Your preparing makes me safe) • 80. 交托、相信、倚靠 (Entrusted, believing, and relying) • 81. 下著雨的夜晚 (A rainy night) • 82. 願成為馨香的祭 (Would like to be a fragrant sacrifice) • 83. 說服自己 (Persuade yourself) • 84. 您的聖徒 (Your saints) • 85. 一首曲調口中哼 (Hum a tune) • 86. 貼緊你心,永不再他尋 (Close to Your heart, never find others) • 87. 與眾不同的我 (Unique) • 88. 跟隨 (Following)

MP3 file (audio)
小豬 (2014/12/31)

MP3 file (audio)
小豬 (2014/12/31)

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小豬 (2015/1/4)

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小豬 (2015/1/4)

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小豬 (2015/1/4)

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小豬 (2015/1/4)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/5)

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小豬 (2015/1/6)

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小豬 (2015/1/6)

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小豬 (2015/1/6)

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小豬 (2015/1/6)

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小豬 (2015/1/7)

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小豬 (2015/1/7)

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小豬 (2015/1/7)

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小豬 (2015/1/25)

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小豬 (2015/1/25)

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小豬 (2015/1/28)

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小豬 (2015/3/1)

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小豬 (2015/3/3)

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小豬 (2015/3/13)

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小豬 (2015/3/14)

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小豬 (2015/3/19)

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小豬 (2015/3/19)

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小豬 (2015/4/10)

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小豬 (2015/4/10)

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小豬 (2015/5/3)

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小豬 (2015/5/3)

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小豬 (2015/5/27)

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小豬 (2015/5/27)

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小豬 (2015/6/4)

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小豬 (2015/6/4)

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小豬 (2015/7/8)

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小豬 (2015/7/8)

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小豬 (2015/7/16)

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小豬 (2015/7/24)

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小豬 (2015/8/7)

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小豬 (2015/8/13)

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小豬 (2015/8/28)

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小豬 (2015/9/11)

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小豬 (2015/9/29)

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小豬 (2015/10/21)

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小豬 (2015/10/30)

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小豬 (2015/11/17)

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小豬 (2015/12/31)

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小豬 (2015/12/31)

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小豬 (2016/1/4)

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小豬 (2016/2/8)

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小豬 (2016/2/8)

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小豬 (2016/2/22)

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小豬 (2016/2/22)

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小豬 (2016/3/14)

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小豬 (2016/3/14)

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小豬 (2016/4/16)

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小豬 (2016/4/16)

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小豬 (2016/11/7)

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小豬 (2016/5/13)

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小豬 (2016/6/19)

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小豬 (2016/6/19)

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小豬 (2016/7/15)

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小豬 (2016/7/15)

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小豬 (2016/9/18)

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小豬 (2016/9/18)

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小豬 (2016/11/7)

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小豬 (2016/11/7)

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小豬 (2017/1/20)

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小豬 (2017/1/20)

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小豬 (2017/3/5)

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小豬 (2017/3/19)

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小豬 (2017/3/19)

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小豬 (2017/3/19)

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小豬 (2017/3/19)

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小豬 (2017/4/10)

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小豬 (2017/4/10)

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小豬 (2017/7/10)

MP3 file (audio)
小豬 (2017/7/10)

MP3 file (audio)
小豬 (2017/7/16)

Publisher Info. Cheng-Shiun Li, 2014-17
Performers Finale Human Playback
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Sheet Music


PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/9/19)

87 more: 2. 深哉、深哉 (Deep holy, Holy deep) • 3. 是祢帶來春天的訊息 (You bring a message of spring) • 4. 神樂意住在聖民中間 (God is willing to live with the Saints) • 5. 祈願世界和平 (May the World have Peace) • 6. 人生不過轉眼之間 (Life is passed by quickly) • 7. 主啊,我要來到你面前 (Lord, I Come to Thee) • 8. 信靠 (Trust in You) • 9. 別再迷失,回到父家 (Don't Be Lost and Return Father's Home) • 10. 深夜工作並不孤獨 (Working at Night is Not Alone) • 11. 世上的一切是為了你 (All Things in the World are for You) • 12. 深處的呼求,主必不輕看 (Calling in Deep, Lord Shall Listen) • 13. 向神鼓掌 (Clap Your Hands) • 14. 百年國慶歌 (To Celebrate Republic of China's Centennial) • 15. 小黃鴨 (Little Yellow Duck) • 16. 別了青青校園 (Goodbye, My Mother School) • 17. 家庭的和樂繫於你 (A Family's Happiness Depends on You) • 18. 孩子快來到父親這裡 (Child, Come to Your Father Quickly) • 19. 美麗的想望-你我相遇 (A Wonderful Thought-You Come to Me) • 20. 吸引的愛 (Attractive Love) • 21. 請來一同主觀的經歷 (Come to Experience with God Subjectively) • 22. 天父仍在那裏 (Heavenly Father is Still There) • 23. 引我更親近你 (Drawing Me Close to You More) • 24. 世間愛情不能滿足你 當來尋求神 / (Love from God can Satisfy You Truly) • 25. 人生風景 (Life's View) • 26. 耶穌平靜內心波濤 (Jesus Calm You Down) • 27. 凱道前,有你我的身影 / (You and Me are on the street "Ketagalan Blvd.") • 28. 主啊,我不願... (Lord, I don't want to...) • 29. 主,你記念愛你服 (Lord, Remember a Servant) • 30. 惟有耶穌是人拯救 / (Only the name of Jesus is the salvation of people) • 31. 朋友 (A friend) • 32. 親愛弟兄們,我們今日聚集 (Dear brothers, we meet together) • 33. 如果我不像從前的我 (If I don't like as before) • 34. 生命需要方向 (Life needs a direction) • 35. 向你獻上感謝 (Thanks to You) • 36. 今生有你,是我最大福氣 (You are My Great Blessing!) • 37. 感謝你將我罪債清除 (Thanks for You Clear all My Debts of Sins) • 38. 感恩歌 (A song "Thanks") • 39. 愛你的心 永不更移 (A heart of loving You will never change) • 40. 我是一隻快樂的小鳥 (I am a Happy Bird) • 41. 我們的神,他是美善 (Our God is Good) • 42. 接觸主自己,吸取主自己 / (Touching and Breathing the Lord Himself) • 43. 甜蜜的愛戀 (In Love sweetly) • 44. 轉向他並同聚集 (Turn to Him and gather together) • 45. 神啊!我向你生發感謝的心 (Oh God! I have a thankful heart to you) • 46. 狂風起,驟雨行 (Wind was Violent and Rain was Tremendous) • 47. 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮 (Jingle Bells, Rings are Loud) • 48. 小朋友,我們一同走過 (Children, we had gone together) • 49. 奇妙的愛 (Wonder Love) • 50. 耶穌住我裡 (Jesus Lives Inside of Me) • 51. 愛,不僅是... (Love is not only...) • 52. 讓耶穌的愛融化你的心 (Jesus warms your heart up) • 53. 求你賜下新心新靈 (May You give us new heart and spirit) • 54. 我相信在這有你 (I believe You are here) • 55. 神願意與人同住 (God would like dwelling with us) • 56. 孩子 (Child) • 57. 天天親近你,天天都開心 (Close to You, feel happy everyday) • 58. 因為有你主耶穌 (Because of You, Jesus.) • 59. 天父愛我,細心照料我 (Heavenly Father loves, takes cares of me) • 60. 失去了妳 (Losting you) • 61. 努力過人生 (To Live Hardly) • 62. 吸引我 (Attracting Me) • 63. 別忘了,心中感恩 (Don't forget to thank in the heart) • 64. 是怎樣的愛 (What's kind of love) • 65. 心中思念我主我王 (Memory my Lord in the heart) • 66. 與主交通親密 (Talk with my Lord closely) • 67. 給自己空間,讓心自由飛翔 (Stop, and let your heart free) • 68. 人生短暫 (Life is Short) • 69. 我只是個大男孩 (I am just a big boy) • 70. 親愛弟兄們,應當喜樂歡騰 (Dear brothers, be joyful) • 71. 人的靈 (The spirit of human) • 72. 想念 (Missing) • 73. 期待你來臨 (I eager your coming) • 74. 我願停留 (I would stay) • 75. 奔跑屬天賽程 (Run the Heavenly game) • 76. 我的思念 (My memory) • 77. 神定的次序 (God's order) • 78. 跟隨榜樣,行走你路 (Follow the model, and go Your way) • 79. 祢的預備,使我穩妥 (Your preparing makes me safe) • 80. 交托、相信、倚靠 (Entrusted, believing, and relying) • 81. 下著雨的夜晚 (A rainy night) • 82. 願成為馨香的祭 (Would like to be a fragrant sacrifice) • 83. 說服自己 (Persuade yourself) • 84. 您的聖徒 (Your saints) • 85. 一首曲調口中哼 (Hum a tune) • 86. 貼緊你心,永不再他尋 (Close to Your heart, never find others) • 87. 與眾不同的我 (Unique) • 88. 跟隨 (Following)

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小豬 (2014/9/27)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/9/28)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/9/28)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/9/30)

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小豬 (2014/10/4)

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小豬 (2014/10/10)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/10/10)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/10/16)

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小豬 (2014/10/18)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/10/18)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/10/18)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/10/18)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/10/31)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/2)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/8)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/15)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/20)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/20)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/27)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/11/27)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/12/7)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/12/7)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/12/8)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/12/21)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2014/12/29)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/1/25)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/1/25)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/1/28)

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小豬 (2015/3/1)

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小豬 (2015/3/3)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/3/13)

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小豬 (2015/3/14)

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小豬 (2015/3/19)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/3/19)

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小豬 (2015/4/10)

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小豬 (2015/4/10)

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小豬 (2015/5/3)

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小豬 (2015/5/3)

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小豬 (2015/5/27)

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小豬 (2015/5/27)

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小豬 (2015/6/4)

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小豬 (2015/6/4)

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小豬 (2015/7/8)

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小豬 (2015/7/8)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/7/16)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/7/24)

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小豬 (2015/8/7)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/8/13)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/8/28)

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小豬 (2015/9/11)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2015/9/29)

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小豬 (2015/10/21)

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小豬 (2015/10/30)

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小豬 (2015/11/17)

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小豬 (2015/12/31)

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小豬 (2015/12/31)

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小豬 (2016/1/4)

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小豬 (2016/2/8)

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小豬 (2016/2/8)

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小豬 (2016/2/22)

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小豬 (2016/2/22)

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小豬 (2016/3/14)

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小豬 (2016/3/14)

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小豬 (2016/4/16)

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小豬 (2016/4/16)

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小豬 (2016/4/23)

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小豬 (2016/5/13)

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小豬 (2016/6/19)

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小豬 (2016/6/19)

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小豬 (2016/7/15)

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小豬 (2016/7/15)

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小豬 (2016/9/18)

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小豬 (2016/9/18)

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小豬 (2016/11/7)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2016/11/7)

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小豬 (2017/1/20)

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小豬 (2017/1/20)

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小豬 (2017/3/5)

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小豬 (2017/3/19)

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小豬 (2017/3/19)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2017/3/19)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2017/3/19)

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小豬 (2017/4/10)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2017/4/10)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2017/7/10)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2017/7/10)

PDF typeset by composer
小豬 (2017/7/16)

Publisher. Info. Cheng-Shiun Li
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General Information

Work Title Songs from My Experience of Life or God
Alternative. Title
Composer Li, Cheng-Shiun
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 88 songs (currently)
  1. 當趁年幼紀念造你主 (When you commemorate the Lord's day)
  2. 深哉、深哉 (Deep holy, Holy deep)
  3. 是祢帶來春天的訊息 (You bring a message of spring)
  4. 神樂意住在聖民中間 (God is willing to live with the Saints)
  5. 祈願世界和平 (May the World have Peace)
  6. 人生不過轉眼之間 (Life is passed by quickly)
  7. 主啊,我要來到你面前 (Lord, I Come to Thee)
  8. 信靠 (Trust in You)
  9. 別再迷失,回到父家 (Don't Be Lost and Return Father's Home)
  10. 深夜工作並不孤獨 (Working at Night is Not Alone)
  11. 世上的一切是為了你 (All Things in the World are for You)
  12. 深處的呼求,主必不輕看 (Calling in Deep, Lord Shall Listen)
  13. 向神鼓掌 (Clap Your Hands)
  14. 百年國慶歌 (To Celebrate Republic of China's Centennial)
  15. 小黃鴨 (Little Yellow Duck)
  16. 別了青青校園 (Goodbye, My Mother School)
  17. 家庭的和樂繫於你 (A Family's Happiness Depends on You)
  18. 孩子快來到父親這裡 (Child, Come to Your Father Quickly)
  19. 美麗的想望-你我相遇 (A Wonderful Thought-You Come to Me)
  20. 吸引的愛 (Attractive Love)
  21. 請來一同主觀的經歷 (Come to Experience with God Subjectively)
  22. 天父仍在那裏 (Heavenly Father is Still There)
  23. 引我更親近你 (Drawing Me Close to You More)
  24. 世間愛情不能滿足你 當來尋求神 (Love from God can Satisfy You Truly)
  25. 人生風景 (Life's View)
  26. 耶穌平靜內心波濤 (Jesus Calm You Down)
  27. 凱道前,有你我的身影 (You and Me are on the street "Ketagalan Blvd.")
  28. 主啊,我不願... (Lord, I don't want to...)
  29. 主,你記念愛你服 (Lord, Remember a Servant)
  30. 惟有耶穌是人拯救 (Only the name of Jesus is the salvation of people)
  31. 朋友 (A friend)
  32. 親愛弟兄們,我們今日聚集 (Dear brothers, we meet together)
  33. 如果我不像從前的我 (If I don't like as before)
  34. 生命需要方向 (Life needs a direction)
  35. 向你獻上感謝 (Thanks to You)
  36. 今生有你,是我最大福氣 (You are My Great Blessing!)
  37. 感謝你將我罪債清除 (Thanks for You Clear all My Debts of Sins)
  38. 感恩歌 (A song "Thanks")
  39. 愛你的心 永不更移 (A heart of loving You will never change)
  40. 我是一隻快樂的小鳥 (I am a Happy Bird)
  41. 我們的神,他是美善 (Our God is Good)
  42. 接觸主自己,吸取主自己 (Touching and Breathing the Lord Himself)
  43. 甜蜜的愛戀 (In Love sweetly)
  44. 轉向他並同聚集 (Turn to Him and gather together)
  45. 神啊!我向你生發感謝的心 (Oh God! I have a thankful heart to you)
  46. 狂風起 驟雨行 (Wind was Violent and Rain was Tremendous)
  47. 叮叮噹, 鈴聲多響亮 (Jingle Bells, Rings are Loud)
  48. 小朋友,我們一同走過 (Children, we had gone together)
  49. 奇妙的愛 (Wonder Love)
  50. 耶穌住我裡 (Jesus Lives Inside of Me)
  51. 愛,不僅是...(Love is not only...)
  52. 讓耶穌的愛融化你的心 (Jesus warms your heart up)
  53. 求你賜下新心新靈 (May You give us new heart and spirit)
  54. 我相信在這有你 (I believe You are here)
  55. 神願意與人同住 (God would like dwelling with us)
  56. 孩子 (Child)
  57. 天天親近你,天天都開心 (Close to You, feel happy everyday)
  58. 因為有你主耶穌 (Because of You, Jesus.)
  59. 天父愛我,細心照料我 (Heavenly Father loves, takes cares of me)
  60. 失去了妳 (Losing You)
  61. 努力過人生 (To Live Hardly)
  62. 吸引我 (Attracting Me)
  63. 別忘了,心中感恩 (Don't forget to thank in the heart)
  64. 是怎樣的愛 (What's kind of love)
  65. 心中思念我主我王 (Memory my Lord in the heart)
  66. 與主交通親密 (Talk with my Lord closely)
  67. 給自己空間,讓心自由飛翔 (Stop, and let your heart free)
  68. 人生短暫 (Life is Short)
  69. 我只是個大男孩 (I am just a big boy)
  70. 親愛弟兄們,應當喜樂歡騰 (Dear brothers, be joyful)
  71. 人的靈 (The spirit of human)
  72. 想念 (Missing)
  73. 期待你來臨 (I eager your coming)
  74. 我願停留 (I would stay)
  75. 奔跑屬天賽程 (Run the Heavenly game)
  76. 我的思念 (My memory)
  77. 神定的次序 (God's order)
  78. 跟隨榜樣,行走你路 (Follow the model, and go Your way)
  79. 祢的預備,使我穩妥 (Your preparing makes me safe)
  80. 交托、相信、倚靠 (Entrusted, believing, and relying)
  81. 下著雨的夜晚 (A rainy night)
  82. 願成為馨香的祭 (Would like to be a fragrant sacrifice)
  83. 說服自己 (Persuade yourself)
  84. 您的聖徒(Your saints)
  85. 一首曲調口中哼 (Hum a tune)
  86. 貼緊你心,永不再他尋 (Close to Your heart, never find others)
  87. 與眾不同的我 (Unique)
  88. 跟隨 (Following)
First Publication. 2014 or before
Librettist Various, including composer
Texts adapted from Bible or Lord's Recovery Song Book
Language Chinese (Traditional)
Average DurationAvg. Duration 3~6 minutes (each)
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation voices, chorus, and piano or orchestra