

# ----------------------------------
#  Special Page i18n Messages
# ----------------------------------

class SpecialPageMessages
	// Internationalization for Special Add Composer
	function AddSACmsg( )
		global $wgMessageCache;
		switch( chooseLang( array( 'el', 'en', 'es' ) ) )
			case 'el':
				$messages = array (
				'addcomposerpage' => 'Προσθήκη Συνθέτη',
				'addcomposername' => 'Επώνυμο',
				'addcomposeroname' => 'Όνομα (και μεσαίο όνομα, αν υπάρχει)',
				'addcomposerborn' => 'Ημερομηνία Γεννήσεως',
				'addcomposerdead' => 'Ημερομηνία Θανάτου',
				'addcomposerbiolink' => 'Σύνδεσμος σε Βιογραφία (π.χ. Wikipedia)',
				'addcomposerbiolinkdesc' => 'Περιγραφή Συνδέσμου (π.χ. Άρθρο στη Wikipedia)',
				'addcomposercatlist' => 'Χρονική Περίοδος',
				'addcomposertaggingtemplate' => 'Πρότυπο Ετικέττας',
				'addcomposersubmit' => 'Υποβολή!'
			case 'es':
				$messages = array (
				'addcomposerpage' => 'Añadir compositor',
				'addcomposername' => 'Apellido',
				'addcomposeroname' => 'Primer nombre (y segundo, si existe)',
				'addcomposerborn' => 'Fecha de nacimiento',
				'addcomposerdead' => 'Fecha de muerte',
				'addcomposerbiolink' => 'Enlace a biografía (ej: Wikipedia)',
				'addcomposerbiolinkdesc' => 'Descripción del enlace (ej: Artículo de Wikipedia)',
				'addcomposercatlist' => 'Período del compositor',
				'addcomposertaggingtemplate' => 'Poner una plantilla',
				'addcomposersubmit' => 'Enviar!'
			default: //includes 'en'
				$messages = array (
				'addcomposerpage' => 'Add Composer',
				'addcomposername' => 'Last Name',
				'addcomposeroname' => 'First (and Middle, if existant) Name',
				'addcomposerborn' => 'Date of Birth',
				'addcomposerdead' => 'Date of Death',
				'addcomposerbiolink' => 'Link to Biography (eg, Wikipedia)',
				'addcomposerbiolinkdesc' => 'Description of Link (ex. Wikipedia article)',
				'addcomposercatlist' => 'Time period',
				'addcomposertaggingtemplate' => 'Tagging Template',
				'addcomposersubmit' => 'Submit!'
		$wgMessageCache->addMessages( $messages );
	//Internationalization for Special Add File
	function AddSAFmsg()
		switch( chooseLang( array( 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'zh' ) ) )
			case 'el':
				$messages = array (
				'addfilepage' => 'Προσθέστε Αρχείο',
				'addfilefilename' => 'Όνομα Αρχείου',
				'addfilecallpage' => 'Σελίδα Έργου',
				'addfiledescription' => 'Περιγραφή Αρχείου',
				'addfileeditor' => 'Επιμελητής',
				'addfilescanner' => 'Σαρωτής/Στοιχειοθέτης',
				'addfileuploader' => 'Χρήστης',
				'addfilepagecount' => 'Αριθμός Σελίδων',
				'addfilepublisher' => 'Πληροφορίες Εκδότη',
				'addfilecopyleft' => 'Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα',
				'addfilenotes' => 'Διαφ. Σημειώσεις',
				'addfilesubmit' => 'Υποβολή!',
				'addfileistypeset' => 'Τύπος Εικόνας/Αρχείου',
				'addfiletemplateuse' => 'Χρήση Προτύπου',
				'addfilethumbnail' => 'Εικόνα Προεπισκόπησης',
				'addfilepreview' => 'Αρχείο Προβολής',
				'addfileseparator' => 'Τύπος Διαχωριστή'
			case 'es':
				$messages = array (
				'addfilepage' => 'Añadir archivo',
				'addfilefilename' => 'Nombre de archivo',
				'addfilecallpage' => 'Página de la obra',
				'addfiledescription' => 'Descripción del archivo',
				'addfileeditor' => 'Transcriptor',
				'addfilescanner' => 'Digitalizador',
				'addfileuploader' => 'Colaborador',
				'addfilepagecount' => 'Cantidad de páginas',
				'addfilepublisher' => 'Información del Editor',
				'addfilecopyleft' => 'Copyright',
				'addfilenotes' => 'Notas complementarias',
				'addfilesubmit' => '¡Enviar!',
				'addfileistypeset' => 'Tipo de archivo/imagen',
				'addfiletemplateuse' => 'Usar plantilla',
				'addfilethumbnail' => 'Thumbnail File',
				'addfilepreview' => 'Preview File',
				'addfileseparator' => 'Usar separador'
			case 'fr':
				$messages = array (
				'addfilepage' => 'Ajouter le Fichier',
				'addfilefilename' => ' Nom de Fichier',
				'addfilecallpage' => "Page d'œuvre",
				'addfiledescription' => 'Description de Fichier',
				'addfileeditor' => 'Éditeur',
				'addfilescanner' => 'Balayageur/Dactylographieur',
				'addfileuploader' => 'Téléchargementeur',
				'addfilepagecount' => 'Nombre de Pages',
				'addfilepublisher' => 'Information Éditeur',
				'addfilecopyleft' => 'Copyright',
				'addfilenotes' => 'Notes Divers',
				'addfilesubmit' => 'Soumettre!',
				'addfileistypeset' => "Type de Fichier/d'Image",
				'addfiletemplateuse' => 'Employer le Calibre',
				'addfilethumbnail' => "Fichier d'Ongle du Pouce (Petit Image)",
				'addfilepreview' => 'Fichier de Prévision',
				'addfileseparator' => 'Type de Séparateur'
			case 'zh':
				$messages = array (
				'addfilepage' => '添加文件',
				'addfilefilename' => '文件名',
				'addfilecallpage' => '作品页面',
				'addfiledescription' => '文件描述',
				'addfileeditor' => '编辑者',
				'addfilescanner' => '扫描者/录入者',
				'addfileuploader' => '上传者',
				'addfilepagecount' => '页数',
				'addfilepublisher' => '出版社信息',
				'addfilecopyleft' => '版权',
				'addfilenotes' => '杂项注解',
				'addfilesubmit' => '提交!',
				'addfileistypeset' => '文件/图像格式',
				'addfiletemplateuse' => '使用模板',
				'addfilethumbnail' => '缩略图文件',
				'addfilepreview' => '预览文件',
				'addfileseparator' => '分割格式'
			default: //includes 'en'
				$messages = array (
				'addfilepage' => 'Add Files',
				'addfilefilename' => 'File',
				'addfilecallpage' => 'Work Page',
				'addfiledescription' => 'File Description',
				'addfileeditor' => 'Editor',
				'addfilescanner' => 'Scanner/Typesetter',
				'addfileuploader' => 'Uploader',
				'addfilepagecount' => 'Number of Pages',
				'addfilepublisher' => 'Publisher Information',
				'addfilecopyleft' => 'Copyright',
				'addfilenotes' => 'Misc. Notes',
				'addfilesubmit' => 'Submit!',
				'addfileistypeset' => 'File/Image Type',
				'addfiletemplateuse' => 'Use Template',
				'addfilethumbnail' => 'Thumbnail File',
				'addfilepreview' => 'Preview File',
				'addfileseparator' => 'Separator Type'
		return $messages;
	//Internationalization for Special Add File
	function AddSAWMsg()
		switch( chooseLang( array( 'en', 'el', 'es' ) ) )
			case 'el':
				$messages = array (
					'Work Title' => "Τίτλος Έργου",
					'Alternative Work Title' => "Εναλλακτικός Τίτλος Έργου",
					'Alternative Title' => "Εναλλακτικός Τίτλος",
					'Composer' => "Συνθέτης",
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => "Opus/Αριθμός Καταλόγου",
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => "Αριθμός Τμημάτων/Μερών",
					'Dedication' => "Αφιέρωση",
					'Year/Date of Composition' => "Χρονιά/Ημερομηνία Σύνθεσης",
					'Year of First Publication' => "Χρονιά Πρώτης Δημοσίευσης",
					'Genre' => "Είδος",
					'Librettist' => "Λιμπρετίστας",
					'Language' => "Γλώσσα",
					'Piece Style' => "Στύλ Κομματιού",
					'Instrumentation' => "Ενορχήστρωση",
					'Misc. comments' => "Διαφ. Σχόλια",
					'Tagging Template' => "Πρότυπο Ετικέττας"
			case 'es':
				$messages = array (
					'Work Title' => 'Título de la obra',
					'Alternative Work Title' => 'Título alternativo de la obra',
					'Alternative Title' => 'Título alternativo',
					'Composer' => 'Compositor',
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => 'Opus/Catálogo',
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => 'Cantidad de movimientos o secciones',
					'Dedication' => 'Dedicatoria',
					'Year/Date of Composition' => 'Año o fecha de composición',
					'Year of First Publication' => 'Año de la primera publicación',
					'Genre' => 'Género',
					'Librettist' => 'Libretista',
					'Language' => 'Idioma',
					'Piece Style' => 'Estilo',
					'Instrumentation' => 'Instrumentación',
					'Misc. comments' => 'Comentarios adicionales',
					'Tagging Template' => 'Poner una plantilla'
			default: //includes 'en'
				$messages = array (
					'Work Title' => 'Work Title',
					'Alternative Work Title' => 'Alternative Work Title',
					'Alternative Title' => 'Alternative Title',
					'Composer' => 'Composer',
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => 'Opus/Catalogue Number',
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => 'Number of Movements/Sections',
					'Dedication' => 'Dedication',
					'Year/Date of Composition' => 'Year/Date of Composition',
					'Year of First Publication' => 'Year of First Publication',
					'Genre' => 'Genre',
					'Librettist' => 'Librettist',
					'Language' => 'Language',
					'Piece Style' => 'Piece Style',
					'Instrumentation' => 'Instrumentation',
					'Misc. comments' => 'Misc. comments',
					'Tagging Template' => 'Tagging Template'
		return $messages;

# ----------------------------------
#  Template i18n Messages
# ----------------------------------

function renderIMSLPFileEntryi18n()
	switch( chooseLang( array( 'el', 'en', 'es', 'nl', 'fr' ) ) )
		case 'el':
			return array( 'Download' => 'Download',
					'Typeset' => 'Στοιχειοθετημένο',
					'Scan' => 'Σαρωμένο',
					'Manuscript' => 'Χειρόγραφο',
					'New Comp.' => 'Νέα Σύνθεση',
					'Unknown' => 'Άγνωστο',
					'Preview Sample' => 'Προεπισκόπηση Δείγματος',
					'No Sample' => 'Κανένα Δείγμα',
					'File formats' => 'Τύποι Αρχείων', /*THIS IS A PAGE*/
					'Information on file types' => 'Πληροφορίες για τους τύπους αρχείων',
					'File Description' => 'Περιγραφή Αρχείου',
					'Typeset Quality' => 'Ποιότητα Στοιχειθέτησης',
					'Scan Quality' => 'Ποιότητα Σάρωσης',
					'Rate this file' => 'Βαθμολογήστε αυτό το αρχείο',
					'Editor' => 'Επιμελητής',
					'Typesetter' => 'Στοιχειοθέτης',
					'Scanner' => 'Σαρωτής',
					'Uploader' => 'Από Χρήστη',
					'added' => 'προστέθηκε στις', /*(added [date])*/
					'Page Count' => 'Αριθμός Σελίδων',
					'Publisher Information' => 'Πληροφορίες Εκδότη',
					'Copyright' => 'Πνευματική Δικαιώματα',
					'Status (for admins)' => 'Κατάσταση (για admins)',
					'Edit' => 'Επεξεργασία',
					'Misc. Notes' => 'Διαφ. Σημειώσεις' );
		case 'es':
			return array( 'Download' => 'Descargar',
					'Typeset' => 'Tipeo manual',
					'Scan' => 'Escaneo normal',
					'Manuscript' => 'Manuscrito escaneado',
					'New Comp.' => 'New Comp.',
					'Unknown' => 'Desconocido',
					'Preview Sample' => 'Vista previa',
					'No Sample' => 'Vista previa no disponible',
					'File formats' => 'Formatos de archivo', /*THIS IS A PAGE*/
					'Information on file types' => 'Información sobre los formatos de archivo',
					'File Description' => 'Descripción del archivo',
					'Typeset Quality' => 'Calidad del tipeo',
					'Scan Quality' => 'Calidad del escaneo',
					'Rate this file' => 'Califique este archivo',
					'Editor' => 'Transcriptor',
					'Typesetter' => 'Typesetter',
					'Scanner' => 'Digitalizador',
					'Uploader' => 'Colaborador',
					'added' => 'añadido el', /*(added [date])*/
					'Page Count' => 'Cantidad de páginas',
					'Publisher Information' => 'Información del Editor',
					'Copyright' => 'Copyright',
					'Status (for admins)' => 'Estado (para administradores)',
					'Edit' => 'Editar',
					'Misc. Notes' => 'Notas complementarias',
					'FilePD-US' => "Este archivo <b>''no''</b> está bajo dominio público en Canadá, pero <b>''si''</b> lo está en los EE.UU. Por esta razón se encuentra alojado en el servidor estadounidense del Proyecto IMSLP. Al hacer click en el link de descarga usted reconoce que entiende esta situación." );
		case 'nl':
			return array( 'Download' => 'Download',
					'Typeset' => 'Typeset',
					'Scan' => 'Scan',
					'Manuscript' => 'Manuscript',
					'New Comp.' => 'New Comp.',
					'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
					'Preview Sample' => 'Bekijk voorbeeld',
					'No Sample' => 'Voorbeeld niet beschikbaar',
					'File formats' => 'File formats', /*THIS IS A PAGE*/
					'Information on file types' => 'Informatie over bestandstypes',
					'File Description' => 'Beschrijving',
					'Typeset Quality' => 'Typesetkwaliteit',
					'Scan Quality' => 'Scankwaliteit',
					'Rate this file' => 'Beoordeel dit bestand',
					'Editor' => 'Editor',
					'Typesetter' => 'Typesetter',
					'Scanner' => 'Scanner',
					'Uploader' => 'Uploader',
					'added' => 'toegevoegd op', /*(added [date])*/
					'Page Count' => "Aantal pagina's",
					'Publisher Information' => 'Uitgave-informatie',
					'Copyright' => 'Copyright',
					'Status (for admins)' => 'Status (voor admins)',
					'Edit' => 'Edit',
					'Misc. Notes' => 'Opmerkingen',
					'FilePD-US' => "Dit bestand is <b>''niet''</b> in het [[publieke domein]] in Canada of de EU, maar <b>''wel''</b> in de VS, and is gehost op de VS-server van IMSLP. Door op de downloadlink te klikken geeft U aan deze situatie te begrijpen." );
		case 'fr':
			return array( 'Download' => 'Télécharger',
					'Typeset' => 'Imprimé digital',
					'Scan' => 'Scan',
					'Manuscript' => 'Manuscrit',
					'New Comp.' => 'New Comp.',
					'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
					'Preview Sample' => 'Exemple',
					'No Sample' => 'Exemple pas disponible',
					'File formats' => 'File formats', /*THIS IS A PAGE*/
					'Information on file types' => 'Info sur types de fichiers',
					'File Description' => 'Description',
					'Typeset Quality' => "Qualité de l'imprimé",
					'Scan Quality' => 'Qualité du scan',
					'Rate this file' => 'Voter',
					'Editor' => 'Rédacteur',
					'Typesetter' => 'Typesetter',
					'Scanner' => 'Scanner',
					'Uploader' => 'Uploader',
					'added' => 'ajouté le', /*(added [date])*/
					'Page Count' => 'Nombre de pages',
					'Publisher Information' => "Details de l'edition",
					'Copyright' => 'Copyright',
					'Status (for admins)' => 'Status (pour admins)',
					'Edit' => 'Edit',
					'Misc. Notes' => 'Remarques',
					'FilePD-US' => "This file is <b>''not''</b> public domain in Canada, but <b>''is''</b> in the USA, and so is hosted on IMSLP's US server. By clicking the link you acknowledge that you understand this situation." );
		default: //includes 'en'
			return array( 'Download' => 'Download',
					'Typeset' => 'Typeset',
					'Scan' => 'Scan',
					'Manuscript' => 'Manuscript',
					'New Comp.' => 'New Comp.',
					'Unknown' => 'Unknown',
					'Preview Sample' => 'Preview Sample',
					'No Sample' => 'No Sample',
					'File formats' => 'File formats', /*THIS IS A PAGE*/
					'Information on file types' => 'Information on file types',
					'File Description' => 'File Description',
					'Typeset Quality' => 'Typeset Quality',
					'Scan Quality' => 'Scan Quality',
					'Rate this file' => 'Rate this file',
					'Editor' => 'Editor',
					'Typesetter' => 'Typesetter',
					'Scanner' => 'Scanner',
					'Uploader' => 'Uploader',
					'added' => 'added', /*(added [date])*/
					'Page Count' => 'Page Count',
					'Publisher Information' => 'Publisher Information',
					'Copyright' => 'Copyright',
					'Status (for admins)' => 'Status (for admins)',
					'Edit' => 'Edit',
					'Misc. Notes' => 'Misc. Notes',
					'FilePD-US' => "This file is <b>''not''</b> public domain in Canada, but <b>''is''</b> in the USA, and so is hosted on IMSLP's US server. By clicking the link you acknowledge that you understand this situation." );

function renderIMSLPWorkEntryi18n()
	switch( chooseLang( array( 'el', 'en', 'es', 'nl' ) ) )
		case 'el':
			return array( 'Work Title' => 'Τίτλος Έργου',
					'Alternative Title' => 'Εναλλακτικός Τίτλος',
					'Composer' => 'Συνθέτης',
					'Genre' => 'Είδος',
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => 'Opus/Αριθμός Καταλόγου',
					'Librettist' => 'Λιμπρετίστας',
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => 'Αριθμός Μερών/Ενοτήτων',
					'Language' => 'Γλώσσα',
					'Dedication' => 'Αφιέρωση',
					'Piece Style' => 'Στύλ Κομματιού',
					'Year/Date of Composition' => 'Χρονιά/Ημερομηνία Σύνθεσης',
					'Instrumentation' => 'Ενορχήστρωση',
					'Year of First Publication' => 'Χρονιά Πρώτης Έκδοσης',
					'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
					'Discussion' => 'Συζήτηση',
					'Discuss' => 'Συζητήστε' );
		case 'es':
			return array( 'Work Title' => 'Título de la obra',
					'Alternative Title' => 'Título alternativo',
					'Composer' => 'Compositor',
					'Genre' => 'Género',
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => 'Opus/Catálogo',
					'Librettist' => 'Libretista',
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => 'Número de movimientos o secciones',
					'Language' => 'Idioma',
					'Dedication' => 'Dedicatoria',
					'Piece Style' => 'Estilo',
					'Year/Date of Composition' => 'Año o fecha de composición',
					'Instrumentation' => 'Instrumentación',
					'Year of First Publication' => 'Año de la primera publicación',
					'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
					'Discussion' => 'Discusión',
					'Discuss' => 'Discusión' );
		case 'nl':
			return array( 'Work Title' => 'Titel',
					'Alternative Title' => 'Alternatieve Titel',
					'Composer' => 'Componist',
					'Genre' => 'Genre',
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => 'Catalogusnummer',
					'Librettist' => 'Librettist',
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => 'Aantal delen',
					'Language' => 'Taal',
					'Dedication' => 'Opgedragen aan',
					'Piece Style' => 'Stijlperiode',
					'Year/Date of Composition' => 'Datum van compositie',
					'Instrumentation' => 'Instrumentatie',
					'Year of First Publication' => 'Datum van eerste publicatie',
					'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
					'Discussion' => 'Discussie',
					'Discuss' => 'Overleg over' );
		default: //includes 'en'
			return array( 'Work Title' => 'Work Title',
					'Alternative Title' => 'Alternative Title',
					'Composer' => 'Composer',
					'Genre' => 'Genre',
					'Opus/Catalogue Number' => 'Opus/Catalogue Number',
					'Librettist' => 'Librettist',
					'Number of Movements/Sections' => 'Number of Movements/Sections',
					'Language' => 'Language',
					'Dedication' => 'Dedication',
					'Piece Style' => 'Piece Style',
					'Year/Date of Composition' => 'Year/Date of Composition',
					'Instrumentation' => 'Instrumentation',
					'Year of First Publication' => 'Year of First Publication',
					'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
					'Discussion' => 'Discussion',
					'Discuss' => 'Discuss' );

function renderIMSLPComposerCategoryi18n()
	switch( chooseLang( array( 'en', 'de', 'es', 'it', 'nl' ) ) )
		case 'de':
			return array( 'Life' => 'Biografie',
				'Born' => 'Geboren',
				'Died' => 'Gestorben',
				'CPDL Page' => 'Dieser Komponist in der CPDL',
				'Detailed Biography' => 'Ausführliche Biografie',
				'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
				'Add a piece to this composer page' => 'Ein Werk auf dieser Seite einfügen',
				'Browse all composers' => 'Vollständige Liste der Komponisten' );
		case 'es':
			return array( 'Life' => 'Datos biográficos',
				'Born' => 'Año de nacimiento',
				'Died' => 'Año de muerte',
				'CPDL Page' => 'Página del compositor en CPDL',
				'Detailed Biography' => 'Biografía detallada',
				'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
				'Add a piece to this composer page' => 'Añadir una obra a esta página',
				'Browse all composers' => 'Ver lista de compositores' );
		case 'it':
			return array( 'Life' => 'Biografia',
				'Born' => 'Data di nascita',
				'Died' => 'Data di morte',
				'CPDL Page' => 'Questo compositore nella CPDL',
				'Detailed Biography' => 'Biografia dettagliata',
				'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
				'Add a piece to this composer page' => 'Aggiungi un pezzo a questa pagina',
				'Browse all composers' => 'Elenco di tutti i compositori' );
		case 'nl':
			return array( 'Life' => 'Korte biografie',
				'Born' => 'Geboren',
				'Died' => 'Gestorven',
				'CPDL Page' => "Composer's CPDL Page",
				'Detailed Biography' => 'Gedetailleerde biografie beschikbaar op',
				'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
				'Add a piece to this composer page' => 'Voeg een compositie toe',
				'Browse all composers' => 'Blader door de componistenlijst' );
		default: //includes 'en'
			return array( 'Life' => 'Life',
				'Born' => 'Born',
				'Died' => 'Died',
				'CPDL Page' => "Composer's CPDL Page",
				'Detailed Biography' => 'Detailed Biography',
				'Recordings' => 'Recordings',
				'Add a piece to this composer page' => 'Add a piece to this composer page',
				'Browse all composers' => 'Browse all composers' );
