12 folk songs:
- Hov arēkʻ = Soufflez une brise = Blow a breeze
- Habrban = Idylle rustique = Rustic idyll
- Erkinkʻĕn ampel ē = Le ciel est couvert = The sky is overcast
- Antuni = Chant d'émigré = Song of the emigrant
- Im chʻinari yarĕ = Le soleil s'est levé = The sun has risen
- Garun a (menerg/khmberg) = C'est le printemps = The sun has risen (Version a/b: solo/chorus)
- Gutʻanerg = Chant de labour = Work song
- Andzrewn ekaw = La pluie fait tomber = The rain is falling
- Sareri vrov gĕnatsʻ = Mon aimé est parti = My beloved is gone
- Eri, eri, eri jan = Cette nuit j'ai vu = Tonight I saw
- Lusnakn anush = Nocturne
- Shogher jan = Choghère