Please note that this list is manually updated, and may not contain IMSLP's complete collection.
To generate automatically updated lists see "Browse by Work genre" in the sidebar.
- 1 With strings and continuo
- 1.1 strings, continuo
- 1.2 + chalumeau
- 1.3 + chalumeau, bassoon
- 1.4 + chalumeau, 2 oboes, bassoon
- 1.5 + 2 chalumeaux
- 1.6 + 2 chalumeaux, bassoon, 2 horns, timpani
- 1.7 + 3 chalumeaux
- 1.8 + flute
- 1.9 + flute, bassoon, trumpet
- 1.10 + flute, chalumeau, viola d'amore
- 1.11 + flute, 2 chalumeaux, horn, viola d'amore
- 1.12 + flute, oboe
- 1.13 + flute, oboe, 3 chalumeaux
- 1.14 + flute, oboe, 3 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- 1.15 + flute, 2 recorders, 2 oboes
- 1.16 + 2 flutes
- 1.17 + 2 flutes, bassoon
- 1.18 + 2 flutes, 2 horns, timpani
- 1.19 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes
- 1.20 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon
- 1.21 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons
- 1.22 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, violin
- 1.23 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns
- 1.24 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- 1.25 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- 1.26 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns 2 bassoons
- 1.27 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 3 horns
- 1.28 + 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, 3 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- 1.29 + 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 2 bassoons
- 1.30 + 2 flutes, 4 oboes, 2 bassoons
- 1.31 + 3 flutes, bassoon
- 1.32 + 3 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon
- 1.33 + flute d'amore
- 1.34 + flute d'amore, oboe d'amore
- 1.35 + flute d'amore, oboe d'amore, viola d'amore
- 1.36 + 2 horns
- 1.37 + 2 horns, timpani
- 1.38 + oboe
- 1.39 + oboe, 2 horns
- 1.40 + oboe, violin, 3 trumpets, timpani
- 1.41 + 2 oboes
- 1.42 + 2 oboes, bassoon
- 1.43 + 2 oboes, 2 bassoons
- 1.44 + 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, violin
- 1.45 + 2 oboes, violin
- 1.46 + 2 oboes, 2 horns
- 1.47 + 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- 1.48 + 2 oboes, 2 horns, violin
- 1.49 + 2 oboes, 4 horns, bassoon
- 1.50 + 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 violins
- 1.51 + 2 oboes, bassoon, 3 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- 1.52 + 2 oboes, 3 trumpets, timpani
- 1.53 + 3 oboes
- 1.54 + 3 oboes, bassoon
- 1.55 + 3 oboes, bassoon, 2 trumpets
- 1.56 + 3 oboes, bassoon, 3 trumpets, timpani
- 1.57 + 3 oboes, bassoon, 4 horns
- 1.58 + 3 oboes, 2 bassoons, 3 horns
- 1.59 + oboe d'amore
- 1.60 + 2 oboes d'amore
- 1.61 + oboe d'amore, viola d'amore
- 1.62 + 2 oboes da caccia
- 1.63 + recorder
- 1.64 + 2 recorders
- 1.65 + 2 recorders, 2 oboes
- 1.66 + 2 recorders, 2 oboes, bassoon, violin
- 1.67 + trumpet
- 1.68 + trumpet, oboe
- 1.69 + trumpet, 2 oboes, bassoon
- 1.70 + 2 trumpets
- 1.71 + 2 trumpets, timpani
- 1.72 + 2 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- 1.73 + 3 trumpets, timpani
- 1.74 + viola d'amore
- 1.75 + viola d'amore, bassoon
- 1.76 + viola da gamba
- 1.77 + violin
- 2 without strings, continuo
- 3 2 orchestras
With strings and continuo
strings, continuo
- Ouverture-Suite in A minor, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-1
- Ouverture-Suite in A minor, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-11
- Ouverture-Suite in B-flat major, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-5
- Ouverture-Suite in C major, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-8
- Ouverture-Suite in D major, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-10
- Ouverture-Suite in D minor, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-4
- Ouverture-Suite in D minor, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-7
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-6
- Ouverture-Suite in G major, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-3
- Ouverture-Suite in G major, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-9
- Ouverture-Suite in G minor, ULB Mus.Ms.1227-12
- 12 Ouverture-Suites
- Bach, Johann Bernhard (1676-1749)
- Ouverture-Suite in D major
- Ouverture-Suite in G major
- Ouverture-Suite in E minor
- Chelleri, Fortunato (1690-1757)
- Ouverture in E minor
- Dall'Abaco, Evaristo Felice (1675-1742)
- Ouverture in B-flat major
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in C minor
- Fux, Johann Joseph (ca.1660-1741)
- Overture in C major, K.356
- Overture in D minor, K.357
- Overture in F major, K.354
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703-1771)
- Ouverture in D major, GraunWV A:XI:7 (includes an optional part for bassoon)
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Entrata per la Musica di Tavola in A major, GWV 472
- Entrata per la Musica di Tavola in F major, GWV 444
- Entrata per la Musica di Tavola in G major, GWV 453
- Entrata per la Musica di Tavola in G minor, GWV 468
- Ouverture in A major, GWV 473
- Ouverture in A major, GWV 474
- Ouverture in A major, GWV 475
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 479
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 481
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 483
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 402
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 403
- Ouverture in C minor, GWV 411
- Ouverture in C minor, GWV 412
- Ouverture in C minor, GWV 413
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 414
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 415
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 416
- Ouverture in D minor, GWV 425
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 432
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 433
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 434
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 436
- Ouverture in E minor, GWV 441
- Ouverture in E-flat major, GWV 429
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 445
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 446
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 454
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 455
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 456
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 457
- Ouverture in G minor, GWV 469
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
- Ouverture in A major, MWV 3.6
- Ouverture in A major, MWV 3.11
- Ouverture in A minor, MWV 3.3
- Ouverture in B-flat major, MWV 3.7
- Ouverture in E minor, MWV 3.1
- Ouverture in F major, MWV 3.4
- Ouverture in G major, MWV 3.5
- Pez, Johann Christoph (1664-1716)
- Ouverture-Suite in A minor
- Ouverture-Suite in D minor
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:A2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:A3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:A5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:A7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV Anh. 55:A1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:a1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:a5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B8
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C5 'La Bouffonne'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:c1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:c2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:c3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D9
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D10
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D11
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D12
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D13
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D16
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:d1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:d2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:E1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:Es3 'La Lyra'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:Es4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F10
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:fis1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G8
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G9
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G10 'Burlesque de Quixotte'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G11
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G12
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV Anh. 55:G1 'La Putaine'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g2 'La Changeante'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g8
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:h2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:h3
+ chalumeau
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 484
+ chalumeau, bassoon
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 407
+ chalumeau, 2 oboes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:d3
+ 2 chalumeaux
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 448
+ 2 chalumeaux, bassoon, 2 horns, timpani
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 452
+ 3 chalumeaux
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 409
- Ouverture in D minor, GWV 428
+ flute
- Ouverture-Suite in D major, Schrank II/35/2
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
- Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV 1067
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in A minor, GWV 478
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 485
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e10 (for oboe or flute)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:Es2 (for "flute pastorelle"; more likely a recorder than a transverse flute)
+ flute, bassoon, trumpet
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 464
+ flute, chalumeau, viola d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 450
+ flute, 2 chalumeaux, horn, viola d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 451
+ flute, oboe
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 480
- Ouverture in B-flat major, GWV 482
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 404
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 405
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 406
+ flute, oboe, 3 chalumeaux
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 449
+ flute, oboe, 3 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in D major
+ flute, 2 recorders, 2 oboes
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B6
+ 2 flutes
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 462
- Ouverture in G minor, GWV 470
+ 2 flutes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:g1a
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Entrata per la Musica di Tavola in D major, GWV 417
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 418
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D23
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e1 (Telemann, Georg Philipp) Tafelmusik Part I, No.1 (also features 2 solo violins in some movements)
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1691-1761)
- Ouverture in G major
+ 2 flutes, 2 horns, timpani
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 467
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E-flat major, GWV 431
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:a1
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:A2
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B3
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D17
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:e1
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:F6
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G2
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G10
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G12
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G22
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E-flat major, GWV 430
- Ouverture in G minor, GWV 471
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1691-1761)
- Ouverture in B-flat major
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B11 'La Bourse'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D20
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e3
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 bassoons
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G13
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, violin
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D16 (additional 2 oboes and bassoon in ripieno group)
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703-1771)
- Ouverture in D major, GraunWV A:XI:6
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D6
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D7
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D8
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D9
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D10
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G1
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G3
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G1
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 horns 2 bassoons
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703-1771)
- Ouverture in G major, GraunWV A:XI:5
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 3 horns
- Kunzen, Adolph Carl (1720-1781)
- Ouverture in A minor
+ 2 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, 3 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D1
+ 2 flutes, 3 oboes, 2 bassoons
- Ouverture-Suite (contains movements by Telemann, Fasch and Handel)
+ 2 flutes, 4 oboes, 2 bassoons
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:C1
+ 3 flutes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G8
+ 3 flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:d2
+ flute d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 435
+ flute d'amore, oboe d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 440
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 463
+ flute d'amore, oboe d'amore, viola d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in A major, GWV 477
+ 2 horns
- Ouverture-Suite in B-flat major, Schrank II/38/28
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, Schrank II/38/29
- Ouverture-Suite in G major, Schrank II/35/6
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703-1771)
- Ouverture in D minor, GraunWV A:XI:2
- Ouverture in F major, GraunWV A:XI:3
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:Es1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F12 (oboes and bassoon included in manuscript parts from Dresden)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F16
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in G major
+ 2 horns, timpani
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 466
+ oboe
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1691-1761)
- Ouverture in G minor
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e10 (for oboe or flute)
+ oboe, 2 horns
- Fux, Johann Joseph (ca.1660-1741)
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, K.335
+ oboe, violin, 3 trumpets, timpani
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in D major
+ 2 oboes
- Ouverture-Suite in G major, Schrank II/35/4
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B8
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G21
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
- Ouverture in B-flat major, MWV 3.12
- Ouverture in E-flat major, MWV 3.10
- Ouverture in G major, MWV 3.2
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B1
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B9
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G1
+ 2 oboes, bassoon
- Ouverture-Suite in D major, Schrank II/35/21
- Ouverture-Suite in C minor, Schrank II/35/15
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, Schrank II/36/9
- Ouverture-Suite in G major, Schrank II/35/3
- Ouverture-Suite in G minor, Schrank II/35/9
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
- Orchestral Suite No.1 in C major, BWV 1066
- Ouverture-Suite in E minor
- Campra, André (1660-1744)
- Ouverture-Suite in D minor
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in E-flat major
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:A3
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B4
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B5
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B6
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B7
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:d4
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:d6
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D21
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D22
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D23
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D24
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:e2
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:Es1
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:F8
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G9
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:g4
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:g5
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G11
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G16
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G17
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G18
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G19
- Fux, Johann Joseph (ca.1660-1741)
- Overture in C major, K.334
- Ouverture in D minor, K.deest
- Overture in G minor, K.355
- Ouverture-Suite in G minor
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 408
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
- Ouverture in C major, MWV 3.8
- Ouverture in C minor, MWV 3.9
- Pez, Johann Christoph (1664-1716)
- Ouverture-Suite in C major
- Ouverture-Suite in D minor
- Ouverture-Suite in E minor
- Ouverture-Suite in G major
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1691-1761)
- Ouverture in G major
- Reichenauer, Antonín (ca.1694-1730)
- Ouverture-Suite in B-flat major
- Ouverture-Suite in B-flat major
- Roman, Johan Helmich (1694-1758)
- Ouverture in C major, BeRI 37
- Ouverture in F major, BeRI 32
- Ouverture in G minor, BeRI 43
- Schmidt, Johann Christoph (1664-1728)
- Ouverture-Suite in A minor
- Ouverture-Suite in D major
- Ouverture-Suite in G major
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:a3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:a6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C3 'Hamburger Ebb und Fluth'
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e8
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:e9
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:Es5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G5
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g9
- Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
- Hipocondrie à 7 Concertanti, ZWV 187
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, ZWV 188
+ 2 oboes, 2 bassoons
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:F7
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:g3
- Fux, Johann Joseph (ca.1660-1741)
- Ouverture in B-flat major, K.deest
- Graun, Johann Gottlieb (1703-1771)
- Ouverture in A minor, GraunWV C:XI:16
+ 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, violin
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:A1
+ 2 oboes, violin
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:c4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:h1
+ 2 oboes, 2 horns
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D21
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
- Ouverture in F major, MWV 3.14
+ 2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, Schrank II/36/12
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D12
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D13
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D14
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:F1
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:F3
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:F4
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1691-1761)
- Ouverture in D major
- Molter, Johann Melchior (1696-1765)
- Ouverture in F major, MWV 3.13
- Schmidt, Johann Christoph (1664-1728)
- Ouverture-Suite in F major
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D19
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F12 (oboes and bassoon only included in manuscript parts from Dresden)
+ 2 oboes, 2 horns, violin
- Ouverture-Suite in F major, Schrank II/35/22 (Anonymous)
+ 2 oboes, 4 horns, bassoon
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F11 'Alster-Ouvertüre'
+ 2 oboes, bassoon, 2 violins
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D4
+ 2 oboes, bassoon, 3 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D2
+ 2 oboes, 3 trumpets, timpani
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
- Orchestral Suite No.3 in D major, BWV 1068
+ 3 oboes
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:C6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D15
+ 3 oboes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B2
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:g2
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:B10
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:d3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g4
- Schmidt, Johann Christoph (1664-1728)
- Ouverture-Suite in G minor (3rd oboe = taille d'hautbois)
+ 3 oboes, bassoon, 2 trumpets
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D3
+ 3 oboes, bassoon, 3 trumpets, timpani
- Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
- Overture in G minor, BWV 1070 (probably not by J.S. Bach)
- Orchestral Suite No.4 in D major, BWV 1069
+ 3 oboes, bassoon, 4 horns
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:G5
+ 3 oboes, 2 bassoons, 3 horns
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D5
+ oboe d'amore
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:E2
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 437
+ 2 oboes d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 439
+ oboe d'amore, viola d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 419
+ 2 oboes da caccia
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in E minor, GWV 442
+ recorder
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 447
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:a2
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:Es2 (for "flute pastorelle"; more likely a recorder than a transverse flute)
+ 2 recorders
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:f1
+ 2 recorders, 2 oboes
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:a4
+ 2 recorders, 2 oboes, bassoon, violin
- Ouverture-Suite in C major, Schrank II/36/13
+ trumpet
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D8
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in D major
+ trumpet, oboe
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D1 Tafelmusik Part II, no.1
+ trumpet, 2 oboes, bassoon
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:D4
+ 2 trumpets
- Ouverture-Suite in C major, Schrank II/38/35
- Ouverture in D major, DKA Mus.Hs.394
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D17
- Endler, Johann Samuel (1694-1762)
- Ouverture-Suite in D major
+ 2 trumpets, timpani
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 420
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 421
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 422
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D18
+ 2 trumpets, 2 horns, timpani
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 410
- Ouverture in D major, GWV 423
+ 3 trumpets, timpani
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D22
+ viola d'amore
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in A major, GWV 476
- Ouverture in A major, GWV 729
- Ouverture in D minor, GWV 427
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 461
+ viola d'amore, bassoon
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in D minor, GWV 426
- Ouverture in E major, GWV 438
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 458
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 459
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 460
- Ouverture in G major, GWV 465
+ viola da gamba
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D6
+ violin
- Bach, Johann Bernhard (1676-1749)
- Ouverture-Suite in G minor
- Pfeiffer, Johann (1691-1761)
- Ouverture in G minor
- Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:A4
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D14
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:E3
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:F13 (optional oboe and bassoon parts included in manuscript from Dresden)
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:G6
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:g7
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:h4
without strings, continuo
3 chalumeau
- Graupner, Christoph (1783-1760)
- Ouverture in C major, GWV 401
- Ouverture in F major, GWV 443
2 oboes, 2 horns, bassoon
- Ouverture-Suite, TWV 55:D24
2 orchestras
- Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
- Ouverture-Suite, FaWV K:B1 (orchestra 1: 2 recorders, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, ceontinuo + orchestra 2: 2 transverse flutes, 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, continuo)