List of works by Roman Monczyński

This list is manually maintained, therefore some of the available pieces may not yet be linked from this page. For an automatically generated alphabetical list of all available pieces, please see
Category:Monczyński, Roman.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.

Works with Opus number

  • Op.1 - Mazurken?
  • Op.2 - Serenade (Haslinger) - HMB 1848/139
  • Op.3 -
  • Op.4 -
  • Op.5 -
  • Op.6 - Valse brillante (Schott) - HMB 1853/246
  • Op.7
- Andante di brabura (Schott) - HMB 1852/199
- Etude in octaves (Haslinger) - HMB 1853/246
  • Op.8 - L'Adieu, Nocturne (Haslinger) - HMB 1853/246
  • Op.9 - L'Alouette, Chanson de printemps (Haslinger) - HMB 1853/246
  • Op.10 - L’Inspiration, Mazurka di bravura - HMB 1853/246
  • Op.11 -
  • Op.12 -
  • Op.13 -
  • Op.14 -
  • Op.15 -
  • Op.16 -
  • Op.17 -
  • Op.18 - Fantaisie sur des thèmes de l'opera Halka de St. Moniuszko (Gebethner, ca.1858) - rev. in RuchMuzyczny 1858 No.51 (Dec 22), p.408; HMB 1859/8
  • Op.19 - Polonaise (Warsaw: Michel Glücksberg) - rev. in Ruch Muzyczny 1860 No.20 (May 16), p.324
  • Op.20 - Les Charmes de Cracovie (Piękności Krakowa), fantazya narodowa [national fantasy] (Dzwonkowski) - rev. in Ruch Muzyczny 1860 No.20 (May 16), p.325
  • Op.21 -
  • Op.22 - Polonaise [oparty na motywie "Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła"] (Hofmeister) - advertised in Ruch Muzyczny 1861, No.12 (Mar 20), p.192; rev. in Ruch Muzyczny 1861, No.13 (Mar 27), p.199; HMB 1862/149
  • Op.23 -
  • Op.24 - 2 Polkas (Warsaw: J. Müller)
  • Op.25 - 2 Mazury (Warsaw: J. Müller)
  • Op.26 - Mélodie religieuse variée (Hofmeister) - HMB 1862/149
  • Op.27 - La Prière paraphrasée (Hofmeister) - HMB 1862/149
  • Op.28 -
  • Op.29 -
  • Op.30 - Te souviens tu (Pamiętasz mówił), Polonaise (Dzwonkowski)
  • Quatre polonaises caracteristiques (Dzwonkowski):
    • Op.31 - La Plainte
    • Op.32 - La Douleur
    • Op.33 - La Résignation
    • Op.34 - L'espoir

Works without Opus number

  • Helene Polka (Warsaw: J. Müller)
  • La reine du bal, Mazourka (Warsaw: J. Müller)

Arrangements of works by other composers