14 parts:
- I. Introduction to the 1st Position
- IIa. 1st Position Supplementary:
- The Rhythmic Major Scales from Parts IIa and IIb - Pieces (1st position, Grade I) with piano.
- IIb. 1st Position Supplementary:
- The Rhythmic Major Scales from Parts IIa and IIb - Pieces (1st position, Grade I) with piano.
- III. 1st Position Supplementary:
- The Rhythmic Major Scales from Parts IIa and IIb - Pieces (1st position, Grade I) with piano.
- IV. 1st Position Supplementary:
- The Rhythmic Major Scales from Parts IIa and IIb - Pieces (1st position, Grade I) with piano.
- V, Introduction to the 2nd-7th Position. Supplementary
- Parts IIb, III, and IV, also the 2nd violin to the Duettinos from the Parts I, IIa and IIb.
- Via. 2nd-7th Position Supplementary
- Vib. 2nd-7th Position Supplementary: 40 Bohemian Melodies in the 2nd-7th position.
- Vic. 2nd-7th Position, 40 Bohemian Melodies, Supplementary, Parts VIa and VIb.
- VII. 2nd-7th Position, Supplementary, Part XII (Introduction to Shifting).
- VIII. 2nd-7th Position Supplementary
- IX. 2nd-7th Position Supplementary:
- The 2nd violin to the 40 Bohemian Melodies (Part VIc).
- W.A. Mozart, Sonatas for violin and piano, No.4, 7, and others.
- X. 2nd-7th Position Supplementary
- XI. 2nd-7th Position Supplementary
- XII. 2nd-7th Position Introduction to Shifting. Supplementary:
- Sonatas of W.A. Mozart, Nos. 4, 7, and others.
- XIII. Transitional Tone used in Shifting
- Diatonic Scales in a Variety of Forms through 3 Octaves. Supplementary:
- Concert studies: Rode, Concerto No.6; Viotti, Concerto No.23; Pieces from Grade III.
- XIV. Intonation of Double Stops. Supplementary:
- Continuation of Concert-studies and Piaces form Grades III and IV.