Aus der Spielzeugschachtel (Gebhardt, Rio)

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Sheet Music


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JacopoTore (2024/5/17)

Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Wilhelm Zimmermann, 1937. Plate Z. 11665.
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General Information

Work Title Aus der Spielzeugschachtel
Alternative. Title (Ein Kindertraum). Suite für Klavier
The Playbox (A Child's Dream). Suite for Piano Solo
Composer Gebhardt, Rio
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IRG 1
Key F major
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 6 movements:
  1. Spiel in der Kinderstube (Vorspiel) ; A Game in the Nursery (Prelude). Allegro molto vivace (F major)
  2. Wiegenlied (Nocturno) ; Cradle Song (Nocturne). Andante sostenuto (G major) - attacca
  3. Bleisoldaten (Kleiner Marsch). Langsames Marschtempo ; Tin Soldiers (March). Slow march time (E major)
  4. Der kleine Trommler ; The little Drummer. Animato (G major)
  5. Schaukelpferd (Reiterliedchen) ; Rocking Horse (Riding Song). Allegretto (D minor)
  6. Springteufel / Ausklang ; Jack-in-the-Box / Finale. Vivace (F major)
    Nos.3-6 are Traumbilder (Dream Puctures)
First Publication. 1937 – Leipzig: Wilhelm Zimmermann
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Early 20th century
Instrumentation piano