User talk:Polfloyd

Magic (Llamazares, Pablo Fernando)

Dear Polfloyd,

You recently submitted a file to Magic (Llamazares, Pablo Fernando). This is a work by a living composer, and is protected by copyright. The file will not be accessible and will be deleted soon unless you declare to be the composer, or you can provide written permission by the copyright owner to distribute this file on IMSLP. Please read this page for more information about copyright on IMSLP. You can provide an answer here by clicking on 'edit' on top of this page.

Thank you. Best regards,
KGill talk email 01:49, 10 November 2010 (UTC)
Member of the IMSLP Copyright Review team

Work-pages and titles.

Dear Pablo,

Thanks for uploading your work to IMSLP. Please note that we use 1 page for a work - not a separate page for each version of the same work. Your superfluous page for the trombone arrangement of Rio de la Plata has been redirected to the page for the original version of the piece, which is presumably for 4 horns. Thanks, Carolus 04:17, 23 November 2010 (UTC) (IMSLP Copyright Admin)