User talk:Sapvit

Dear Sapvit!
We're sorry to have deleted your upload, but your score was not submitted properly. Please do not use the "upload file" link to upload scores! If you upload scores like this, no one will be able to use your submission! Please read the quick guide to learn how to correctly submit scores. A longer explanation on this can be found in the manual. More details and other ways to use the site can be found at the Contributor Portal.
We look forward to future submissions!
KGill talk email 01:07, 23 February 2010 (UTC)

Hi again. Before uploading any more files, please see the page How to Submit a Score for instructions. (Automatically translated Russian version here.)
Google Translate: Привет еще раз. Перед загрузкой любого нескольких файлов, пожалуйста, смотрите на странице Как Мелодия Оценка для получения инструкций. (Автоматически переведенный русский Версия здесь.)
Thanks / Спасибо, KGill talk email 21:12, 23 February 2010 (UTC)