List of works by Moritz Moszkowski

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Category:Moszkowski, Moritz.

A list of works in the composer category that are not included here can be found on this page.
Please consult the manual of style for creating composer work lists.



Works with Opus Number

Works without Opus Number

Selective list

Intermediate-Level Transcriptions Originally Published in The Etude Magazine

For piano solo:

For piano 4 hands:

See also

Bojan Assenov, Moritz Moszkowski – eine Werkmonographie. (Technischen Universität
Berlin – Dr. phil. – genehmigte Dissertation, 2009.) [Re-issued as Moritz Moszkowski
(1854-1925). Biographie und Werkverzeichnis. (Göttingen: Hainholz Verlag, 2010)?]

Gilya Hodos, Transcriptions, Paraphrases, and Arrangements: The Compositional
Art of Moritz Moszkowski. (Doctoral Dissertation -- D.M.A., Performance, City University
of New York, 2004.)

Based on these authorities, it appears that IMSLP now possesses the complete, collected piano transcriptions and paraphrases
of other composers' works. Assenov's dissertation, at p. 461, suggests that three additional transcriptions were prepared:

  • Czerny, Carl: Étude
  • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Jupiter-Symphonie
  • Saint-Saëns, Camille: Havanaise.

But he does not indicate when or where Moszkowski may have published them. The first of these three pieces is likely refers to Moszkowski's transcription of Czerny's Toccata, Op.92 in C major (composed and published, after all, as "Toccata-or-Etude" though now not usually referred to so.)