User talk:Jemiller226



Hi Justin. I noticed your message to perlnerd666 and see you are interested in being involved with the community. That is great! See the contributor portal for all the ways you can help. If you are knowledgeable about copyright law, you may also be interested in this project. Respectfully yours, Emery 17:01, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

Unfortunately, I know nearly nothing about copyright. I'm just an avid musician looking to get involved in something here. Perhaps the Sibley project would be more my speed until I learn the ropes a little more. --Jemiller226 19:43, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

Sibley Listings

Hi, Thanks for working on this. If you discover we already have the item on a workpage (as with Reicha's Op.100 No.5), just put the following little template in the "Scanner" field on the workpage - {{SibleyScan|1802/XXXX}} and make sure the other template {{SibleyProject}} is in the Misc. Comments field. Then you can eliminate the item from the list. Carolus 00:16, 22 August 2011 (UTC)

Oh, shoot. Thanks for that. I've removed a bunch between 6000 and 6100 so far, but I didn't know to do this. Perhaps that instruction should be added to the projectpage? --Jemiller226 01:03, 22 August 2011 (UTC)

Yes, it should - thanks! Carolus 01:07, 22 August 2011 (UTC)

There we go. A few needed cleaning up, but most of the works I checked out already had the prescribed templates. Did the automatic uploader not do that for you at one point in time? --Jemiller226 01:19, 22 August 2011 (UTC)
The automatic uploader didn't actually exist until there were already hundreds of Sibley files on the site (I think it was probably set up around March '09? Sibley files have been uploaded here since very early in the project). That would probably explain why there are so many without the links :-) KGill talk email 01:30, 22 August 2011 (UTC)
Ah, that makes sense. Feature creep.  :) Seriously, though, I'm glad to help clean things up a bit. --Jemiller226 01:56, 22 August 2011 (UTC)


Hi, judging from the Wikipedia article I'm pretty sure the Franz Pfeiffer Sibley refers to didn't write any music. :-) I've found a much better profile match here, and I'll move the entry to Pfyffer (the spelling on the score and in the only source I can find - Sibley appears to have made up the alternately spelled Pfeiffer). Cheers, KGill talk email 02:53, 27 August 2011 (UTC)

Sounds good to me. I just found it odd that there was nobody by the name Franz Pfyffer on Wikipedia. --Jemiller226 14:01, 27 August 2011 (UTC)

Sibley copyright

Just FYI, Sibley will put "copyright blah blah" at the bottom of all kinds of pages and as long as the piece was published before 1923, and the person has been dead for longer than 50 years we can add it regardless of what Sibley says on their site, so no need to mark them as "copyright according to sibley."--Icactus 02:04, 1 September 2011 (UTC)

Got it. --Jemiller226 02:41, 3 September 2011 (UTC)


Hi Justin Thanks for the contribution. The scans are much better than mine (saxville) which I concocted from screen grabs of a previous contribution. Trevor (UK)

Thanks, but hardly my doing. The Sibley Library's scans are far more hit than miss. --Jemiller226 01:58, 3 September 2011 (UTC)

Minkus' Nuit et jour

Just a heads up that the file you submitted for this piece was a duplicate to the version already posted. The file info did not indicate it was a Sibley scan (I've rectified that) so not obvious unless you downloaded the file to check. I would recommend when posting duplicate scores to check what's already uploaded to see if they are indeed the same file -- In the case of the Massenet Piano Concerto, I had long ago determined it wasn't necessary to upload the Sibley version since Daphnis' scan was of such high quality. I've left the Sibley version there for the time being since it is about half the size of the other, but another more seasoned admin may decide to delete it since it is essentially a slightly inferior duplicate scan. That being said, thanks for your contributions! Massenetique talk email 07:51, 4 September 2011 (UTC)

Also, see what I did here. When you come across pieces with titles like "Potpourri", "Fantaisie", "Paraphrase", "Bouquet de mélodies", etc, or anything which indicates the piece is not simply a transcription but a new piece based on themes from an opera/ballet (usually), it needs its own work page under the arranger. The files you uploaded from Minkus' Roxana are similar, though they are called Valse and Quadrille you will notice that is followed by "sur des motifs de Minkus", indicating it is a new work based on themes from Roxana, not simply transcriptions. Sorry if this is alot of information - let me know if you have any questions. Best, Massenetique talk email 08:17, 4 September 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, sorry. Tracking down all the info on how to post some of these things is absolutely infuriating, and this ballet music is a headache to begin with. As to the Massenet piece, I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that a scan that includes the title page would be preferred to one that does not. Is that not the case? --Jemiller226 18:59, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
I understand that it can be frustrating trying to figure out the procedure around here, and deciphering obscure scores when the repertoire is not your specialty (or the edition is question is in Russian!) is difficult. A while back I uploaded 100+ "potpourri"-type works onto the original composers' pages only to be informed of what I outlined above. I have certainly learned on the job here and slowly worked my way up to full admin status, but I still get messages from other admins about one thing or another I have done incorrectly, so don't despair. Better to do your best and have to have things corrected by an admin than not to contribute at all! As to the Massenet, I personally do agree that I prefer a score with a title page, but I think that the prevailing attitude around here is quality of the scan first and foremost. I see no problem myself in having as many versions of a score uploaded as possible, but I have been informed that the ideal is to have one high-quality version of an edition to the exclusion of other lower-quality options. I hope you want to continue contributing -- for me it has been a wonderful experience and good for the resumé as well! Onward and upward, Massenetique talk email 19:49, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
No worries. I'm not going anywhere. Perhaps these design decisions should be consolidated somewhere, be it on IMSLP proper or on the forums. I see there are some style guidelines and some contribution guidelines, but tracking it all down is the problem.  :) --Jemiller226 19:55, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
In other words, what do I do if it's a compilation of various composers' work? What do I do if I can't find the work but it seems implausible that it's not already here? Do librettos count as music (although I know the answer is yes already to that, it was only through a lot of digging that I figured that out)? And so on. --Jemiller226 19:58, 4 September 2011 (UTC)
I agree that it's tough to get a handle on all the style guidelines (and a succint, easy to find resource on the topic). Your other questions are things I dealt with at one point as well. For a work with various composers, a score could possibly be placed under the "Various" author page (which exists), or be split and submitted to each composer's page individually - which option to use would depend on the individual score. Your other question I think just takes experience and good online savvy to find what you might be missing - is the piece part of a larger work, originally titled in another language, or perhaps not on imslp for copyright reasons?, etc... Massenetique talk email 21:20, 4 September 2011 (UTC)

Sevendson String Octet

Hi Justin - The last two pages of violin 1 are missing from Sevendson String Octet - Saxville

Thanks. I've alerted the folks at the Sibley library, and I'll make a note of it on the upload itself. --Jemiller226 15:25, 6 September 2011 (UTC)

Contributing typesets of Minkus pieces

Hi Justin, Big thank you for your scans of Minkus pieces. I have been using them at work, and a piece from Don Quixote appears on my CD of ballet class music thanks to you. :) Because of the scratched-microfilm situation, I have trouble playing directly from the scans, so I have been making Lilypond typesets to use on the job. It occurred to me that others might find cleaner typesets useful too. I went through my typeset of the Resch paraphrase of Minkus' "Rocsana" waltzes, added all the details I'd omitted when just typesetting for myself, cleaned up awkward pageturns etc. and uploaded it. I am thinking about doing the same for some excerpts from Don Q. I am aware that re-typesets are a bit controversial here on IMSLP; these have been posted purely in the hope that others will find them useful. I have the source file (.ly) if anyone's interested.

Edit: Looks like people have submitted some non-scratched-looking scans of Don Q since I'd last visited the page, so no need for me to typeset anything there.

Thanks should go to the Sibley Library at the University of Rochester. Almost all of what I've contributed came from there, and they did the scanning. :) --Jemiller226 11:01, 18 March 2012 (EDT)