95 Capriccios and 15 Fugues for Violin (Nardini, Pietro)

Authorship Note
This manuscript collection is ascribed to Pietro Nardini; however, some Capriccios have been identified as the composition of Pietro Antonio Locatelli, from his Op.3; many of these pieces also appear in two manuscripts attributed to Johann Stamitz, D-B Mus.ms. 21134 and A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923. Another manuscript containing many of these pieces, D-Bhm RH 0168, is attributed to Leopold Mozart.

Sheet Music


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Fynnjamin (2020/5/12)

PDF scanned by D-B
Fynnjamin (2020/5/12)

Publisher. Info. Manuscript, n.d.(ca.1780).
Misc. Notes Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (D-B): D-B Mus.ms.15861
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General Information

Work Title 95 Capriccios and 15 Fugues for Violin
Alternative. Title
Composer Nardini, Pietro
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 110 pieces in 2 books
  • Book 1. Nos.1-50
  • Book 2. Nos.51-110
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Classical
Piece Style Classical
Instrumentation violin solo
Related Works 40 Capriccios and 2 Fugues for Violin, A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
89 Capriccios and 4 Fugues for Violin, D-B Mus.ms. 21134
30 Caprices for Violin - Nardini
L'Arte del violino, Op.3 - Locatelli
External Links RISM 452016600
RISM 452600068 - A related manuscript D-Bhm RH 0168, attributed to Leopold Mozart (and Nardini after this manuscript) containing a selection of these pieces
Extra Information Attributed to Nardini. However, some in Book 2 are by Locatelli, and others may be by Johann Stamitz. Several pieces are fugal in character even when they are not named Fuga.

Navigation etc.


  1. Capricio 1. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 3/4  \tempo "Adagio"
c,16 c' b c r8 <c, es> <c es> <c es> | <c as'>16 c' bes c r8 <c, as'> <c as'> <c g'> | <c fis>16 d' c d r8 <c, fis> <c fis> <c fis> | <bes g'>16 d' c d r8 <bes, g'> <bes g'> <bes f'> |  }
  2. Nro. 2. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 2/4  
\partial 8 e8 | cis32 b a gis a16[ a'] e32 d cis b a16[ cis'] | \grace cis8 b16 gis \grace fis8 e4\trill e32 fis gis a | b a gis fis e[ d cis d] e, d' fis, d' gis,[ d' e, d'] | cis[ b a gis]    }
  3. Nro. 3. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 3/8  
g,16 b' b, d' d, fis' | g g, d c b a | g b' b, d' d, fis' | g g, d c b a | g d''' b, d' a, d' | }
  4. Nro. 4. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \minor \time 4/4   
 c'4 bes << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne as g | c bes as8[ as] as r  | bes bes bes16 as g f g8[ g] g r |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo c,4 bes | <as f'> <g e'> <f f'>8 f' f16 es des c | des8 des des r  es es es16 des c bes |  }
  5. Nro. 5. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 4/4  
\partial 8 g8 | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  c es d c b c r es, | f as g f es d16 c g'8 c | f, as g f es16 d c8 g''4 |    }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo  r8 es, f as g es d c | d c b g c4 r8 es | d c b g c4 r8 bes'  }
 |  }
  6. Nro. 6. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/8  
f,16 a c a f' c | \times 2/3 { a'16[ g f] } <a, c>8 <g bes> | <f a>16 <f a> c' a f' c | \times 2/3 { a'16[ g f] } <a, c>8 <g bes> | <f a>16 <a' c> <bes d> <a c> <bes d> <g bes> |  }
  7. Nro. 7. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/8  
 <a f'>8 <f a> <f a> | <f a>16 <g bes> <a c> <g bes> <f a>8 | <f a>16[ <f' a>16] \grace <f a>8 <e g>8. <d f>16 | <e g>8 <c, e> <c e> | <c e>16 <d f> <e g> <d f> <c e>8 |    } See No.87 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  8. Nro. 8. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 3/8  
 <es g>32 <es, bes'> <g bes> <es bes'> <g bes>[ <es bes'> <g bes> <es bes'>] c'64 as' g f es32 d | <g, es'>32 <es bes'> <g bes> <es bes'> <g bes>[ <es bes'> <g bes> <es bes'>] c'64 as' g f es32 d   }
  9. Nro. 9. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/4  
g,16 bes d g bes g' bes g fis d, a'' fis, | g,16 bes d g bes g' bes g fis d, a'' fis, | g g' bes f, e g' bes d,, cis[ g''] \times 2/3 { bes16 a g } | fis32[ e d cis] d8   } See No.35 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  10. Nro. 10. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key fis \minor \time 4/4  
r4 cis' d
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  cis | bis bis cis b | b8 a16 gis a4 a8 b16 a gis8 fis | eis4 cis d cis | bis bis cis b  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo fis'4 | gis fis eis dis8 eis | fis4 fis16 e d cis b4 bis | cis r r fis, | gis fis eis dis8 eis |  }
  11. Nro. 11. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4  
a4 b \grace a8 gis8 fis16 e fis8 gis | a b cis dis e4 fis
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  | a b gis8 fis16 e fis8 gis | a4 r8 e fis d b4\trill }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo  \grace e8 dis8 cis16 b cis8 dis e4 d | \grace d8 cis8 b16 a b8 cis d b e,4  }
  12. Nro. 12. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 4/4 
  r16 a' f d a f' d a f d' a f d a' f d | bes d'' bes f d a' f d a f' d a f d' a f | d f'' d a f d' a f d a' f d a f' d a |   }
  13. Nro. 13. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 4/4 
 g16 bes d g bes a g fis g d bes g d c bes a | g bes' d g bes a g fis g d bes g d c bes a | g d' fis a c bes a g   }
  14. Nro. 14. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 2/4 
d'4 r16 a,, d f | d a f' d a' f d' a f' d a' f d' a f' d | e4 r16 a,,, cis e | cis a e' cis a' e cis' a |   }
  15. Nro. 15. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 2/4  
\times 2/3 { f,8 g f } f'8 e, | \times 2/3 { d8 e d } f'8 a,, | bes16 f'' e d c8 bes | a g \grace g8 f4 | \times 2/3 { a'8 f a } \times 2/3 { d8 b f } |  }
  16. Nro. 16. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 4/4  
bes,4 bes' << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne bes f' | f8 es16 d es4 es8 d16 c d8 c16 bes | c2 bes4 bes' | bes f' f8 es16 d es4 |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo  f,,4 bes | g g8 f16 es f4 bes | bes8 a16 g a4\trill r2 | f'4 a g g8 f16 es | }
  17. Nro. 17. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 4/4  
d4 a' << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne fis e | d8 e16 fis g4 fis \grace d8 cis8 b16 a | d8 e16 fis g4 fis cis8 b16 a | d e fis g  |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,4 a' | fis e d8 e16 fis g4 | fis e d8 e16 fis g4 | fis8 d'16 e }
  18. Nro. 18. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \minor \time 4/4 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne b'16. b32 b16. b32 b4 e,16. e32 e16. e32 e4 | a,16. a32 a16. a32 a4 b16. b32 b16. b32 b4 |   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo e16. fis32 g16. fis32 e16. d32 c16. b32 a16. b32 c16. b32 a16. g32 fis16. e32 | dis16. e32 fis16. e32 fis16. dis32 b16. dis32 e16. fis32 g16. fis32 g16. e32 b16. e32 }
  19. Nro. 19. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \minor \time 4/4 
\partial 8 d8 | g16 d32 c bes16 d g,16. bes32 d,16. g32 g,32 bes d g bes[ d, g bes] d g, bes d g[ bes, d g] | <g bes>16. <g bes>32 <fis a>16. <es g>32 <d fis>16. a'32 c,16. es32 a,16. c32 fis,16. a32  }
  20. Nro. 20. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4  \tempo Adagio
\partial 8 c8 | <c, e c' e>4 <g d' b' f'> <c e c' e> r8 c' \tempo Allegro | c,16 c' g, e'' e,2 c16 c' g, e'' | d, d' g,, g'' f,2 d16 d' g,, f'' |   }
  21. Nro. 21. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4 
<g, d' b' g'>4 <d' a' fis'> <g, d' b' g'> r8 <g g''> | \time 3/4 g16 b' d, g' g,, b' d, g' g,, b' d, g' | a,, c' d, fis' a,, c' d, fis' a,, c' d, fis' }
  22. Nro. 22. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 3/4  << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne g16 a b c d8 d d d | d c16 b c2 | c8 b16 a b8 b <g b> <g b> | a4 fis8 fis g fis | g    }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 r d16 e fis g | a4 r8 e[ a fis] | g4 g8 g g,16 a b c | <d g>8 fis16 e d8 c b a | g }
  23. Nro. 23. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 4/4  
d2 cis8 a16 b c4 | b8 g16 a bes4 a8 d e cis | d e f gis
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  a2 | gis8 e16 fis g4     }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo  a,8 b c d | e4 e8 b16 cis }
  24. Nro. 24. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4  
\times 2/3 {c,16 c' e } \times 2/3 {e,16[ c' e] } \times 2/3 {c,16 c' e } \times 2/3 {e,16[ c' e] } \times 2/3 {c,16 c' e } \times 2/3 {e,16[ c' e] } 
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <c e>2. | <b g'>2. | <b g'>2.    }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo c,4. e | g,8 d' g, d' g, d' | g,4. d' }
  } See No.88 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  25. Nro. 25. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/4 
\times 2/3 { g'16 d, g, } \times 2/3 { b'16[ d, g,] } \times 2/3 { g''16 d, g, } \times 2/3 { b'16[ d, g,] } | 
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  g''8[ b, g' b,] | fis'[ c fis c] | fis[ c fis c] | g'8[ b, g' b,]  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo <g, d'>2 | <a d> | <a d> | <g d'>  }
>>  }
  26. Nro. 26. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 3/8  
es,16 g bes es g bes | d es es,4 | es,16 as \times 2/3 { c16[ es as] } \times 2/3 { es'16 d c } | c8\trill bes4 | bes,16 as' f' as, g f | }
  27. Nro. 27. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 2/4  
\times 2/3 { bes16 f d } \times 2/3 { bes16[ d f] } \times 2/3 { bes16 f d } \times 2/3 { bes16[ d f] } | <bes, d f bes>2 | \times 2/3 { c'16 f, c } \times 2/3 { a16[ c f] } \times 2/3 { c'16 f, c } \times 2/3 { a16[ c f] } | <a, c f c'>2  }
  28. Nro. 28. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 2/2 
a'1 | gis2 g | fis f( | f) e4 d | c b a2 | 
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  e'1 | dis2 d | cis c( | c) b4 a |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 e g e | fis2 b | e, a | dis,1  }
>>  }
  29. Nro. 29. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 4/4 
d,2 d' | r8 bes a g f e d4 | a'2 
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  a' | r8 f e d c b a4 | b8 a b cis d a d4( | d) cis   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r8 a16 b c8 a | gis2 a | a4 g f2 |e  }
>>  } See No.89 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  30. Nro. 30. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key as \major \time 3/4 
as,16 es' c' as' as c, es, as, as es' c' as' | <as,, es' c' as'>2. | <g es' des' bes'>2. | <g es' des' bes'>2.  } See No.90 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  31. Nro. 31. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/4 
a'16 gis a e a gis a a, a' gis a e | a8 <cis, e> <cis e> <b d> < b d> <a cis> | b'16 a b e, b' a b b, b' a b e, | b'8 <b, d> <b d> <a cis> <a cis> <gis b> }
  32. Nro. 32. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 4/4 
es,32 g bes es g[ es bes g] es g bes es g[ es bes g] d f bes d f[ d bes f] d f bes d f[ d bes f] | c es as c es[ c as es]   }
  33. Nro. 33. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4 
\partial 8 b8 | e32 e, fis gis a[ b cis dis] e gis, a b cis[ dis e fis] gis b, cis dis e[ fis gis a] b e, fis gis a[ b cis dis] | e16[ dis32 cis] b a gis fis e[ fis gis fis]  }
  34. Nro. 34. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4  
c2 d |  e8 c << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne c'2 b4 | c bes a8 d c4 | b a2. | b4 c2 b4 | }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo c,4 d2 | e8 c d e f d e fis | g2. fis4 | g8 f e4 d2  }
>> } See No.91 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  35. Nro. 35. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4  
g2 d'8 d d c | b a16 g c8 b16 a b8 a16 g b8 cis | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  d2 d8 cis cis4\trill | d1 |  | }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 d, a' a8 g | fis e16 d g8 fis16 e fis8 e16 d fis8 gis  }
>>  }
  36. Nro. 36. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4 
\partial 8 g'8 | g e16 d c8 e d4 g8 b, | c d16 e  f8 a, b g << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne e'4 | d r8 g g fis16 e fis4 | b,  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r8 c | c8 b16 a g8 b a4 d8 fis, | g a16 b   }
>>   }
  37. Nro. 37. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 2/2 
c1 | es1 | d | r4 es d c | \grace es8 d1\trill | c4 d es fis | g g, g'2( | g4) f8 es d4 es f f, f'2( | f4) es8 d c4 d |  }
  38. Nro. 38. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \minor \time 3/8
g32 g' bes g g,[ g' bes g] g, g' bes g | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <g bes>4. | <g bes> | <g bes> | <fis c'>  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,8 d bes' | g d bes' | g d bes' | a a a   }
>> }
  39. Nro. 39. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 6/8
g4. a | b cis | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d4. d4 cis8 | d4. d | cis4 d4. cis8 | fis4. g | a b |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,,4. e | fis gis | a8 g fis e4. | <d d'> <e d'>4 cis'8 | <fis, d'>4. <gis d'>   }
>>   }
  40. Nro. 40. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key fis \major \time 3/8
fis8 <ais, cis> <gis b> | cis, <gis' b> <fis ais> | fis'8 <ais, cis> <gis b> | cis, <gis' b> <fis ais> | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne fis' ais gis | \grace fis8 eis4. |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo ais,4 b8 | cis4 b8 |   }
>>  }
  41. Nro. 41. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/8
<e g>8 \grace <e g>8 <d f>4 | <c e>16 a <b d>4 | <a c>8 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  f'8. e16 | \grace e8 d4 f,8 | c'16. d32 e16 d c b | a4 r8 |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,4 | g4 r8 | e4 r8 | f16 g a g f e |   }
>>  } See No.11 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  42. Nro. 42. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4  
a4 cis b8 b16 a b8 e16 d | cis8 a16 b cis d \grace e8 d16 cis32 d << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  e8 d16 cis b8 e | e4 dis e e8 d16 cis |   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo e,4 gis | fis8 fis16 e fis8 b16 a g8 fis16 e <b fis'>4 |  }
>>   }
  43. Nro. 43. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 4/4  
d,4 fis e a | a8 g16 fis g8 a fis d16 e fis e fis gis | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  a4 cis b e | e8 d16 cis d8 e cis a16 b cis b cis a |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo a2 a8 g16 fis g8 e | fis4 r8 gis a4 r  }
>>  }
  44. Nro. 44. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4
c,8[ e g c] | e16 c g' c, <f, d'>8 <d b'> | <e c'>16 g' e c <f, d'>8 <d b'> | <e c'>16 g' e c <f a>8 <e g>  }
  45. Nro. 45. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/4
g4-! a-! | fis8 e16 d e8 fis | g[ a b cis] | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  d4 e | cis8 b16 a b8 cis | d[ a b c] | b  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo fis8[ d g e] | a4 g | fis8[ fis g a] | g  }
>>  }
  46. Nro. 46. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/2
g2 b | a d( | d4) c8 b a b c d | b4 g8 a b4 cis | d a d2( | d4) e8 b cis2 | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d1  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,2 fis  }
>> }
  47. Nro. 47. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/4
a4 a' a | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne  a gis8 fis gis e | fis4 b2 | b4 a8 gis a fis | gis4 cis2 | cis4 b a |gis2.  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo b,4 e e | e d8 cis d b | cis4 fis2 | fis4 e8 d e cis | d2. | fis4 e d }
>> }
  48. Nro. 48. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
\times 2/3 { g,8 b' g' } \times 2/3 {d,8[ a' fis'] } \times 2/3 { g,,16 b' g' } \times 2/3 { c,,16[ g' e'] } \times 2/3 {b,16 fis' d'} \times 2/3 {a,16[ e' c'] } | \times 2/3 {g,16 d' b'} \times 2/3 {e,16[ b' g'] } \times 2/3 {d,16 a' g'} \times 2/3 {d,16[ a' fis'] } \times 2/3 {g,,16 b' g'} <c,, e'>8[ <b d'> <a c'>] | g16 b' b d'  }
  49. Nro. 49. [scordatura] \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
\partial 8. e16 fis g | a8 <b, e>4 a'16 g a8 <g, b>4 a'16 g | a8 <b,, d> <c e> <a fis'> g4\fermata } See No.92 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  50. Nro. 50. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \minor \time 3/4
<g bes>8. d'16 d8.\trill g16 g8.\trill bes16 | <g, cis>4 <f d'> r | <f a>8. d'16 d8.\trill f16 f8.\trill as16 | <f, b>4 <es c'> r } See No.93 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  51. Capricio 1. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 3/4
c16 es, c es c' es, d' f, es' g, c es, | b' d, g, d' b' d, c' es, d' f, b es, | c' es, c es c' es, d' f, es' g, c es,   } (Locatelli - also No.79 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134)
  52. Capricio 2. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4
a16 e'32 fis gis a e16 cis e b e cis e32 fis gis a e16 cis e b e | a, e32 fis gis a e16 cis e b e cis[ e32 fis gis a e16]  |   } (Locatelli - also No.80 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134)
  53. Capricio 3. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 4/4
es,16 es' d c bes as g f es8 <es' g> <f as> <d f> | es,16 es' d c bes as g f es8 <es g> <f as> <d f>  | <g, es' bes' g'>4 r8   } See No.85 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  54. Capricio 4. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
<g, d' b' g'>4 <d' a' fis'> <g, d' b' g'> r8 d'' | g <b, d> <a c> <g b> a' <a, c> <g b> <fis a> | b' <b, d> <a c> <g b> \grace b8 <d, a'>4 r8 d | g   } See No.86 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  55. Capricio 5. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \minor \time 3/4
g'8 d4 bes'16 a g fis g fis | g8 d4 bes'16 a g fis g fis | g d es d a' c, d c a'32 g fis es d[ c bes a]   }
  56. Capricio 6. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 3/4
  << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <a d>2. | <a d> | <a b d> | <a b d> }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,4 d e | fis d fis | g fis e | fis d fis | }
>>  }
  57. Capricio 7. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/4
\partial 8 f8 | f,16 a f' a, f a f' a, g bes f' bes, 
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne f'2. | f | f | }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo <a, c>4 <g bes> <f a> | <bes d> <a c> <g bes> | <a c>4 <g bes> <f a>  }
>>   } (Locatelli)
  58. Capricio 8. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 3/4
c,16 g' c g es' g, es g c, g' c g | b, g' d' g, f' g, d g b, g' d' g, | c, g' c g es' g, es g c, g' c g  } See No.6 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  59. Capricio 9. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 4/4
\times 2/3 { r16 f f } \times 2/3 { a,[ f' f] } \times 2/3 { bes, f' f } \times 2/3 { c[ f f] } \times 2/3 { d f f } \times 2/3 { c[ f f] } \times 2/3 { d f f } \times 2/3 { c[ f f] } |
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne f1 | f1 }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo bes,8 a bes c d c d c | bes a bes c d c d bes  }
>>  } (Locatelli)
  60. Capricio 10. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4
e16 b gis b e, b' e b g' b, e, b' e b e, b' | fis' b, fis b dis, b' fis' b, a' b, dis, b' fis' b, dis, b'  } [key possibly E minor] See No.30 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  61. Capricio 11. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 2/4
<b e>4 <gis b> | \grace <gis b>8 <fis a>4. r8 | <b, fis' a fis'>4 <fis' a> | \grace <fis a>8 <e gis>4. r8 | <b' e>4\p <gis b> | <fis a>4. r8  } See No.29 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  62. Capricio 12. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \minor \time 4/4
\partial 16 c16 | <c, es c'>8. b'16 <g, d' b'>8. c'16 <c, es c'>4 r16 g'' f g | f, as' es, g' f, as' d,, f' es, g' d, f' es, g' c,, es' | d, f' b,, d' c, es' as,, c' <g, d' b' g'>4 r8 r16 g'' | } (Locatelli)
  63. Capricio 13. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 3/4
bes16 d f bes bes, d f bes f, a c f | g, bes d g g, bes d g d, f a d | es, g bes es es, g bes es bes, d f bes |  } See No.10 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  64. Capricio 14. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 6/8
g,8 g'' g g <d g> <d g> | <d g> <b d> < b d> <b d> <g b> <g b> | < g b> <d g> < d g> <d g> <b d> <b d> | <b d> g g g4. | g16 <g' b> <a c> <g b> <fis a> <g b> g,16 <g' b> <a c> <g b> <fis a> <g b>  } See No.4 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  65. Capricio 15. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 3/4
e16 b gis b e b gis' b, b' b, gis' b, | e b gis b e b gis' b, b' b, gis' b, | dis b fis b dis b fis' b, b' b, fis' b,   }
  66. Capricio 16. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 3/4
e,32 gis b e( e) b gis e e gis b e( e) b gis e e gis b e( e) b gis e | <dis fis b fis'>2. | <e gis b e>2. | <b fis' dis' fis>2 r8 b'  } (Locatelli - also No.7 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923)
  67. Capricio 17. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4
r8 <e, b' e>8 <e b' e> <e b' e> <e gis b e>16 e fis32 e dis e  b'16 e, dis e | e'8 <e, gis b e> <e gis b e> <e gis b e> <e gis b e>16 e fis e e' e, fis e  } (Locatelli - also No.34 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923)
  68. Capricio 18. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 f8 | <f, a>16 <g bes> <a c>4 \times 2/3 { f'32 g a } f16 <c, g' bes e>4 <a f' c' f>8 <a' c> | d32 bes d, bes' d16 <bes d> c32 a c, a' c16 <a c> bes32 g bes, g' bes16 <g bes> a32 f a, f' a16 <f a> | <c g'>2.\fermata r8 f' |  }
  69. Capricio 19. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 4/4
<a, e' a e'>4 r16 a cis a e' cis a' e cis' a e' cis | <a, e' cis' a'>4 <e' b' gis'> <a, e' cis' a'> r8 <cis' e> | <d fis> <cis e> <d fis> <cis e> <b d> <a cis> r4  } See No.81 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  70. Capricio 20. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
 g16 g, b d g d b' g d' b g' d b' g d' b | \time 3/4 g'8 g,,4 d16 g b8 d | g' g,,4 d16 g b8 d | \time 4/4 g,,16 b' d g d b g, b'   } See No.82 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  71. Capricio 21. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/4
bes16 bes' a bes bes, bes' c, bes' d, bes' c, bes' | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne bes2. | f | f | bes, }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo bes4. c8 d bes | <f a>4. <g bes>8 <a c> <g bes> | <f a>4. <g bes>8 <a c> <f a> | <bes, d>4. <c e>8 <d f> <c e>  }
>>  } See No.83 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  72. Capricio 22. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 4/4
r16 c, e g c e, g c e g, c e g c, e g | c e, g c e g, c e g e c e g, c e, g | c, e g, c e, g c, e g c e g bes,,4\trill   } See No.84 in D-B Mus.ms. 21134
  73. Capricio 23. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 b8 | gis32 b a b e,[ b' a b] e b a b gis'[ b, a b] << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne b2 | b b |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo fis8 dis fis'[ a] | gis,[ e] e' gis fis,[ dis] fis' a |  }
>> gis8 \grace a8 \times 2/3 { gis16 fis\trill gis } a16 fis gis e <b, e a fis'>4\fermata r8 b'  } See No.37 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  74. Capricio 24. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 3/8
\times 2/3 { f16 f[ f] } \times 2/3 { f f[ f] } \times 2/3 { f f[ f] }   << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne f4. | f | f | f | f | f | f  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo e4. | d | c | bes | <a f'> | <g f'> | <f f'>  }
>>  }
  75. Capricio 25. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4
<c, g' c e>4 r\fermata <c g' c e> <c' e>8. <c e>16 | <c, g' c e>4 r8 <c' e>16 <d f> <e g>8 c,4 <e' g>8 | <f a> c,4 <f' a>8 <e g> c,4 <e' g>8 | <d f> <c e>16 <b d> <c e>8 <e, c' e> <d b' d> <g, b' d b'> r4\fermata  }
  76. Capricio 26. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/2
g1 | fis | g2 d |e1 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d'1 | cis | d2 b | a1\trill | g' | fis |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 d, fis gis | a e a g | fis d g2 | g fis | r4 g b c | d a d c  }
>>  } See No.19 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  77. Capricio 27. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 4/4
d1 | cis2 a | b4 fis g a | d, d' cis b | a a8 b cis b cis d | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne e1 | e4 d8 cis d2 | d4 cis8 b cis2  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 e,8 fis g4 e | fis2 r4 fis8 g | a2 r4 a  }
>>  } See No.33 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  78. Capricio 28. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 bes8 | es32[ f es d] es8.[ c'16 bes d,] \times 2/3 { f16[ es d] } es8.[ c'16 bes d,] | es16 es' d c bes8.\trill as16 g es' es,4 bes'8 | \times 2/3 { c16[ es, g,] } as16.\trill es'32   } See No.28 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  79. Capricio 29. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 g8 | c \times 2/3 { e16 d c } e g c8 \grace a8 b4. a8 | \times 2/3 { g16 f e } \times 2/3 { f[ e d] } \times 2/3 { e d c } \times 2/3 { b[ a g] } c8 c, r g' | c \times 2/3 { e16 d c } e g a'8 \grace f8 g4. f8  } See No.27 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  80. Capricio 30. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 3/4
\partial 16 <c e>16 | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <g c e>2.  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo c,4 e c  }
>> r32 c[ e g] c e g c g[ e c g] e c g16 r8 <c' f> | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <b f'>2.  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,4 b g  }
>> r32 c''' g e c[ e, c g] e16 c r8 } See No.20 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  81. Capricio 31. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \minor \time 3/4
\times 4/6 { e,16 g b e b g } <e g b e>2 | <dis fis b fis'>2. | <e b' e g> | <b fis' dis' fis> | <e g b e> | <dis fis b fis'> } See No.31 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  82. Capricio 32. Fuga \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 6/8
r8 g' g a a a | b b16 c d b c8 d d, |  << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne r8 d'4 d8 cis e | e d4 d8 cis4 |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g8 d d e e e | fis fis16 g a fis g8 a a,  }
>>   }
  83. Capricio 33. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/8
<g, d'>16 bes' g' bes, a' c, | <g, d'> d'' bes' d, g bes, | << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d,8 fis' g | d, a'' f | <g,, d'> bes'' g | <fis a> <fis a> <fis a> | <fis a>4.  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo a,4 bes8 | c4 a8 d4 bes8 | d, d d | d4. }
>>  } See No.3 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  84. Capricio 34. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 d8 | g,16 a \times 2/3 { b a g } b c \times 2/3 { d c b } | g'8 d32 c b a g8 d32 c b a | g4 r8 <b' d> <c e>32[ e, <c' e>16] <b d>32 d, <b' d>16 <a c>32[ c, <a' c>16] <g b>32 a, <g' b>16 |     } See No.32 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  85. Capricio 35. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 4/4
\times 4/6 { bes,16 d f bes d f } \times 4/6 { bes f d bes f d } \times 4/6 { bes16 d f bes d f } \times 4/6 { bes f d bes f d } | \times 4/6 { a c f a c f } \times 4/6 { a f c a f c }  }
  86. Capricio 36. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
<g b g'>4 <d a' fis'> <g, d' b' g'> r8 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne b'16 c | d8 d d d d c16 b c8 a16 b | <a c>8 <a c> <a c> <a c> <a c> <g b>16 <fis a> <g b>8 <g b>16 <a c> |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g16 a | b d, b' d, b' d, b' d, b' d, a' g a8 fis16 g | d1 }
>>  } (Locatelli - also No.26 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  87. Capricio 37. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 f8 | bes a16 g f es d c bes8 <bes, d>16 <c es> <d f>8 <bes d> | bes'' a16 g f es d c bes8 <bes d>16 <c es> <d f>8 <bes d> | bes16 f d' bes f' d bes' f f'8 es16 d <bes d>8 <a c>   }
  88. Capricio 38. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 4/4
<f, bes>8 <d f>4 <c es>8 <bes d> <bes' d>4 <a c>16 <g bes> | <a c>8 <f a>4 <c g'>8 <a f'> <c' es>4 <bes d>16 <a c> | <bes d>8 <d, bes'>4 <d' f>8 <d, bes' g'>8. g'16 <c,, g' es'>8. c''16  } See No.25 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  89. Capricio 39. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \major \time 3/4
\partial 8 f,8 | bes16 c \times 2/3 { d c bes } f' g \times 2/3 { a g f } bes8 <d, f> | es,16 bes' g' f <d, d' f>4 r8 f | bes16 c \times 2/3 { d c bes } a' bes \times 2/3 { c bes a } c8 <c, es>   } See No.24 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  90. Capricio 40. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 2/4
a'16 a,, c e a c e a | gis b,, e gis b e gis b | a a,, c e a c e a | \times 2/3 { gis16 f e } e8 r e | \times 2/3 { c16 b a } \times 2/3 {a'[ g f] } \times 2/3 { f e d } \times 2/3 { d[ c b] }    } See No.23 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  91. Capricio 41. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4
\partial 8 g8 | c16 d \times 2/3 { e d c } g' a \times 2/3 { b a g } | b c c,4 g'8 | a g f8.\trill e32 f | \grace f8 e4 r8 g, | \times 2/3 { a16 g f } \times 2/3 { g[ f e] }      }
  92. Capricio 42. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 2/4
c8 \times 2/3 { es16 d c } \times 2/3 { g'[ es c] } \times 2/3 { f g as } | c,8 \times 2/3 { es16[ d c] } \times 2/3 { g' es c } \times 2/3 { f[ g as] } | \times 2/3 { g es c } \times 2/3 { es[ g c] } \times 2/3 { b g d } \times 2/3 { g[ b d] }  } See No.41 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  93. Capricio 43. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key e \major \time 4/4
e16 e, \times 2/3 { gis[ fis e] } b e \times 2/3 { gis[ fis e] } \times 2/3 { a b cis } \grace cis8 b4 \times 2/3 { e16 dis e } | \times 2/3 { fis e dis } \times 2/3 { dis[ cis b] } a fis' dis a \times 2/3 { gis fis e } e4 e'16 fis | gis dis, gis b   } See No.14 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  94. Capricio 44. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key es \major \time 2/4
es,32 g f es bes' d c bes es[ g f es bes' d c bes] | es, es' d c bes as g f  es g' f es d c bes as |    } See No.15 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  95. Capricio 45. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/8
a32 e fis gis a[ b cis d] e fis gis e | a[ a,] a'16. a,32 a'16[ a,] a' | b32 a gis fis e[ b' gis b] e, fis' e d | cis a e cis a[ e cis a] cis e a cis    } See No.36 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  96. Capricio 46. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key bes \minor \time 6/8
bes8 f' a, bes f es | des f a, bes4 f''8 | ges es, es es a' bes | f des, des des a'' bes | es, c, c c a'' bes | bes,, c' des c, des' es   } See No.12 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  97. Capricio 47. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/4
<d, f a>2. | <d g bes e>4\fermata r r | <cis g' a e'>2. | <d f a f'>4\fermata r r |     << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d'4 d c | <g bes> <f a> <g cis> | d'4. d8 d8. a'16  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo <bes,, f'>2 <a f'>4 | g a a | <d f>4. f8 <d f>4  }
>>  } See No.22 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923. Apparently based on J.S. Bach's Ciaconna in D minor.
  98. Capricio 48. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4
\partial 8. g16 a b | c g e g c, g' c e | d g, d g b, g' d' f | e g, e g c, g' e' g | a b b8 c <f, a> | <f a> <e g>4 g,8     } See No.39 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  99. Capricio 49. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
\partial 8 a'8 | d16 d,8. d8\trill e16 fis g8 fis16 g g,,8 \times 2/3 { g''16 a b } | a16\trill g a8 d,, \times 2/3 { a''16 b c } b a b8 g, b' | c16 a,8 c'16 b g,8 b'16 b8\trill a r d    } See No.38 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  100. Capricio 50. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 2/4
\partial 8 <e g>8 | <d f> <c e> r <g e'> | <f d'> <e c'> r g' | \grace b8 a8. f16 \grace a8 g16 e f d | \grace f8 e8. c16 \grace e8 d16 b \grace d8 c16 a | g8 f16 e d c b a |   } See No.21 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  101. Capricio 51. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 2/4
\partial 8 e8 | \times 2/3 { c16 b a } \times 2/3 { a'[ gis a] } \times 2/3 { e c a } \times 2/3 { c'[ b a] } | \times 2/3 { gis a b } \grace f8 e4 gis16 a | \times 2/3 { b gis e } \times 2/3 { d[ f e] } \times 2/3 { b, d' b } \times 2/3 { gis,[ b' d] }      } See No.40 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  102. Capricio 52. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \major \time 4/4
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne e,8 e e e c' c c c | g' e16 f g8 e d f e e,16 f | g8 e d f  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo c16 g c g c g c g g' e g e g e g e | e'8 c16 d e8 c g d' c c,16 d | e8 c b d  }
>>  <c e c' e>4 r8 g''    }
  103. Capricio 53. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \major \time 3/8
e16 a,, cis e' d, fis' | e cis, b d' gis,, b' | cis a, cis e' d, fis' | e cis, b d' gis,, b' | cis32 a cis e a[ gis fis e] fis e d cis |    } See No.42 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  104. Capricio 54. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key c \minor \time 3/4
c16 c' g c es, g c, es b, d' g, f' | es c' g c es, g c, es b, d' g, f' | es c c' g es c as' f, b f d' b,    } See No.5 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  105. Capricio 55. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/8
<d, f' d'>8 a''16 g f e | d8 a16 g f e | d8 a''16 g f e | d4 a'8 |   << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <d, bes'>4. |   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,4 f8 |   }
>>  <e c' bes'>8 c''16 bes a g |   } See No.9 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  106. Capricio 56. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 4/4
 << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <b d>1 | <b d> | <b d> | <b d> |  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,4 a b c | d c b a | g a b c | d c b a |  }
>>  g8 <g'' b> <g b> <g b> d, <fis' a> <fis a> <fis a> | a,, <e'' g> <e g> <e g> <e g>8. <d fis>16 <d fis>4\fermata    } See No.18 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  107. Capricio 57. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 2/2
g1  << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne a2. g8 a |   }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo d,1  }
>> b'4 g b c  
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne d1 | d4 c8 b c2 | c b | a2    }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo r4 d,8 e fis4 d | e2 e4 a | fis d g2 | g fis  }
>>    } See No.16 (Fuga) in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  108. Capricio 58. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key d \major \time 3/4
fis16 d e32 d cis d d,16 d' e32 d cis d fis16 d e32 d cis d   << \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne   g4 e, g' | a fis, a' | b g, b' | a fis, a'  }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo  d,2. | d | d | d |   }
>>    } See No.17 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923
  109. Capricio 59. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key g \major \time 3/4
\times 2/3 { g,16 b' g' } \times 2/3 { b,,[ b' g'] } \times 2/3 { d, b' g' } \times 2/3 { g,[ b g'] } \times 2/3 { d, b' g' } \times 2/3 { b,,[ b' g'] } 
<< \new Voice = "first"
    { \voiceOne <b, g'>2. | <c g'> | <c g'>    }
  \new Voice= "second"
    { \voiceTwo g,8[ b d g d b] | g[ c e g e c] | g[ c e g e d]  }
>>  }
  110. Capricio 60. \relative c'' { \clef treble \key a \minor \time 12/8
\partial 8 e8 | c b a b a gis a e c a4 a''8 | gis b f \grace f8 e4 d8 \grace d8 c4 b8 \grace b8 a4 e'8 | f d, d' b g, g'' e c, c' a f f'   } See No.13 in A-Wn Mus.Hs.21923