Answering Machine (Drehmer, Earl Richard)




MP4 file (audio/video)
Pseudotonal (2023/12/7)

Publisher Info. Earl Richard Drehmer, 2023.
Performers Ensoniq EPS
Misc. Notes score performed by Ensoniq EPS, recorded by Audacity, video created with Windows Movie Maker
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TN-PMLP1396096-Answering Machine-8271.jpg


MP3 file (audio)
Pseudotonal (2023/12/7)

Publisher Info. Earl Richard Drehmer, 2023.
Performers Ensoniq EPS
Misc. Notes score performed by Ensoniq EPS, recorded by Audacity
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TN-PMLP1396096-Answering Machine-4846.jpg
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General Information

Work Title Answering Machine
Alternative. Title
Composer Drehmer, Earl Richard
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IED 31
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1989 ca.
First Performance. 2023/03/01
First Publication. 2023
Librettist Composer
Language English
Average DurationAvg. Duration 0.9 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation voice samples
Extra Information Music to leave on someones answering machine. I used my Ensoniq EPS to sample myself saying "I'm just calling to say 'Hello'". Each word has a separate sample. Then I used it to make a piece of music with each word on a separate channel and with various pitches, accompaning the sentence of combined words. My purpose was to call someone who was not at home and leave this recording on their answering machine. I did this with some of my friends, but everyone got mad at me. No one caught the fun of it.