Associated Board

Donald Francis Tovey's edition of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas
Typical 1950s cover




The ABRSM, formerly the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music until 2009, or simply the Associated Board, is a British music education organisation. The Associated Board was founded in 1889 by Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (1847–1935), then Principal of the Royal Academy of Music (RAM), and George Grove (1820–1900), the founding director of the Royal College of Music (RCM). They decided that the schools should jointly provide local practical examinations. Between 1890 and 1933, only two grades existed (roughly equivalent to the present grades 6 and 7). The present structure of eight grades, from beginner to advanced, dates from 1933. A similar system has been operated by Trinity College London since 1877.

ABRSM first published music in 1918, and its publishing department was established in 1921 to provide not only suitable music for examinations, but also performance editions of popular works and new instructional compositions. Sir Donald Francis Tovey (1875–1940) was an important editor in 1920s and 1930s editions. ABRSM (Publishing) Ltd. became a separate company in 1985.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • 1921-present: ABRSM
  • 1985-present: ABRSM (Publishing)


  • 1921-present: London

Plate Numbers

 / 1  
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear
99A.B. 99Bach, Johann SebastianDas wohltemperierte Klavier I, BWV 846-869#91100319241924
100A.B. 100Bach, Johann SebastianDas wohltemperierte Klavier II, BWV 870-893#91100419241924
182AB 182Keel, FrederickVocal Studies#55348719261926
1944AB 1944Dunhill, ThomasFirst Year Pieces#63323519351935
828AB 828Woof, Rowsby30 Studies of Moderate Difficulty#81867019461946
Total: 5 items

Authority Control
