- L'A.B.C. Musical (Kirchhoff, Gottfried)
- A.B.C. pour le Clavecin ou Forte Piano (Nicolai, Johann Gottlieb)
- 7 Abendmahls-Präludien, Op.40 (Rudnick, Wilhelm)
- Adagio e mesto (Sewell, William)
- Adagio (May, Charles John)
- Adagio (Wolstenholme, William)
- Adalbert Stifter-Praeludium, Op.239d (Neuhofer, Franz)
- Adoramus (Shute, Benjamin)
- Advanced Lessons for the Harp (Robinson, Gertrude Ina)
- Adventklänge, Op.76 (Poenitz, Franz)
- Aires for a Flute and a Bass (Demoivre, Daniel)
- L'alba (Stankovych, Tatiana)
- Albizia (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Album für Klavier (Corelli, Arcangelo)
- Album-Leaf 'Berlin Preludio', S.164g (Liszt, Franz)
- Album-Leaf 'Paris Preludio', S.164j (Liszt, Franz)
- Albumblätter, Op.174 (Baumfelder, Friedrich)
- All my hope on God is founded (Cattaneo, Pietro)
- All'antico (Marczewski, Lucjan)
- Allegretto in F major (Lefébure-Wély, Louis James Alfred)
- Allegro in D minor, MWV W 33 (Mendelssohn, Felix)
- Allegro in E major, EngK 14 (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)
- Allemande et prélude (L'Eonale, Renard)
- L'altare dei poveri (Lattuada, Felice)
- Ambassel-Præludium (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- An Introduction to the Art of Preluding and Extemporizing, Op.3 (Kollmann, Augustus Frederic Christopher)
- Andante affetuoso (Sewell, William)
- Andante con moto (Adams II, Thomas)
- Andante religioso (Marchant, Arthur William)
- Andante serioso (West, John Ebenezer)
- Andante sostenuto (Foster, Myles Birket)
- Andante (West, John Ebenezer)
- Andantino (Hailing, Robert George)
- Andantino (Hollins, Alfred)
- Andreas-Bach-Buch, D-LEm Becker III.8.4 (Various)
- Anemia (Gomes, Carlos)
- Anfangs zaghaft (Hirsch, Cornelius)
- El anillo de hierro, preludi del tercer acte (Marqués, Miguel)
- L'Anima di Musica (Corri, Philip Antony)
- Anleitung zum Gesange, und dem Klaviere (Rigler, Franz Paul)
- Anmuthige Clavier-Übung (Krieger, Johann)
- Anthony's Book (Roberts, Hayden)
- Aphorism (Vicelli, Stefano)
- Apparatus Musicus, oder Musikalischer Vorrath (Lederer, Joseph)
- Apropos Präludium, Op.90 (Hirschfeld, C. René)
- Arabesken (Bohm, Carl)
- Ariadne Musica (Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand)
- Arpeggio in G minor (Stahel, Michal)
- Ars Cantandi (Carissimi, Giacomo)
- L'art de préluder au piano, Op.94 (Barbot, Paul)
- L'art de préluder sur l'orgue, Op.36 (Schmitt, Georges)
- L'art de préluder, Op.149 (Gariboldi, Giuseppe)
- L'art de se perfectionner dans le violon (Corrette, Michel)
- The Art of Preluding, Op.300 (Czerny, Carl)
- As the Leaves Fall (Lawrence, James)
- Aspiration (Salter, Sumner)
- At the Grave, Op.61 (Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay)
- At the Gym (Allard, Michel)
- Au bord du Léman, Op.20 (Righetti, Benjamin)
- Auf meinen lieben Gott (Hanff, Johann Nicolaus)
- Auftakte zu eurythmischen Darstellungen, Op.29 (Pals, Leopold van der)
- Aus des Lebens Mai, Op.292 (Lange, Gustav)
- Autunno (Stankovych, Tatiana)
- Aves (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Ayres in 3 Parts (Bononcini, Giovanni)
- Azulejos (Albéniz, Isaac)
- Bach ist tot (Bouma, Hugo)
- Bach's C major Prelude Revisited (Tuomikoski, Jaakko A. J.)
- Bachiana Dodecafonica (St. Clair, Richard)
- Bamuseae (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Baptismal Prelude (Nicholson-Ward, Alexander Robert)
- Bauyn Manuscript, F-Pn Rés. Vm7 674-675 (Various)
- Beachside Reggae Prelude (Argentesi, Dario)
- Bell Prelude (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)
- Berceuse et Prélude (Grudziński, Antoni Wawrzyniec)
- Bhavapriya Prelude and Fugue (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Bibliothèque religieuse complète, Opp.330-341 (Battmann, Jacques-Louis)
- Black and White (Mirzazade, Khayyam)
- Black Prelude (Fabian, Andras-Attila)
- Book 1 of Partimento Preludes and Fugues (Canzano, Nicola)
- 15 Brilliant and Short Preludes for the Harp (Bochsa, Nicholas Charles)
- Buxheimer Orgelbuch (Various)
- By the Pond (Allard, Michel)
- Cabinet der Lauten (Le Sage de Richée, Franz Philipp)
- Cäcilia (Knecht, Justin Heinrich)
- 90 Cadenze, fermade, e capriccj (Štěpán, Josef Antonín)
- Cadenzen, Versetten, Präludien und Fugen (Ett, Kaspar)
- Caelum Autumn (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Caelum Spring (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Caelum Summer (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Caelum Winter (Isida, Kazue Rockzaemon)
- Camminando (Lanza, Cosimo Damiano)
- Campanile (Aleotti, Andrea)
- Canción de mi alma (Morales, Justo Tomás)
- Canestro di Fiori (Sartori, Giacomo)
- Canon a 2 voix en augmentation (Stanchinsky, Aleksey)
- Canon-Preludes (Stanchinsky, Aleksey)
- Canonisch voorspel Psalm 84:1 (Zwart, Jan)
- Cantabile (Lemmens, Jacques-Nicolas)
| C cont.
- Caprice No.31 for Solo Violin (Hanke, Adrian)
- 3 Caprices or Preludes (Steibelt, Daniel)
- Carol Prelude on Veni Emmanuel (Scott, Douglas Walter)
- 3 Cathedral Preludes, Op.25 (Harwood, Basil)
- Cathedral Prelude (Clokey, Joseph Waddell)
- Les cathédrales (Pierné, Gabriel)
- Cell Prelude in E minor (Zacchéa, Diego)
- Celtic Prelude (Boughton, Rutland)
- Chamber Music (Nielsen, Carl)
- Chansonnier de Zeghere van Male (Various)
- Des chansons reduictz en Tabulature de Lut (Various)
- Des chansons reduictz en Tabulature, livre 2 (Various)
- Chant Triomphal (Gaul, Harvey B.)
- 12 Characteristic Preludes, Op.9 (Auer, Leopold)
- Cherishment (Guo, Yijun F.)
- Chinese Suite in Baroque Form No.1 (Zhang, Shuwen)
- Chopin-An Introduction (Gardner, Herbert Straus)
- Chorale Preludes and Postludes VII (Cornelius-Bates, Benjamin)
- Chorale Preludes and Postludes V (Cornelius-Bates, Benjamin)
- Chorale Preludes II (Cornelius-Bates, Benjamin)
- 32 Chorale Preludes, HoWV VIII.2-33 (Homilius, Gottfried August)
- Choralvorspiel 'Ach Gott und Herr' (Grädener, Carl Georg Peter)
- Choralvorspiel über die Melodie "Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt verwalten", Op.14 (Labor, Josef)
- Choralvorspiele (Stern, August)
- 4 Chordal Preludes for Guitar (Jenner, George)
- Christi Weihe, Op.71 (Draeseke, Felix)
- Christmas Praeludium (Dugan, Franjo)
- 3 Christmas Preludes (Candlyn, Thomas Frederick Handel)
- 4 Christmas Preludes (Rondeau, Michel)
- The Cittharn Schoole (Holborne, Anthony)
- Classical Masterpieces (Kreisler, Fritz)
- Cleopatra (Pedrell, Felipe)
- Clouds Unfold (Klimek, Jens)
- The Cocquiel Manuscript, B-Br Ms II 3326 Mus (Various)
- Collection de Préludes et Caprices (Porro, Pierre Jean)
- Complete Works for Organ (Franck, César)
- 7 Compositions for Harpsichord (Martini, Giovanni Battista)
- 7 Compositions for Organ (Petrali, Vincenzo)
- Con moto (Alcock, Walter Galpin)
- Con moto (Hollins, Alfred)
- Conception No.8 'Prelude' (Allard, Michel)
- Concert Prelude and Fugue (Faulkes, William)
- Concert Preludes and Fugues, Op.31 (Nicholl, Horace Wadham)
- Concert Prelude (Allen, Paul Hastings)
- Concert-Präludium über 'Mein Jesu, dem die Seraphinen', Op.61 (Todt, Johann August Wilhelm)
- Concertantes Praeludium, Op.18 (Lutter, Wilhelm)
- Corelli-Album (Corelli, Arcangelo)
- Cosmico (Reyes Rodriguez, Bryan)
- Crescendi Sensoriali (Lanza, Cosimo Damiano)
- Crestas (Torre, Salvador)
- 5 Cretan Preludes (Nichifor, Serban)
- Cryptic Prelude (Chartier, Mathieu)
- Cypressenlaub (Führer, Robert)
- 23 Dainas Klavierēm (Mediņš, Jānis)
- De Melodieën der Psalmen en Lof- en Bedezangen (Worp, Johannes)
- Delitiæ musicæ (Hove, Joachim van den)
- Delitiae Testudinis (Reusner, Esaias)
- Den Norske Organist (Lindeman, Peter)
- Devant la psyché (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Diapsalmata (Eisenbrey, Keith)
- Diminutio (Ferrari, Carlotta)
- Distractions musicales et un Caprice, Op.8 (Bonjour, Charles)
- Diverses Pièces pour le Clavecin (Kirnberger, Johann Philipp)
- 24 Divertimentos and 7 Preludes, Op.7 (Graeff, Johann Georg)
- 8 Divertimentos with Preludes, Op.42 (Haigh, Thomas)
- The Division Flute (Walsh, John)
- Do preludyów Kazimierza Tetmajera (Szopski, Felicjan)
- Doktor Faust, JB 1:85 (Smetana, Bedřich)
- Dolente (Chipp, Edmund Thomas)
- Domine Deus (Mercuri, Agostino)
- Domine, exaudi vocem meam, Op.65 (Cicognani, Giuseppe)
- Dorforgelbüchlein, Op.5 (Beyer, Jonathan)
- Double, Double, Toil and Treble (Eijkhout, Victor)
- Draw Near (Crosmer, Jonathan)
- 2 Dreistimmige Fugen, Op.28 (Böhme, Oskar)
- Dreyfaches Musicalisches Exercitium (Vallade, Johann Baptist Anton)
- Dubnová preludia, Op.13 (Kaprálová, Vítězslava)
- Easter Prelude on 'O filii et filiae' (Candlyn, Thomas Frederick Handel)
- Easy Pieces, Op.99 (Ravanello, Oreste)
- Easy Prelude in F major (Gibsone, Ignace)
- 12 Easy Preludes for Harp (Craven, John Thomas)
- 55 Easy Preludes, Op.20 (Surzyński, Mieczysław)
- Ecclesiae Organum (Carl, William Crane)
- École classique de l’orgue (Guilmant, Alexandre)
- École de la harpe, Opp.91-94 (Naderman, François-Joseph)
- Edinburgh In Winter, Op.202 (Wot, Felix Firmiana)
- Een Vaste Burg is onze God (Zwart, Jan)
- Einfache Praeludien für Schüler (Schumann, Clara)
- Einheitslieder der Deutschen Diözesan-Gesangbücher (Cordes, Johannes)
- Élévation - Prélude (Rinck, Christian Heinrich)
- En bateau (Gerber, Edward Enrico)
- The Enchanted Lake, Op.29 (Gablenz, Jerzy)
- Endecha y Oremus (Tárrega, Francisco)
- Erbarm dich mein, Op.13 (Righetti, Benjamin)
- Ernste Klänge (Wenzel, Hermann)
- Escala y Preludio (Barrios Mangoré, Agustín)
- Etrennes aux Grâces, Op.93 (Carulli, Ferdinando)
- Etude et 3 Preludes, Op.40 (Lyadov, Anatoly)
- Etude, 2 Exercises and Prelude (Tárrega, Francisco)
- Etüden und Präludien (Naderman, François-Joseph)