Die hohe Schule des Violinspiels (David, Ferdinand)

Ambox notice.png This page is only for complete editions and multiple selections from the collection here. For arrangements, new editions, etc. see (or create) separate pages for individual works linked in the General Information section below.

Sheet Music

Scores and Parts


Volume 1
Editor Ferdinand David (1810-1873)
Henri Petri (1856-1914)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.[1903]. Plate V.A. 1992.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
Volume 2
Editor Ferdinand David (1810-1873)
Henri Petri (1856-1914)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d.[1903]. Plate V.A. 1993.
Misc. Notes This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project.
Editor Ferdinand David (1810–1873)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. Plate VA 375.
Misc. Notes Volksausgabe reprint of 1867-70 ed Monatsbericht (1891), p.7
From Henri Marteau's (1874—1934) archive: his pencil annotations in the violin part give us some idea of the way Baroque music was played around 1900.


Editor Friedrich Hermann (1828-1907)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: C.F. Peters, n.d. Plate 8847-88.
Misc. Notes Contains items 1 to 15 only.
Corelli: Folies d’Espagne (No.2)
Editor Ferdinand David (1810–1873)
Publisher. Info. Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, n.d. Plate 11301.
Misc. Notes 1st ed 1867, From Henri Marteau's archive



1st ed cover 1867
Petri ed cover 1907
alternate cover
Petri ed cover 1907
Hermann ed cover 1901
Hermann's edition 1902 contents list


This extremely popular collection of 20 eighteenth-century works was arranged by Ferdinand David (1810-1873), and first published by Breitkopf & Härtel in May of 1867, with another 3 works appearing in October of 1872. Along with several reissues by Breitkopf, the collection was extensively reprinted by other publishers in the decades following David's death, most often with editorial additions from well-known violinists and pedagogues. Despite some serious criticism from the musicologist Hans Joachim Moser for indulging in heavy and overly romantic editing of the original works, the collection remains an important milestone in the re-introduction of Baroque style.

Two companion series were published about a quarter century after the initial publication. There was a viola version Die hohe Schule des Violaspiels in 1899, arranged by Friedrich Hermann. Hermann added three works including the Stamitz viola concerto in D. On the other hand the series Die hohe Schule des Violoncellspiels was arranged by Friedrich Grützmacher and published by Breitkopf between 1891 and 1905. It contains 11 entirely different works, only three of which are from the Baroque period.

Hermann made a revised edition of the violin collection in two volumes which was issued by C.F. Peters in 1901 (Plates 8847, 8848). This was reprinted in 1920 and as late as 1964 (vol 1) and 1958 (vol 2). However, it contained only the first 15 works of the original 20: numbers 1 to 7 were in volume 1 and 8 to 15 in volume 2.

Several similar series were issued by other publishers between 1860 and 1920. The arrangements for cello by Alfredo Carlo Piatti (1822–1901), Jules de Swert (1843–1891), Carl Schröder (1848 –1935) and Alfred Moffat (1866–1950) were combined into Schott's Cello Library(80 works by 1930). For violin the first series was Les Maîtres Classiques du Violon edited by Deldevez, in 25 volumes from 1857, published by Richault of Paris. This was followed by Les Maîtres classiques du violon edited by Delphin Alard (1815-1888), which appeared between 1862 and 1884, in 56 volumes published by Schott. Gustav Jensen edited a series Klassische Violinmusik berühmter Meister des 17. u. 18. Jahrhunderts (34 works) and Moffat Kammer-Sonaten (26 works). For both violin and cello there were were two long series: Oeuvres d'auteurs anciens, edited by Joseph Salmon (1864-1943) (over 100 works, for both violin and cello), published by Ricordi ca. 1920. and Moffat's Meister-Schule der alten Zeit, published by Simrock (1889-1912) (36 works for violin, 18 for cello).

A companion introductory series was published in 1872-73 : Vorstudien zur hohen Schule des Violinspiels. Leichtere Stücke aus Werken berühmter Meister des 17. u. 18. Jahrhunderts. This substantial collection, running to over 150 pages, consists of 13 suites selected from sonatas by Corelli (Op.5) and Leclair (Opp.1,2 and 5).

See also the detailed article at CHASE.

Arranger and Editors

Ferdinand David (1810-1873)
Henri Petri (1853–1914) - revision issued by Breitkopf & Härtel in 1910
Friedrich Hermann (1828-1907) - viola version issued by Breitkopf & Härtel in 1899
Friedrich Hermann (1828-1907) - revised edition issued by C.F. Peters, 1901. (Nos.1-15 only)


Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, n.d.(1867). Plates 11301-11320, in 3 volumes
Zweite folge (3 works by Leclair), n.d.(1872)
Reissue - n.d.(1879)
Reissue - n.d.(1891), in 2 volumes (edited by Petri)
Reissue - n.d.(1902), in 2 volumes, 15 items (edited by Hermann, published by Peters)
Reissue - n.d.(1910). Plates V.A. 1992-1993 (edited by Petri)

General Information