Work Title
French Court Aires with their Ditties Englished
Alternative. Title
French Court-Aires, With their Ditties Englished, Of foure and five Parts, Together with that of the Lute. Si propius fiet, te capient magis, & decies repetita placebunt. Collected, Translated, Published By Ed: Filmer, Gent: Dedicated to the Queene. Gratia Regum Pierris tentata medis ; ne forte pudori Sit mihi Musa lyra solers, & cantor Apollo
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
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see below:
- Pierre Guédron: Bright Abstract of us seaven / Adorable princesse
- Pierre Guédron: At length, heere Shee is / Enfin, la voyci
- Pierre Guédron: Why have Thoughts conspired
- Pierre Guédron: O what muster of glances (Cupids troupe of Lances!)
- Pierre Guédron: With what wings can I fly
- Pierre Guédron: What spell holds thee, my Sunne, from rising?
- Pierre Guédron: How was Amyntas blest
- Pierre Guédron: Why, alas! cri'd-out my Mother
- Pierre Guédron: Sylvia, not long since, halfe-affrighted
- Pierre Guédron: Willt thou, untam'd alas! still flie, for fear of charming
- Pierre Guédron: If key of Speach, or locke of Silence
- Pierre Guédron: Too much wee range the waves
- Pierre Guédron: That same little great King of harts
- Antoine Boesset: Reason! arme thy wrong'd hands
- Pierre Guédron: Thou, whoe Fortune, now turn'd tender
- Pierre Guédron: Since our round Yeare hath but one Spring
- Pierre Guédron: Say then! my hard Jewell (Pierre Guédron)
- Antoine Boesset: Know, my dear Idoll Cloris!
- Pierre Guédron: To your sportstand delights, yee blith lasses!
Edward Filmer (ca.1654–1703), English Translation
English (original French texts also included)
Henrietta Maria, Queen of England
Piece Style
4-5 voices, lute
Extra Information