List of works by Reinhold Glière

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Category:Glière, Reinhold.

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Works with Opus Number

  • Op.1 - String Sextet No.1 in C minor (1898)
  • Op.2 - String Quartet No.1 in A major (1899)
  • Op.3 - Romance in D major for violin and piano (1902)
  • Op.4 - Ballade in B major for cello and piano (1902)
  • Op.5 - String Octet in D major (1900)
  • Op.6 - 3 Romances for voice and piano (1902)
    1. [Не верь, что заботам]
    2. People's tears [Слёзы людские]
    3. In moments to delight devoted [В порыве нежности сердечной]
  • Op.7 - String Sextet No.2 in B minor (1904)
  • Op.8 - Symphony No.1 in E major (1899-1900)
  • Op.9 - 2 Morceaux pour contrebasse et piano (1902)
    1. Intermezzo
    2. Tarantella
  • Op.10 - 6 Romances for voice and piano (1904)
    1. [Оттого моя арфа безмолвна висит]
    2. [Колокола]
    3. [Умчался день]
    4. [Любовь - мечта]
    5. [Проснись, дитя моё]
    6. [В порыве слёз]
  • Op.11 - String Sextet No.3 in C major (1904)
  • Op.12 - 6 Romances for voice and piano (1903)
    1. [Если жизнь тебя обманет]
    2. [Звёздочка кроткая]
    3. [Ты так наивна]
    4. [Придёшь ли с новою весной]
    5. [Любовь цветет]
    6. [Чего хочу, чего]
  • Op.13 - Suite for two-part female choir and piano (1904)
    1. Spring [Весна]
    2. Summer [Лето]
    3. Autumn [Осень]
    4. Winter [Зима]
  • Op.14 - 6 Romances for voice and piano (1904)
    1. The night is sad [Ночь печальна]
    2. We parted [Мы с тобой разошлись навсегда]
    3. [На цветах дрожат слезинки]
    4. [Как светла, как нарядна весна]
    5. How dark is the night [Как ночь темна]
    6. [Поймут ли?]
  • Op.15 - Scherzo for piano in C minor (1904)
  • Op.16 - 2 Pieces for Piano (1904)
    1. Prélude in C minor
    2. Romance in E major
  • Op.17 - 5 Esquisses for piano (1904)
  • Op.18 - 8 Romances for voice and piano (1904)
    1. [Весна наступила]
    2. [Сумерки]
    3. [Звёзды ночью весенней]
    4. [Снова сон]
    5. [Темные тучи нависли над нами]
    6. [О, что со мной]
    7. [О, не вплетай цветов]
    8. [Берберская Песня "Я любить тебя до смерти клялся"]
  • Op.19 - 3 Morceaux for piano (1905)
    1. Mazurka in A minor
    2. Intermezzo in B major
    3. Mazurka in B minor
  • Op.20 - String Quartet No.2 in G minor (1905)
  • Op.21 - 3 Pieces for Piano (1905)
    1. Tristesse
    2. Joie
    3. Chagrin
  • Op.22 - Die Schmiede (The Blacksmiths) [Кузнецы "Мех гудит и дышит шумно"], for bass and piano (1904)
  • Op.23 - 5 Romances for voice and piano (1905)
    1. [В дали безбрежной]
    2. [Я твой смех беспечный]
    3. [Опять, опять твой тихий лепет]
    4. [Листья шумели уныло]
    5. [Нет, не могу я заснуть]
  • Op.24 - 6 Two-part Childrens Choruses accompanied on piano (1905)
    1. [Здравствуй, гостья зима]
    2. [Колыбельная песня]
    3. [Сияет солнце]
    4. [Над цветами и травой]
    5. [Цветок (Весело цветики в поле...)]
    6. [В синем море]
  • Op.25 - Symphony No.2 in C minor (1907)
  • Op.26 - 6 Morceaux for piano (1906)
    1. Prélude (B major)
    2. Prélude (E minor)
    3. Prélude (B minor)
    4. Chanson Simple (E minor)
    5. Mazurka (F minor)
    6. Feuillet d'Album (B major)
  • Op.27 - 7 Romances for voice and piano (1906)
    1. [Твои глаза мне так сияют]
    2. [Под шум дождя]
    3. [Как тепло, как привольно весной!]
    4. [Побледнели, увяли цветы]
    5. [В полусне]
    6. [Падают капли печальные]
    7. [И ветра стон]
  • Op.28 - 11 Romances for voice and piano (1906)
    1. [Коль любить, так без рассудку]
    2. [Восточная песнь]
    3. [О, если б грусть моя]
    4. [Как в бреду]
    5. [Жить - будем жить!]
    6. [Ты весенних обманов не жди]
    7. [Всё мне грезится море]
    8. [Засмеёшься ли ты, - мне не весело]
    9. [Я больше её не люблю]
    10. [Взор твой безмолвен - и всюду мгла]
    11. [Спит море предо мной]
  • Op.29 - 3 Mazurkas for piano (1906)
  • Op.30 - 25 Preludes for piano, in 5 volumes (1907)
  • Op.31 - Kinderstucke, 12 piano pieces of middle difficulty for children (1907)
    1. Prélude
    2. Nocturne
    3. Berceuse
    4. Rêverie
    5. Chanson populaire
    6. Valse
    7. Romance
    8. Etude
    9. Mazurka
    10. Chant oriental
    11. Feuillet d'album
    12. Air de Ballet
  • Op.32 - 2 Pièces pour contrebasse et piano (1908)
  1. Prélude [Прелюдия]
  2. Scherzo [Скерцо]
  • Op.33 - The Sirens [Сирены], symphonic poem for big orchestra in F minor (1904-1908)
  • Op.34 - 24 Pieces Caracteristiques pour la Jeunesse, piano pieces for the youth in 4 Bks. (1908)
    1. Petit poeme [Маленькая поэма]
    2. Danse polonaise [Польский танец]
    3. Les larmes [Слёзы]
    4. Chant des chasseurs [Песня охотников]
    5. Regret [Сожаление]
    6. Les clochettes [Колокольчики]
    7. Aux champs [В полях]
    8. Arlequin [Арлекин]
    9. Chanson [Песня]
    10. Au berceau [У колыбели]
    11. Ballade [Баллада]
    12. Esquisse [Эскиз]
    13. Melodie [Мелодия]
    14. Scherzo [Скерцо]
    15. Chanson Russe [Русская песня]
    16. Danse des badins
    17. Aquarelle [Акварель]
    18. Impromptu [Экспромт]
    19. Serenade [Серенада]
    20. Quasi menuetto [Вроде менуэта]
    21. Meditation
    22. Pastorale
    23. En reve
    24. Danse orientale
  • Op.35 - 11 Pieces for different instruments and piano (1908)
    1. Mélodie (Flûte)
    2. Valse (Flûte)
    3. Chanson (Oboe or Violin)
    4. Andante (Oboe or Violin)
    5. Moment musical (Violoncello)
    6. Romance (Clarinet)
    7. Valse triste (Clarinet)
    8. Humoresque (Bassoon)
    9. Impromptu (Bassoon)
    10. Nocturne (Horn)
    11. Intermezzo (Horn)
  • Op.36 - 6 Romances for voice accompanied by piano (1908)
    1. [Сладко пел душа соловушко]
    2. [Смерть]
    3. [Могла ль не верить я]
    4. [Вы сказались, бессонные ночи]
    5. [Она пела]
    6. [Душа моя в плену]
  • Op.37 - 4 two-part childrens choruses accompanied by piano (1908)
    1. [Травка зеленеет]
    2. [Здравствуй, весна!]
    3. [Тихо пламя зорьки ясной]
    4. [Вечер]
  • Op.38 - 24 Pièces faciles for piano 4 hands (1908)
    1. Prélude in D major
    2. Valse in C major
    3. Impromptu in Ab major
    4. Menuett in D major
    5. Folksong in B minor
    6. Mazurka in A major
    7. Albumleaf in A minor
    8. Musical Moment in Ab major
    9. Elegie in B minor
    10. Melodie in C major
    11. Berceuse in F minor
    12. Scherzo in D major
    13. Regret in F# minor
    14. Agitato in G minor
    15. A Lyrical Moment in E major
    16. March in C minor
    17. Orientale in B major
    18. Esquisses in E minor
    19. Reverie in B major
    20. Arabeque in G major
    21. Intermezzo in Eb major
    22. Song in A minor
    23. Melancholic Thoughts in Db major
    24. Tarantella in F major
  • Op.39 - 8 Pieces, for Violin and Cello (1909)
  • Op.40 - 2 Esquisses for piano (1909)
    1. Tranquillo in Db major
    2. Allegro molto e leggiero in C# minor
  • Op.41 - 6 Morceaux pour 2 Pianos 4 hands (1909)
    1. Prélude in E minor
    2. Valse triste in C minor
    3. Chanson in B minor
    4. Basso ostinato in A minor
    5. Air de ballet in B major
    6. Mazurka in C# minor
  • Op.42 - Symphony No.3 'Ilya Murometz', in B minor (1909-1911)
  • Op.43 - 8 Easy Pieces for Piano (1909)
    1. Prélude [Прелюдия]
    2. Prayer
    3. Mazurka [Мазурка]
    4. Morning [Утро]
    5. Evening [Вечер]
    6. Rondo [Рондо]
    7. Arietta [Ариэтта]
    8. Little March [Маленький марш]
  • Op.44 - 4 Romances for voice and piano (1908)
    1. At night [Ночью]
    2. [У моря ночью]
    3. [Ручей]
    4. [Ночь серебристая]
  • Op.45 - 12 Pièces faciles for Violin and Piano (1909)
    1. Prélude
    2. Valse (Waltz)
    3. Romance
    4. Chanson populaire
    5. Caprice
    6. Etude
    7. Air
    8. Impromptu
    9. Mazurka
    10. Nocturne
    11. Scherzo
  • Op.46 - 4 Romances for voice and piano (1909-1910)
    1. [Слышу я голос ласкающий]
    2. [Меж подводных стеблей]
    3. [Тоска любви]
    4. [Мы плыли с тобой]
  • Op.47 - 12 Esquisses (middle difficulty) for piano in 3 volumes. (1909)
  • Op.48 - 12 Morceaux of middle difficulty for piano 4 hands (1909)
    1. Prélude
    2. Valse
    3. Esquisse
    4. Plainte
    5. Etude
    6. Chanson Bergère
    7. Arabesque
    8. En Reve
    9. Mazurka
    10. Fughetta [Фугетта]
    11. Scherzo
    12. Orientale
  • Op.49 - 12 Duos for 2 Violins (1909)
  • Op.50 - 2 Romances for voice and piano (1909)
    1. Zieht die Nacht... [Ночь идёт]
    2. Erwache, Kind!.. [Проснись, дитя!]
  • Op.51 - 12 Albumleaves for Cello and Piano (1910)
  • Op.52 - 12 Romances for voice and piano (1911)
    1. [Там, где сетью белоснежной]
    2. [Так долго ждать]
    3. [Как звёзды бессмертно горят]
    4. [Надвигается сумрак]
    5. [Только лишь грёза]
    6. [Я боюсь что люблю]
    7. [Под звучными волнами]
    8. [Русалка]
    9. [Точно призрак умирающий]
    10. [Я один]
    11. [День погас]
    12. [Я хочу веселья]
  • Op.53 - 10 Duos for 2 Cellos (1911)
  • Op.54 - 7 Artistic-Instructive Pieces for violin and piano in two books /1-3 positions/ (1911)
  1. Prelude [Прелюдия]
  2. Pastoral [Пастораль]
  3. Esquisse [Эскиз]
  4. Minuet [Менуэт]
  5. Melodie [Мелодия]
  6. [У ручья]
  7. Humoresque [Юмореска]
  • Op.55 - 2 works, for Womens' Chorus with Piano (Balmont) (1911)
  1. Над гладью зеркальной
  2. Из моря смотрит островок
  • Op.56 - 3 Esquisses for piano (1911)
    1. A major
    2. G minor
    3. D major
  • Op.57 - Ghazals about a rose [Газэлы о розе], 7 romances for voice and piano on text of Vyacheslav Ivanov (1911)
    1. [Всем Армения богата]
    2. [Милий меж юнаков]
    3. [Упоена и в неге тонет]
    4. [Славит мечь багряной славой]
    5. [Вся над башней звездочета]
    6. [Что любовь?]
    7. [Страж последнего порога]
  • Op.58 - 7 Romances for voice and piano (1912)
    1. From Paul Verlaine [Из Поля Верлена]
    2. [В этом мире]
    3. [Грустные взоры склоняя]
    4. [Лада]
    5. The Three Holy Kings [Три светлых царя из восточной страны]
    6. You beautiful fishermaiden [Красавица рыбачка]
    7. [Я атлас злополучный]
  • Op.59 - 7 Romances for voice and piano (1912)
    1. [Я звал тебя] (Sergey Makovsky)
    2. [Люби меня ясно, как любит заря] (Fyodor Sologub)
    3. [Над пучиной моря] (Konstantin Balmont)
    4. [На заре] (Mikhail Sabashnikov)
    5. [Мне страшно. Целую тебя] (Sergey Makovsky)
    6. [Грёзы] (Boris Bugayev)
    7. [Безумный жрец] (Sergey Makovsky)
  • Op.60 - 2 Poems for voice (Soprano) and orchestra (1st Ed. 1924, 2nd Ed. 1942)
  • Op.61 - 24 Morceaux pour 2 pianos (1912)
    1. Prélude
    2. Six variations on an original theme
    3. Ostinato
    4. Soirée d’été
    5. Chant populaire
    6. Danse populaire
    7. Dans la forêt
    8. Les nymphes
    9. Nocturne
    10. Pres du ruisseau [У ручья]
    11. Le génie de la forêt
    12. La chasse
    13. Prélude oriental
    14. Danse languide
    15. Muezzin
    16. Danse orientale
    17. Zourna
    18. Pres d’une mosquée [У мечети]
    19. Au champ
    20. Le blé flottant
    21. Les bluets
    22. L’alouette
    23. Chant des faucheurs
    24. Le Vent
  • Op.62 - 7 Romances for voice and piano (1912)
    1. [Ты мне была сестрой] (Konstantin Balmont)
    2. [Осенница] (Vitold Akhramovich)
    3. [От пламени страстей] (Vladimir Solovyov)
    4. [И плакала она] (Viktor Strazhev)
    5. [Когда я прозревал] (Aleksandr Blok)
    6. [Осени дыханием гонимы] (Maxim Gorky)
    7. [Кто, волны, вас остановил] (Aleksandr Pushkin)
  • Op.63 - 12 Romances for voice and piano (1913)
    1. [Дуют ветры]
    2. [Когда тебя клеймят]
    3. [Свеча горит и меркнет]
    4. [Если б счастье моё было вольным орлом]
    5. [Колыбельная песня]
    6. [Словно как лебеди белые]
    7. [Ночь и буря]
    8. [Да, это был лишь сон]
    9. [Грядой клубится белою]
    10. [Люблю тебя]
    11. [Свет победит!]
    12. [Отчалила лодка]
    • Op.63b - Préludes
      1. A minor
      2. G# minor
      3. E major
  • Op.64 - The Zaporozhe Cossacks, Symphonic ballet-piece (after the painting of Ilya Efimovich Repin) in F Major (1921)
  • Op.65 - Khrizis [Хризис], Mimes ballet in 3 acts (1st Ed. 1912, 2nd Ed. 1925)
    • Op.65a - Suite No.1 from the ballet Khrizis for symphonic orchestra (1925)
    • Op.65b - Suite No.2 from the ballet Khrizis for symphonic orchestra (1925)
  • Op.66 - Trizna [Тризна], Symphonic Poem in F minor (1911-1915)
  • Op.67 - String Quartet No.3 in D minor (1927)
  • Op.68 - The comedians, Ballet in 3 acts with prologue (1st Ed. 1922, 2nd Ed. 1930, 3rd Ed. 1935)
    • Op.68a - Suite No.1 for Symphonic Orchestra from the Ballet The comedians (1930)
    • Op.68b - Suite No.2 for Symphonic Orchestra from the Ballet The comedians (1930)
  • Op.69 - Shakh-Senem [Шах-Сенем], opera in 4 acts (1st Ed. 1923-25, 2nd Ed. 1926-1934)
    • Op.69a - Suite for Symphonic Orchestra from the opera Shakh-Senem (1933)
  • Op.70 - The Red Poppy [Красный мак], ballet in 3 acts (1st Ed. 1926-27, 2nd Ed. 1949, 3rd Ed. 1955)
    • Op.70a - Suite No. 1 from the Ballet The Red Poppy for symphonic orchestra (1950)
      1. Danse des femmes malaises
      2. Danse avec l’éventail
      3. Danse ua réstaurant
      4. Danse aux des d’or
      5. Danse victorieuse des koulis
      6. Danse des matelots internationaux
      7. Danse des matelots russes
      8. Danse des chinoises
      9. Danse des pavots
      10. Danse du saltimbanque chinois
      11. Charlston
      12. Danse sur le plat
      13. Danse avec des écharpes
      14. Danse du diable
      15. Danse avec l’ombrelle
      16. Danse avec le ruban
      17. Valse-Boston
      18. Danse avec la coupe
    • Op.70b - Suite No. 2 from the ballet The Red Poppy for symphonic orchestra (1950)
    • Op.70c - 3 Pieces from “The Red Poppy” Ballet – Piano solo
      1. Adagio
      2. Variation of Tao-Choa
      3. Oriental Valse
  • Op.71 - Heroic March of the Burjat-Mongolian ASSR (1934-36)
  • Op.72 - Solemn overture for large symphonic orchestra in G major (1937)
  • Op.73 - Zapovit (The bequest). Symphonic poem in E minor (1941)
  • Op.74 - Concerto for harp and symphony orchestra in E major (1938)
  • Op.75 - Feast in Fergana [Ферганский праздник], overture for large symphonic orchestra in D major (1940)
  • Op.76 - Fieldmarch for wind orchestra in B Major (1941)
  • Op.77 - Overture on Slavonic themes for symphonic orchestra in F major (1941)
  • Op.78 - Cleopatra, Egyptian nights, Ballet mime in one act (1925)
  • Op.79 - The friendship of the peoples Overture for symphonic orchestra in A major (1941)
  • Op.80 - Symphonic Fantasy for Folk-Instruments orchestra in F major (1943)
  • Op.81 - Rachel, opera in one act (1942-43)
  • Op.82 - Concerto for Coloratura and Orchestra in F minor/F major (1942-43)
  • Op.83 - String Quartet No.4 in F minor (1943)
  • Op.84 - 25 Years Red Army 25 лет Красной Армии, Overture for wind orchestra in E minor (1943)
  • Op.85 - Music to the play Farhad and Shirin [Фархад и Ширин] (1946)
  • Op.86 - Victory Overture for symphonic orchestra in B minor (1944)
    • Op.86a - The above piece for wind orchestra (1945)
  • Op.87 - Concerto for cello and symphonic orchestra in D minor (1945-46)
  • Op.88 - Music to the movie Alisher Navoi (1947)
  • Op.89 - The Bronze Horseman ballet in 4 acts (1948-49)
    • Op.89a - Suite from the Ballet The Bronze Horseman for symphonic orchestra (1949)
    • Op.89b - The Bronze Horseman Ballet – 2 pieces arr. Piano solo
    1. Hymn to the Great City
    2. Valse
    • Op.89c - Dance on the Square [Act 1] from “Bronze Horseman” Ballet – Piano 4 hands
    • Op.89d - 4 Pieces from “Bronze Horseman” Ballet – Piano solo
    1. Dance of Materi & Parasha
    2. Dance of the Pensive Girl
    3. Dance of Parasha
    4. Dance of the Children
  • Op.90 - Concert waltz for symphonic orchestra in D major (1950)
  • Op.91 - Concerto for Horn and symphonic orchestra in B major (1950)
  • Op.92 - Taras Bulba ballet in 4 acts (1951-52)
    • Op.92a - Suite from the ballet Taras Bulba for symphonic orchestra (1951-52)
  • Op.93 - Glory of the Soviet army Cantata for soloists, choir, narrator, symphonic- and wind orchestra (1953)
  • Op.94 - Leili and Medshnun, opera in 4 acts (1940)
  • Op.95 - Not Used
  • Op.96 - Gyulsara [Гюльсара], opera in 4 acts (1949)
  • Op.97 - Festive overture for symphonic orchestra in D major (1955)
  • Op.98 - Not Used
  • Op.99 - 2 Pieces for Piano (1955)
    1. Impromptu for the Left Hand
    2. Melodie
  • Op.100 - Violin Concerto (Concert-Allegro) in G minor, Posth., completed by Boris Lyatoshinsky (1956)

Works without Opus Number

  • 1900
    • Earth and Heaven Земля и небо], opera-oratorio after the Poem of George Gordon Byron
  • 1905
    • Schluck und Jau [Шлюк и Яу], music after the play of Gerhardt Hauptmann
  • 1908
  • 1914
  • 1916
    • Quiet and deep is the hour before the twilight, Romance for voice and piano
  • 1918
    • Oj, u poli zhito [Ой, у полі жито], Septet for men and woman-voices
    • Bulo lito [Було літо], Mixed Choir, à cappella
  • 1919
    • The Imitation of Ezekiel [Подражание Иезекиилю], Symphonic Poem (Melodram) for narrator and orchestra (Shevchenko)
  • 1920
  • 1921
  • 1922
    • Oedipus Rex [Царь Эдип], Music to the Tragedy of Sophocles
  • 1923
    • Lysistrata, Music to the Comedy of Aristophanes
    • Through the grey smoke [Сквозь серый дым от краю и до краю], Quartet for men voices (Blok)
  • 1924
    • The Chalk Circle [Чай Гай-Танг (Меловой круг)], Music to the play of Klabund
    • For the Festival of the Komintern [На праздник Коминтерна], Fantasy for wind orchestra
    • March of the Red Army [Марш Красной Армии], for wind orchestra
    • Üsküdar, Turkish song for Cornet (Trumpet) and piano
    • The Grasshoppers [Саранча], Music to the play of E. O. Lyubimov-Lanskoy
    • Old Waltz, Romance for voice and piano
    • 2 Romances for voice and piano.
  • 1926
    • Esmeralda, for symphony orchestra
  • 1927
    • Marriage of Figaro [Безумный день, или Женитьба Фигаро], Music to the Comedy of Pierre Beaumarchais
  • 1930
  • 1931
    • The Earth is Thirsty [Земля жаждет], Music to the cinema film by Yuli Raizman
  • 1932
    • 2 Songs for Choir for two voices and piano
  • 1933
    • Conveyor belt of the death, Music to the cinema film
  • 1934
  • 1935
    • The governors' Buddhas, Music to the cinema film
    • The Cossacks whistled it, Ukrainian folk song. For mixed Choir with big symphony orchestra
  • 1936
    • Gyulsara [Гюльсара], musical drama
  • 1937
    • Gyulsara [Гюльсара], Overture of the musical drama
  • 1938
    • Song about the steam locomotive, for voice and piano
  • 1939
    • Friends meet again [Друзья встречаются вновь], Music to the cinema film
    • A Toast [Здравица], for voice and orchestra
    • Brave Hearts, In a front of heroic patriots..., song for voice and piano
  • 1941
    • Brave Hearts, In a front of heroic patriots..., transcription for solo voice and two voice Choir accompanied by piano
    • 2 Songs for voice and piano
  • 1942
    • For the Happiness of the Fatherland, Overture for symphony orchestra
  • 1943
    • Young Mongolia, Song for voice and piano
    • 2 mixed Choirs, à cappella
    • Song of the work, for solo voice and Choir accompanied by piano
  • 1947
    • Impromptu for harp
    • Moscow stands, for voice and piano
    • 2 Romances for voice and piano
    • Letter to Siberia, In the depth of the Siberian ore... [Послание в Сибирь], Vocal Quartet
    • The bride solicitor and the suitors, Vocal Quartet
    • Ali-Shir Nava'i [Алишер Навои], Music to the cinema film
  • 1953
    • The end of ceremonial, Choir after a Text of the Chinese poet Zjui Juan
  • 1954
    • March of the Soviet Army, For folk instruments orchestra
    • Song of the mothers, womens choir
  • 1965
    • [Гимн великому городу], Music to the cinema film
  • Хоры:
    • Гимн труду
    • Гимн великому городу
    • Сияет солнце
    • Храброе сердце (Вперед, в поход, герои патриоты)