Pierre Laforge



Brazilian music publisher Pierre Laforge was a French immigrant in Rio de Janeiro. In 1834 in his own "estamparia de música" he engraved for João Bartolomeu Klier. In 1836 he started his own business, "Imprensa Musical de Pierre Laforge", the first Brazilian music publisher to publish with a certain regularity. Mercedes Reis Pequeno mentions he was "the most prolific publisher of sheet music in the empire". Pierre Laforge published mostly Modinhas, Lundus and Airs. In 1851 the firm was sold to Salmon & Cia.

The scores were usually published in small formats, without front cover pages. Sometimes, the initials "P.L." were printed at the bottom of the last page.


  • 1834-1836: Rua do Ouvidor, 149.
  • 1837-1850: Rua da Cadeia (Rua da Assembleia), 89.
  • 1851: Rua do Ourives, 60

Sources consulted

Published scores

Composer Work Year
Trindade Adorei uma alma impura
Trindade Corações que o amor uniu
Trindade Meu destino é imudável
Trindade Tive amor fui desditoso
Trindade Quando não posso avistar-te
Garcia Beijo a mão que me condena, M 226 ca.1840
Garcia No momento da partida meu coração t'entreguei, M 238
Fachinetti Em qualquer parte que esteja
Fachinetti O retrato
Anonymous Quem é pobre não tem vícios
Laforge Tu és bella como a rosa
Chaves Quem socorre hum desgraçado