The Beast (Drehmer, Earl Richard)




MP4 file (audio/video)
Pseudotonal (2023/12/15)

Publisher Info. Earl Richard Drehmer, 2012.
Performers Ensoniq EPS
Misc. Notes score performed by Ensoniq EPS, recorded by Audacity, video created with Windows Movie Maker
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TN-PMLP1398400-The Beast 3 (IMSLP 2)-6650.jpg


MP3 file (audio)
Pseudotonal (2023/12/15)

Publisher Info. Earl Richard Drehmer, 2012.
Performers Ensoniq EPS
Misc. Notes score performed by EPS and recorded by Audacity
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TN-PMLP1398400-The Beast 2-4407.jpg
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General Information

Work Title The Beast
Alternative. Title
Composer Drehmer, Earl Richard
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IED 81
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 2000 ca.
First Performance. 2012/11/07
First Publication. 2012
Average DurationAvg. Duration 10 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation various sound samples, organ
Extra Information improvised

Navigation etc.

This music and video represent the two beasts predicted in Revelation 13. When they come they will destroy as many Godly people as possible and will deceive most others to worship the first beast. Beast-like people have always been around. They are the Anti-Christs mentioned elsewhere in the Bible. But there will come a day when the actual beasts that God spoke about will really come and do exactly what was prophesied. Will the prophesies be taken seriously? No. Others have not been, so these will not be also. Most people will continue to fall for lies as they do now. However the results then will be catastrophic whereas now they are merely horrible.

The video begins by displaying artists' renditions of the beast and other beast-like creatures beginning with Saturn devouring one of his own children. Next is shown the attempts of man to meet his own needs in his rebellion toward God by indulging every whim, feeling, addiction, foolishness, and evil. The result of this is death, whether murder or suicide. Finally is shown the attempts of man to get to god (his own invented god) by his own ideas, without Jesus. The religion of today states that what you believe is your business. The problem with this is that some beliefs will kill you and kill others. You are welcome to your own wrong opinions but your not welcome to choose the consequences.