(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Lawes, Henry.)
Henry Lawes
(5 December 1595 — 21 October 1662)
Name in Other Languages: ヘンリー・ローズ, 亨利·勞斯, 亨利·劳斯, هنري لاوس, هنرى لاوس, Генри Лоус
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 64133741, LCCN: n81074409, ISNI: 0000000122809562, GND: 122315073, SUDOC: 086208179, BNF: 12879550c, BIBSYS: 4055165, MusicBrainz: d41e795e-5766-4dba-a0ac-49f95a2f169e, NKC: xx0021073, ICCU: SBLV126149, CiNii: DA07086194, IATH: w6vt378g
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