Guia de Upload

Esta página explica como enviar partituras ao IMSLP. Talvez você deseje ler o overview primeiro. Certifique-se de ter verificado o status de copyright antes de prosseguir.

Enviar partituras é, basicamente:

  1. Criar uma página de compositor se não houver
  2. Criar uma página para a obra se não houver
  3. Adicionar o arquivo à página da obra

Informações adicionais:

  • Para detalhes sobre o estilo correto de envio, favor checar o Manual de Estilo.
  • Para casos especiais como partes, peças incompletas, edições diferentes, arranjos, etc., ver a página Casos Especiais

Na dúvida, coloque a partitura do jeito que achar melhor. O objetivo é fazer com que os títulos das obras sejam claros para todos, fazer as páginas de obras o mais sucintas possível, bem como as listas de obras. Você também pode deixar um recado na seção Moderator Request(Pedidos ao Moderador, em inglês) dofórum.


Creating a new composer page

  1. Go to the main composer page, and click on "Add Composer".
  2. The form should be fairly self-explanatory. All fields are optional except Last Name, First Name (usually, unless for some reason the composer doesn't have one) and Time Period.
    1. If the composer bridges two time periods, choose the period that the composer spent most of his life in.
    2. If you think the composer should be credited to both periods equally, please select one of the periods, and leave a note in the Moderator Request section of the forums.
    3. Please include the full date (year/month/day) of the birth and death dates if possible.
  3. PLEASE DO NOT CREATE EMPTY COMPOSER PAGES. Composer pages which are still empty 24 hours after their creation may be deleted without further notice.

Creating a new work page

  1. First of all, check on the composer page if the work page already exists. If not, go to the page of the composer of the work, and click on "add a piece to this composer page". Do not create double work page entries! Different editions, manuscripts, scans, typesets, arrangements all come on the same work page.
  2. An explanation of the form is available on the form page itself. If there are any fields besides the three mandatory ones (page title, genre, and piece style) which you don't know, leave it blank.
  3. PLEASE DO NOT CREATE EMPTY WORK PAGES. Work pages which are still empty 24 hours after their creation may be deleted without further notice.

Adding a File to a Work Page

  1. Go to the work page of that work, and click on "Add a file to this work page".
  2. Please add as much information as you can. This helps prevent confusion and redundant files to be added. Help for filling in this infomation can be found at IMSLP:Contributing scores. The fields are explained on the submission page itself.
  • The only permitted file types are PDF, DJVU, MUS, SIB and ZIP. The current file size limit is 100MB; there really shouldn't be a reason to have a file larger than that, but if you do, please contact me at IMSLP staff contact list and we'll figure something out.

Appendix: How to Batch Upload/Submit

How to Batch Submit

To batch submit files (up to 15) to a work page, use the "Add multiple files to this work page" link on the work page itself. However, some pages do not have this link. You can add this link by adding the following code:

<br>[[Special:AddMultipleFiles/{{PAGENAME}}|Add multiple files to this work page]]

after the "[[Special:AddFile/{{PAGENAME}}|Add a file to this work page]]" line.


Note that all fields will be the same for all files, which means you will probably have to manually edit the page after submission.

How to add thumbnails and preview samples


Thumbnails appear to the right of the file description box.

  • Upload a thumbnail of the score. Please give the filename a prefix of "TN-" (i.e. TN-Mahler-SymphonyNo1-Peters.jpg) for neat system purposes.
  • All thumbnails are automatically resized to a height of 165 pixels (at the moment), but are viewable in full resolution after clicking on their link. The aspect ratio is maintained with resizing.
  • The thumbnail can at the moment not be added in the file submission form. To add a thumbnail, edit the file page, and add to the template the field
    |Thumb Filename=<<thumnbail filename>>.

Preview samples

If a preview sample is added, a link is placed in the first bar of the file description. Adding a preview of the first measures is especially useful in the case of large files, so that users can decide wether they will download.

  • Upload a sample of the file. Include some of the first measures at full resolution. Pleas give the filename a prefix of "PV-" (i.e. PV-Mahler-SymphonyNo1-Peters.jpg) for neat system purposes.
  • The sample can at the moment not be added in the file submission form. To add a sample, edit the file page, and add to the template the field
    |Sample Filename=<<sample filename>>.

An example of both thumbnails and preview images are on Piano Sonata No.11 (Beethoven, Ludwig van)

P.S. Please do not upload images larger than 12 megapixels as they will be displayed wrongly.